Network Security Certifications

Network Security Certifications give students a thorough grounding in internet technologies, hacking prevention techniques, anti-virus software, computer programming, handling of malware, operating system loopholes, social engineering attacks, cryptography, security software, network security, algorithms, standard security protocol, computer and cyber forensics, principles of networking and risk management assessment, etc. 

Following are some of the most popular Network Security Certifications in the United States. They all have varying durations ranging from 6 months to 2 years.

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA)
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
  • CompTIA Security+
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate

If you are interested in pursuing any of the above programs, then this piece is for you. It provides important course details for network security certifications along with the kind of jobs that you can apply for.

What Is Network Security?

Network Security refers to the practice of setting up protective mechanisms to safeguard an IT network infrastructure from illegal outside access, trespassing, abuse, destruction, cyber-attacks and unauthorized data transfers. A combination of security software, hardware devices and complete user awareness of all safety procedures is needed for the establishment of an efficient network security system.

The importance of network security in today’s world is unparalleled. So much of human life has moved to the digital realm. Personal and professional communication, financial transactions, entertainment, business activities and academic/industrial research are just some of the day-to-day activities that have become almost totally dependent on IT.

With volumes upon volumes of data available online, information safety is a major concern for everyone. And this safety is only possible if there is an effective network security mechanism in place.

What Can You Do with a Network Security Certification?

Completing a Network Security Certification will make you eligible for many different jobs within the IT and system security paradigm. These include Security Architect, Information Security Analyst, IT Security Consultant, Computer Network Architect, Network and Computer Systems Administrator, Security Software Developer, Cryptographer, Penetration Tester, Cryptanalyst, Forensic Computer Analyst, Cyber Policy Analyst, Cyber Security Specialist, etc.           

The next section includes compensation details for some of these occupations. All information has been taken from the latest available records of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Information Security Analysts

Information Security Analysts are responsible for devising and implementing security protocols for the computer systems and networks of an organization.

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018

New York



Computer Network Architects

Computer Network Architects are responsible for designing and setting up different data communication networks like WANs (Wide Area Networks), LANs (Local Area Networks), Intranets, etc. 

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018




Network and Computer Systems Administrators

Network and Computer Systems Administrators manage the daily operations of a computer network within an organization. 

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018




What to Expect from a Network Security Certification?

Different network security certifications have varying curricula. In general, coursework tends to cover subjects like Network Security Practices, Standard Security Protocol, Algorithms, Risk Management Assessment, Internet Technologies, Anti-Virus Software, Hacking Prevention Techniques, Handling of Malware, Social Engineering Attacks, Computer and Cyber Forensics, Computer Programming, Cryptography, Principles of Networking, Managing Security Software and Operating System Loopholes, etc.    

How to Choose a Network Security Certification?

When choosing a Network Security Certification, do not forget to take things like course contents, program duration, accreditation/recognition status and fee structure into consideration. Some good educational institutions from where you can obtain a Network Security Certification include the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Purdue University and the University of Maryland – College Park (UMD).     

Network Security Certification Admission Requirements

Different network security certifications have varying entrance criteria. However, you will probably need a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field along with some work experience to be eligible.

Top Certifications

Aviation Certification
C S Certificate

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is taught in the Criminal Behavior course of the Network Administration Security certificates and degrees in United States?

A:The Network Administration Security certificates and degrees in United States have dedicated course on Criminal Behavior worth 4 credits. This is a foundation course designed to make the students understand the basic aspects of criminology and the study of the criminal mind. Some of the topics included are crime causation, crime patterns and white collar crime.

Q:What will I learn in best computer security certifications?

A:A certification in computer security will give you a working understanding of the concepts of this field. It will allow students to learn advanced skills that will allow them to protect networks, prevent attacks, secure electronic assets, build secure infrastructures and ensure the privacy of a network. These certifications will help you find a job with good monetary benefits.

Q:Which are the best cyber security certifications?

A:One particular degree level can not be pin pointed as the best in this case since each level offers a higher and more in depth level of knowledge. Almost all reputable colleges offer diplomas, certificates, bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in network administration and security. Most popular among the certificate courses are Certified Network Security Administration (CNSA), Network Administration and Security Professional (NASP), CompTIA Security+, and Global Information Assurance (GIA) certifications.

Q:While looking for the best network security certifications I came across webmaster certification, what is the course work in that?

A:Certificate of Webmaster is a highly diversified field and cover subjects like site development, networking technology, internet business foundations and internet systems management. Students in this program also get an understanding of basic XHTML Coding, hypertext and tables and frames. Certificate in Webmaster prepares professionals not just for technical jobs but also equips them with managerial skills.

