Masters in Technology

The field of technology includes hundreds of disciplines that provide us with various products and services that we use every single day. It concentrates on the design and development of various devices and products that fulfill our various needs and transform our lives, making them easier than ever before. From cell phones to satellites, everything we see around us and use to accomplish a task is a product of technology. While technology contributes to virtually every field from marine biology to astrophysics, its main concentration is communications technology, computer systems and their related fields.

Featured Programs

Masters in Technology Education
If teaching is your career dream, it is important that you have all the required skills and knowledge for a successful career as an educator. Modern classrooms incorporate technology to enhance learning and teaching methods. To specialize in this area, a masters in technology education is the right degree program to pursue. This is a two year graduate level program that focuses on technology used in educational institutions. Some of the important areas covered in this program include curriculum development, multimedia education, eLearning, and leadership. This program is offered by many accredited schools and colleges. You can also enroll in online classes for masters in technology education.

Masters Degree in Technology
A masters degree in technology is one of the highest qualifications you can earn from a technology or school. It is a graduate level program that focuses on providing students with more advanced information and skill enhancement in a particular area. Graduate programs in education technology are available in specialization areas such as instruction design, curriculum development, multimedia and classrooms, innovative learning, and leadership. The core objective of the program is to prepare students for job positions in educational institutes at managerial or executive level. The growing integration of education and technology has raised the demand for technology professionals in the education sector.

What is the master of technology?
The Master of Science in technology or MS degree is a two-year long degree that can be completed on-campus or online at a number of colleges around the country. In order to enroll in this program, students must have a bachelor’s degree in technology, or a related field such as engineering. The program includes generalized courses in IT such as programming, network design and maintenance,
information security, database management and communications technology. Additionally, students will also take courses relevant to their specialization, and complete a field research under the supervision of their professors.

What are the future prospects?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities in the field of technology will increase by more than 20% by 2018. The Master of technology degree is a great way to take advantage of this phenomenal growth and obtain a job at research and development facilities, manufacturing companies, private business or government organizations. Average wages for professionals in this field currently stand at$78,000; while the top ten percent earn more than $140,000 per year.

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Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the core objective of a Master In Technology program?

A:This program teaches students how to manage technology in business and industry. they learn how to implement technological innovation to current business practices and improve performance. The curriculum also provides students with theoretical knowledge with a thorough study of practical case studies and projects. Students also gain hands on experience in by working with leading mentors and executives in projects of their own.

Q:What are the advantages of pursuing a Master Degree Technology online program?

A:Online master's degree programs have advantages of their own. The cost is less expensive and students are not required to travel to college campus. They can sit and study from within their homes at times that suit them the best. There is time flexibility in case of online programs. Those who are working or are in a professional career can keep on working without having to worry about missing classes. Online degree programs can also be attained in less time as compared to campus based classes.

Q:Can you tell me about a few specialization areas offered in a master of science in technology program?

A:A Master of Science in technology can be pursued in a number of specialization areas. You can opt for any one of the following popular areas: computer science, microelectronics, system design, CAD, communication systems, software design chemical engineering, automobile engineering, illumination technology, instrumentation technology, and more. These are just a few of the areas offered by most technology schools.

Q:To enroll in a masters degree technology, what admission requirements do i have to fulfill?

A:For a masters degree technology program, the admission requirements may vary according to universities. Different universities have different criteria and the criterion for foreign students and online admissions also differ. The usual requirements however are to have a four year bachelor's degree, a few letters of recommendation, and a minimum CGPA requirement of 2.5. Some programs may also require a good GRE/GMAT score.

Q:Can you brief what will a masters in technology course prepare me for when I join the industry?

A:A masters in technology degree will polish your skills and develop the technical expertise required to meet the challenging demands of the IT industry. With courses like software development, database systems, and web technologies, you will enhance core computing skills and also acquire theoretical and practical knowledge needed for IT job positions.

Q:What skills will I develop in masters of technology management programs?

A:In a masters of technology management program, you will develop skills such as the following: management skills, administrative skills, analysis skills, problem solving skills, and presentation skills. The program focuses on not just the theoretical aspect of the field, but also aims at equipping students with practical skills needed in this career.

Q:Can you tell me about the programs I may need to complete before being eligible for a masters technology degree program?

A:A masters in technology management program is a advanced program that is usually offered at graduate level. For this program, you must have completed the following degree programs: high school education, bachelor degree in a related field, and an associate degree (optional). These are the basic qualifications you must have before you can apply for graduate level programs.

Q:Is it necessary to have experience in practical field to apply for MS Technology programs?

A:There are MS technology courses that may require certain duration of experience in the relevant industry but on the other hand such programs are also available that take students who have just completed their undergraduate education and have no practical experience in the field. Experience however is always useful especially for some areas of specialization.

Q:Could you tell me about online masters technology and whether I should pursue it online or not?

A:The field of technology is extremely diversified and is not part of everything we do in our daily routine lives. A masters in Technology degree program introduces students with the effective and efficient design and development of various IT devices, tools and products to help ease our experiences with IT. Even though technology touches almost every aspect of life on earth from marine biology to astrophysics, this degree courses main focus in on communications technology, computer systems and their related fields.

Q:I have a technology masters degree and want to get a managerial job, can you guide what skills will be looked for in job interviewers?

A:Apart from your academic qualifications and practical experience other factors also count. A technology masters degree while shows your learning, interviewers try to access your personality to judge if you can handle the job pressures. They may look for leadership qualities, business and organizational skills, confidence to handle staff and responsibility factor to ensure deadlines are met and projects coordinated in an efficient manner.

Q:After my technology masters degree I am interested in a job as chief technology officer, can you guide me about the kind of work this job includes?

A:If you are thinking of applying for a chief technology officer job after your technology masters degree then it is important to be aware of the job responsibilities that come with it since it is a demanding job. CTO is in charge of taking care of the technological processes that includes assessing different technologies to decide which one best suit the organizations interests. CTO has to maintain the technical standards of the company, devise technology implementation strategies in order to give the company a competitive edge.

Q:Are there any benefits of pursuing technology masters programs online?

A:Yes, online education comes with a range of benefits. Online masters programs will cost you less as compared to traditional campus programs. This is due to no traveling costs, lower tuition fees, and no book expenditure. On the other hand, online programs are more flexible when it comes to class timings, you can study at times that best suit your routine.

Q:What is taught in the course of Application of Media and Technology offered in masters technology in education program?

A:You will be analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the educational technology. It describes ways in which technology can be used as medium of instruction in schools, colleges and universities. As a master's student you will be focusing on solving problems and issues in modern educational procedures by applying theory and technology covered in the course. Key characteristics of different media are also examined and their appropriate uses are discussed in the context of educational technology.

Q:After completing a Masters in Technology Education program, what kind of jobs can I apply for?

A:Since technology has become an important part of the education system; the demand for educational technology experts is at an all-time high. With a master's degree in technology education, you can apply for many jobs at managerial level. Some of the high paying job positions have been mentioned here: multimedia manager, curriculum developer, database manager, and technical analyst.

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