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MBA in Finance

Overview of the Field

The MBA in Finance degree provides the enrolled students training in the fundamentals of finance. It also enables students in developing a balance between the technical finance courses needed to work in financial institutions, and the overall management skills needed in all business situations.

How Far Can an MBA Take You?

  • Basic management skills are required by all business executives to better manage business problems or new situations that may arise
  • Learn how to manage your employees, and other business associates
  • Learn from those with real world experience
  • Study the real life applications of business theory
  • Increase working knowledge of business ethics, practices and ideas
  • MBA graduates are better suited for higher level management positions
  • They possess more experience and knowledge of the business field
  • More responsibilities that come with attractive salary package
  • Especially beneficial if perusing a new career
  • Faster growth
  • Better opportunities at the work place
  • Better chances of being selected for upper management positions
  • MBA graduates possess multiple skills, which prepares them for multiple careers, other than business as well
  • A masters degree ensures your longevity in the work place
  • Something to fall back on in case of recession/loss of job
  • Meet new people and get introduced to fresh ideas and experiences
  • Make contacts through new friends, teachers and colleagues, etc
  • Helps in unlocking the hidden potential and discover the entrepreneur in you
  • Makes you more self-sufficient and able to rely on your own abilities
  • MBA helps in preparing you to start your own business

Structure and Duration of the Degree Program

The MBA in Finance may be in the form of a two year program, though it can very well take longer or less than this duration. Students in the first part of the MBA program complete core courses in broad business areas like finance, accounting, operations, human resource management and marketing. It is the second part where students of MBA in finance focus on the tools used in the finance industry. They are also encouraged to complete a finance internship and provide financial consultation to businesses.


The MBA in Finance trains students in areas like managerial and cost accounting, financial law and more cutting edge fields like derivatives. Since it is a management degree, it prepares students to make decisions based on the data available. During the MBA program, students are made to practice interpreting data and making relevant decisions.

Admission Criteria and Graduation Requirements

The MBA in Finance enrolls students with an undergraduate degree and some relevant work experience. They are expected to maintain a passing grade point average in all courses and complete relevant work experience in addition to their final project.

Career Prospects and Average Salary

Graduates of MBA in Finance are sought out by banks, investment houses, and a majority of the corporations. The possible careers for MBA in finance degree holders are financial managers and analysts that according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, earn annual median wages of $109,740 and $76,950 respectively as of May 2012 .

How Long Does It Take to Get an MBA in Finance?

Full-time students can typically complete an MBA in Finance in 1 to 2 years. Part-time students may be able to vary the pace according to their personal scheduling concerns and complete the degree in 4 to 5 years.

What Are the Requirements to Get an MBA in Finance?

To get into an MBA in Finance, you will need at least a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as accounting, statistics or economics. In addition to that, you will need professional experience and should meet the minimum GPA requirement set forth by your chosen college. Applicants will also need to attach their transcripts and letters of recommendation along with the application.

How much can I make after getting an MBA in Finance?

The amount of money you make after getting an MBA in Finance depends largely on the career path you choose. For instance, you can work as a Financial Analyst, Personal Financial Advisor, Financial Controller or an Investment Banker. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Financial Analysts made an annual median income of $85,660 in 2018. The top paying states, in terms of annual mean income, for this occupation were Wyoming ($139,660), New York ($137,270), California ($109,640), Colorado ($109,120) and New Jersey ($106,100). 

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the admission criteria to get into a top finance MBA program?

A:Top Finance MBA programs accept students with undergraduate degrees and some relevant work experience. The admission criteria may vary from school to school. Some universities may also have minimum GPA requirements as well.

Q:I am 36 years old and fear that the schools providing the top finance MBA programs won't accept my application. Is my concern valid?

A:There should be no reason for you to fear not getting enrolled in one of the top Finance MBA programs. This is mainly because it's never too late to gain quality higher education. It will only increase the standard of your resume and enhance the future job prospects. However, you may wish to take some time and think over what sort of MBA program do you wish to apply for, full time or part-time.

Q:Are the applicants with work experience preferred at schools offering the top MBA finance programs?

A:There is no defined quota for students with work experience at the top MBA finance programs, however, it is well assumed that those with some insight and hands on experience in the field are well prepared for the interview and hence have stronger credentials to get admission. It should be noted here that only those with relevant work experience can be preferred in this aspect.

Q:How can I tell that an MBA in Finance degree is legitimate?