Q:Is a certificate in cyber security all you can do?

A:Fortunately No! There are a number of very reputable schools which are offering diplomas, certificates, bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in network administration and cyber security. However, a number of variations in certificate courses are available for those who may have completed their bachelor's degree in some other discipline but are interested in this field as well. The Certified Network Security Administration (CNSA), Network Administration and Security Professional (NASP), CompTIA Security+, and Global Information Assurance (GIA) certifications are a few of the certificate courses available in this field.

Q:Can you name a few subjects covered in a computer security certificate program?

A:A computer security certificate program is a short course offered to students interested in this field. The program covers a wide range of topics all relevant to computer security. Some of the subjects covered have been mentioned here: security protocols, mobile security, emerging threats, web security 2.0, software security foundations, writing security code, cryptography, and more.

Q:Can you give me some information about computer security certificate programs?

A:Computer security certificate programs are short courses designed to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills about networking. Students enrolled in this program learn how to protect networks and secure computer infrastructure for organizations. The program takes 6-12 months to complete and comprises of a number of topics. This program is also available online for students residing in far off areas.

Q:As I was reading about computer security certification programs, I came across a course named security threats. Can you tell me about this?

A:Computer security certification programs usually comprise of various subjects related to cyber security such as security threat. This course focuses providing students with technical information related to phishing, drive-by-pharming, crime ware, VOIP security, and mobile worms. Students learn how to defend systems against these threats and what mechanisms can be created for more security.

Q:Are computer security certifications course comprehensive enough for me to start working in this field straight after the course.

A:A certification program is designed to equip students with a broad knowledge of the subject area, as the course is simply not long enough to cover every subject in detail. There is no reason why you should not be able to start, or return to, work straight after you have completed the course.

Q:Will a cyber security certificate help me in my current job position?

A:Yes, a certification in this field can help boost your career in a number of ways. Whether you're a computer systems specialist, or a computer networking manager, a certification will enhance your knowledge and skills that can be applied to your current job position. You can look forward to a boost in income level as well as job responsibilities.

Q:Should I enroll in cyber security certificate online?

A:With more and businesses incorporating technology into the day to day operations of their companies, cyber security is surely a lucrative field to work in. in addition to this online programs have their own distinct advantages. Online classes allow students to study from the comfort of their home and are generally more economical as compared to more traditional modes of education.

Q:Can I seek financial aid to pursue cyber security certificate programs?

A:Financial aid is provided to students who demonstrate a need for financial assistance. You can apply for aid if you can't afford the costs. The process is simple; all you have to do is fill out a FAFSA application. The different types of aid available include loans, grants, and scholarships.

Q:Can you tell me about cyber security certification programs?

A:Cyber security certification programs are a very good option for students who want to work in this field. Many students prefer a certification program over a degree because it can be completed in a shorter time period and is much more economical than a bachelors or master's program. So you should definitely explore this option.

Q:Can I only enroll in Cyber security certifications online programs that are offered in my city?

A:No you don't have to enroll in an online cyber security program that is offered in your city. In fact the whole point of an online education is to remove geographical boundaries to education. So you can opt for any online program in the country or even for one from overseas.

Q:Why do people go for network administration certificate instead of a degree course?

A:Network administration certificate helps to give a quick boost to careers as it is skill based and has a focused approach. Other than that many prefer such certifications to enhance their career with added skills and expertise that can be mastered in a short duration of time. Certifications also costs less that a degree because of the shorter time duration and plus you can manage them with your jobs.

Q:Is a network security certificate less desirable to employers?

A:This is far from the case- it may be the case that an employer has actually requested an employee, or prospective employee, to actually take a certificate as opposed to a bachelor or masters' degree. The reason being that certificates are generally short courses concentrating on a handful of topics. These topics may just fit the employer's exact requirements.

Q:What is the learning outcome of top cyber security certifications?

A:Top cyber security certifications help students acquire in depth knowledge of security protocols for networks and computer systems. The courses included in this certificate program are more career oriented and focuses on local, national, and international business organizational needs. A certificate in cyber security certifies an individual for development and implementation of security data planning.

Q:As I was searching for top network security certifications, I came across a course named applied cryptology. What is this course all about?

A:Applied cryptology provides students an insight on technology and methodologies used in protecting information. Students will undergo a thorough study of security protocols, algorithms, block ciphers, and data encryption methods. By the end of this course, students will be able to apply practically the methodologies involved in cryptography and management.

Q:Why are certificate in network administration necessary?

A:Network administration is another field where technology is advancing by the minute. Once students have completed their degrees in this field they merge into the workforce and keeping track of all the advancements becomes impossible. This is why most employers now make it compulsory for their employees in this field to pursue as may certifications as necessary while they are on the job. Among the most popular certifications for professionals from this field are the Certified Network Security Administration (CNSA), Network Administration and Security Professional (NASP), CompTIA Security+, and Global Information Assurance (GIA) certifications.

Q:Could you tell me a bit about the certificate in network security degree program?

A:Since professionals with degrees in Network Security are in high demand these days, it is quite common for almost every college to offer various levels of degrees in this field, from diplomas, certificates, bachelor's to master's and doctorate in network administration and security. There are a number of certifications also which are pursued by people who have already got their Bachelors degree in this field, but need to keep improving their knowledge base by doing these courses. Some of the most sought after certifications are Certified Network Security Administration (CNSA), Network Administration and Security Professional (NASP), CompTIA Security+, and Global Information Assurance (GIA) certifications.

Q:Is it possible to pursue computer network security certifications online?

A:Yes, it is possible to pursue online certifications in the area of network security. Online education is a rising trend in the every academic area. There are a number of benefits that come with online certificate programs such as low costs, no travelling, and easy to follow curriculums. A number of accredited institutions offer online computer network security certifications.

Q:Are there any advantages of pursuing a cyber security certification online?

A:Yes there are several advantages of applying for an online certification. Online certifications give students the luxury to study from the comfort of their own home without having to worry about showing up for classes. In addition to this online education is more economical as compared to traditional modes of education.

Q:Do employers mind prospective employees who hold network administration certificate programs as opposed to those who hold bachelor degrees?

A:Some employers actually prefer those prospective employees who have passed a certification program. Certificate programs are more focused than bachelor programs and concentrate on a narrow area of study, as opposed to bachelor programs where the education is much more generic. Some employers find that certification program graduates more useful as their education is focused and tailored to the employer's needs.

Q:Are network security certification programs easy to get into?

A:Different colleges have different criteria for the selection of students. If you were to use our web-based search tool, you will be able to find and select your preferred college. Once you have selected a program, the college's website will explain to you the criteria for entrance to their network security certification program.

Q:Should I go for an accredited online cyber security certificate?

A:Yes there are certainly many advantages of enrolling in an accredited cyber security certificate. Accredited institutes have better teaching facilities and other provisions. In addition to this many employers also prefer to hire individuals who have acquired a certification from an accredited online school. So you should definitely explore this option.

Q:How will top computer security certifications affect my current job?

A:A certification in computer security can be described as an extra credential. It certifies a person as an expertise in certain job or occupational field. If you are currently employed in his field, a certification can help you expand your job opportunities. A certification can boost your income level, skill set, and knowledge base.

Q:I am planning to enroll in cyber security classes. Can you tell me what I will study in the best certifications for cyber security?

A:Cyber security careers are growing rapidly, opening the doors of employment for many qualified individuals. If you want to pursue a career in this field, you can take up a certification course in cyber security. Some of the areas of study will include the following: cisco networking, computer systems, networking and defense mechanisms, Microsoft windows, and programming.

Q:Is the worth of network security certification increasing?

A:Network security certifications are considered important to remain in touch with the changing technology requirements. Mostly employees prefer those who have network security certification and that is the reason why they are being popularly pursued. These certifications can be completed in a shorter duration of time and are focused on specific training.

Q:As I was reading about Network Security Certifications, I came across the job description of network security specialists. Can you tell me about this?

A:Network systems security specialists are skilled professionals who help organizations manage and install different security systems. The job entails a number of duties such as the following: install protection software's, perform cleanups, devise security plans, train and supervise team members, respond to security breaches, manage organizational data, and prevent loss of data.

Q:What important courses will I study in Cyber Security Certifications?

A:Cyber security certification programs are designed to equip students with computer security knowledge and technical skills. Some of the important courses embedded in this program include the following: network defense and countermeasures, cisco networking, microcomputer control programs, Microsoft windows server, and more. The duration of this program ranges between 6 to 8 months, and can be competed online as well.

Q:Where can I find the best network security certification programs?

A:There are many colleges and universities that are highly ranked and are reputed for offering quality education in networking. You can search online and get lists of these schools. We also provide information regarding current program offerings and online programs. You can browse through the lists available on our page for more detail.

Q:How will I know which is the best certification for network security careers?

A:Before enrolling in any network security certificate program, you need to find out about the accreditation of the program and institute, Accreditation reflects quality education and approval from the higher education commission. Apart from this, you can also check out the ranking and reviews. Certifications are short courses and are recognized in all academic fields.

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