A:The legitimacy of an MBA in Finance can easily be seen by reading a few reviews and browsing the net. You should always consult with trusted websites. It is also essential to look for universities that have ample accreditation from recognized and known associations and councils.

Q:Do I need to be a business graduate to be eligible for the best Finance MBA programs?

A:No. It is not compulsory to be a business graduate to be eligible for the best finance MBA programs. Students with degrees in finance or accounts field can also get admission in the best MBA programs.

Q:What are the career prospects of MBA in Finance graduates?

A:The MBA in Finance graduates can expect to work at managerial positions in a variety of settings. According to the BLS, the job prospects for the master level graduates are likely to rise by 8% through 2018 as the increased need of successful finance managers in all fields has increased their importance and has also lead to the creation of new jobs and areas of specialization for these professionals.

Q:Which courses are offered at the best Finance MBA Schools?

A:Accredited Finance MBA schools offer a wide range of courses, including electives and core. The most popular ones offered in almost all MBA Finance Schools are: managerial accounting, financial law, financial management, cost accounting, and taxation. These courses comprise of solving real life case studies and extensive class exercises that enhance your knowledge in this field.

Q:What is the primary difference in the best Finance programs MBA degree in Risk Management and Actuarial Sciences certification?

A:The Best Finance programs MBA degree programs in Risk Management are designed to give you knowledge of a broader field of study and understanding in Risk Management, also including the other and more generic aspects of running a business. However, on the other hand, the Actuarial sciences certification is a much more dedicated and specialist qualification in actuaries and understanding how the professionals of this field go about doing things.

Q:What is the duration of the MBA in Finance?

A:The MBA in Finance is a two year degree program if pursued in a traditional campus based institute. The duration can differ at times with the type of graduate program chosen. For example, the executive MBA in Finance takes 3 years and above, the accelerated MBA takes about 18 months to complete the degree, and the online masters of business administration in finance is a self paced program hence students can take as long as they require to complete the degree.

Q:What is the purpose of the online MBA in Finance programs?

A:There are various advantages of the online MBA in Finance degree program. Students can take up work opportunities within daytime and schedule their classes for the evening or night time. Online programs are self-paced; therefore students can make their own schedule for the classes and complete as much work as they see fit. The online MBA in Finance is also considered cheaper as compared to the traditional campus based schooling.

Q:What are the contents of the Financial Statement Analysis course in the top Finance programs in the United States?

A:The Top Finance programs in the United States have Financial Statements Analysis course in the final semesters. This course primarily focuses on understanding of the art of being able to analyze the financial statements as well as the notes that accompany these statements, in identifying the current health of financial position of a business. Generally accepted accounting practices are required in this regards and also the usage of IFRS.

Q:What is the process to get enrolled in the executive MBA in Finance program?

A:The executive MBA in Finance is a three year or more degree program which requires you to submit the completed admission form, relevant work experience letter, and a statement of purpose. It also requires the applicants to have completed a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited American institute in finance or a related field. Some top MBA Finance programs also require a minimum GPA for enrollment.

Q:How long will an M.B.A Finance take and what would I learn in it?

A:An MBA in Finance degree normally takes up to 2 years to complete. You can reduce this time if you go for an accelerated degree or if you have completed your bachelor's degree with honors. An MBA Finance degree teaches learners about the various aspects of business management from a financial perspective. You will learn about accounting standards and practices in addition to how to make the correct financial decisions in a management position.

Q:What is taught in MBA Finance degrees?

A:The MBA Finance degrees enable students to develop brand management skills, investment managements skills, financial market skills, and bank management skills. The advanced coursework involved in these degrees help students grow professionally and personally, and provides them with the opportunity to get hands on better job positions in the business world.

Q:What are the hybrid finance courses offered at the best school to get a MBA in finance?

A:The best school to get a MBA in finance offer the hybrid finance degree courses. These are the courses that can be studied from home in the online variant as well as in the traditional classrooms, at the campus. It is a cross between both variants and in the case of an MBA, this includes studying the theoretical courses online while getting the traditional class based education in courses that contain practical research.

Q:Name a few types of finance courses included in the curriculum of MBA – Finance degree?

A:The curriculum of MBA finance comprises of general courses and electives that cover a wide range of finance areas and accounting areas. These courses provide students with in depth knowledge of finance and how it is related to business activities. Some important finance courses included in the curriculum of the degree program are accounting, managerial finance, budgeting, cost control, and strategic finance.

Q:Can I work as a finance manager with the MBA with finance degree?

A:The MBA in Finance degrees are aimed at equipping students with a strong knowledge base and managerial expertise in the field. By earning this degree, you can easily capitalize on supervisory or managerial roles in different organizational setups. Some employers also take into account your prior work experience before hiring for such significant positions.

Q:Which specialization disciplines are offered with M.B.A in Finance degrees?

A:The MBA in Finance degrees can be pursued with any specialization area of your choice. The popular options include specialization in vocations like taxation, accounting, business administration, corporate finance, and public finance. For information regarding any specific area of specialization, feel free to contact us.

Q:Can MBA Finance programs be opted in the accelerated track?

A:Yes. Any Master of Business Administration degree program can be opted in the accelerated track. The MBA in Finance can also be completed within 18 months if chosen on the accelerated track. Students in the accelerated MBA Finance programs are not allowed any semester breaks or holidays during the course of study to complete the program in a shorter span of time.

Q:What are the contents of the International Business course of the MBA in Finance?

A:MBA in Finance is one of the oldest MBA degree programs and one of its more contemporary courses is the 4 credits worth International Business course. This course includes probing into the psyche of the consumers from all around the world. The attitudes and motivational drive of the consumers is understood extensively in this course. It also studies how the consumer behaviors vary from one culture and lifestyle to another.

Q:The Finance MBA degree has a course on Accounting for Managers. What are the topics involved in this course?

A:The Finance MBA degree program has a specialist course on Accounting for Managers. This course helps the students in examining the various procedures and principles that are needed in development of accounting information. This information is much needed by the managers for the purpose of decision making, product costing, CVP Analysis and also the Expenditure-Pricing procedures.

Q:What is taught in the Business Communications course of the best MBA Finance programs?

A:The very best MBA Finance programs in the United States have a robust course in Business Communications, worth 6 credits or more. Students get to know the basic concepts involved in effective business communication writing. It also explores the various approaches as well as formats that are needed to make the business documentations in apt manner. The course further covers planning techniques and research methods.

Q:Can you please tell me what are the contents of the Statistical Analysis course of top MBA Finance programs?

A:The top MBA Finance programs feature a dedicated course on Statistical Analysis, worth 4 credits. This course is designed to teach the students the founding basics of statistical analysis, distributions, measures of dispersion as well as measures of location, methods of testing and sampling, decision analysis and normal probability, etc.

Q:My search on finance MBA mentioned a course in investment management. What will I be learning in this course?

A:Searching about MBA in finance would include a course in investment management. This course deals with security markets, management, control of portfolios and financial assets. Investment management is one of the most important courses in MBA finance. Prospective students are advised to search our website for a list of institutions offering these courses.

Q:While reading on the article regarding the statement of purpose for MBA Finance, there was mention of the course on Marketing Management. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is true that the articles highlighting on statement of purpose for MBA Finance feature understanding of the course on Marketing Management. This course is worth 5 credits in total and features the understanding of how the services of marketing can help the businesses in making the vital decisions. It also helps students in comprehending the different business types.

Q:What is taught in the Macroeconomics course of the MBA Finance degree programs?

A:The MBA Finance degree programs have a dedicated course on Macroeconomics all over the United States. This course usually is of 6 credits and aims to train the students in the understanding of the analysis as well as policies of Macroeconomics. Students are also given proper examinations of the nature and foundation of principles of economics.

Q:What are the areas of study in the Business Ethics course of the Financial Management MBA?

A:The Financial Management MBA program has a compulsory course in the final semester, by the name of Business Ethics or Ethics in Business. This 4 credits' worth course emphasizes on the values as well as the ethics of a business environment. It starts off with the general ethics of a business environment and then goes on to discuss the corporate ethics and also the role of morality when leading a business.

Q:One of the best MBA program finance or management mentioned a course in Managing in the Global Workforce. What is the premise of this course?

A:Best MBA program finance or management would mention a course on Managing in the Global Workforce. This course discusses concepts, and techniques to effectively manage a global workforce. The primary purpose of this course is to discuss the Human Resource department with respect to a global workforce. This course discusses the activities of individual mangers as well. More information about this course is available on our website.

Q:While searching for an MBA in Finance school, I came across a course in asset management. What are the contents of this course?

A:MBA in Finance would include a course on asset management. This course deals with asset management objectives, asset life cycles, management with business objectives, asset management roles and responsibilities, maintaining management models, determining routine maintenance and configuration management identification. Prospective students are requested to search our website for list of institutions offering this program.

Q:What are the job responsibilities of a professional with Masters of Business Administration in Finance?

A:Professionals with Masters of Business Administration in Finance can find themselves working in a number of industries. These professionals are required to help firms identify financial needs, devise and implement financial strategies, and determine valuations on offerings. These are just some of the responsibilities, professionals with this qualification can be asked to adapt according to the requirement of the organization.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Principles of Marketing in the top Finance schools?

A:The top Finance schools in the United States have dedicated course on Principles of Marketing. This course is usually worth 3 credits in total. It is designed to offer students with ample understanding of the facilitations of the relationships of exchange in the dynamic environment with the aide of distribution, creation, promotion, ideas as well as pricing.

Q:what is the mba finance?

A:The Mba Finance is a professional master's level degree which can only be opted if the applicant has complete the undergraduate level of studies in a related field. In order to get enrolled in the Master of Business Administration in Finance, students must also have some level of work experience. Students of the program are taught core courses initially and are offered finance electives once the core courses are complete.

Q:What accounting topics should I expect to study in an Online MBA In Finance degree?

A:Online MBA degree program in finance is a graduate program which is designed to prepare students for jobs in the accounting sector. Important accounting topics studied in thus program include the following: cost analysis, profit planning, financial reporting, corporate valuation, investment management, corporate finance, and international banking. This degree program is offered by a number of accredited online schools.

Q:Why MBA in finance?

A:An MBA in finance is a very good selection as it will allow you to explore every opportunity in the financial sector. Be it healthcare or the government sector each industry will employ need employs to run their financial wing. So an MBA will propel your career in the right direction and you will certainly stand out amongst the crowd.

Q:Could you guide me about MBA and finance, specifically?

A:Maybe what you are asking for is information on MBA in Finance. An MBA in Finance takes about 2 years to complete and is an extensive and in-depth course about the fundamentals of finance. It teaches students about technical finance in financial institutions, and the overall skill and know-how required to smoothly handle various business situations. Course structure involves subjects like managerial and cost accounting, financial law and more cutting edge fields like derivatives.

Q:What is MBA finance?

A:A master's of business administration degree with a specialization in finance will teach students about the intricacies of the business world. It will instruct students in courses such as budgeting, corporate finance and business ethics. The job market for such students is very promising an there are excellent job opportunities.

Q:As I was reading about MBA in finance in America university, I came across an article that mentioned MBA programs are one of the best business degrees. Is this true?

A:MBA programs are globally recognized business graduate degrees. This program has acquired a repute for being one of the best business administration qualifications in today's competitive environment. Students can earn MBA degrees in all kinds of specialization areas such as accounting, marketing, supply chain management, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and organizational management.

Q:Why should I consider online MBA finance?

A:Pursuing any degree online is a great idea for those who want to enroll in a particular institute without relocating. It is also beneficial for those who can not afford to give up their present careers for the sake of earning a higher degree, so if you are already in a career and still want to pursue your MBA in finance you can easily do it online. An MBA in Finance trains you in the fundamentals of finance and management skills.

Q:While searching for an online MBA finance programs, I came across MBA Economics. Could you tell me about that?

A:You'll earn your MBA of Economics degree in about two years time. The first year is all about core courses of an MBA, while the second is more focused on the different aspects of microeconomics and macroeconomics which have more to do with handling real life situations in the business world. During these two years the students are required to complete a short internship which is art of the final project.

Q:Is an mba finance program a suitable program choice that will help me join the banking industry?

A:Yes, an MBA in finance will help you prepare for a career related to finance and accounting. MBA degree programs are ranked as the best business programs across the globe. You can prepare for high paying careers as auditors, financial consultants, accounting managers, financial analysts, and more, with the help of this degree program.

Q:Why should I do my Finance MBA Online?

A:Pursuing finance MBA online will give the free to pursue the degree at your own pace without the restrictions placed upon physical master's programs. The biggest benefit, some say, is the cost saving that comes from not having to commute to classes or relocate to the campus where the degree is being offered. With an online MBA, you can even work alongside your degree.

Q:My research on the Best MBA in Finance took me to Joint Degrees, what are those and am I qualified for one?

A:Many of the best MBA's in finance are offered with joint degree options. Joint degrees are when you are allowed to simultaneously study two related degrees during your time at university. Many students, for example may choose to do an MBA in Finance alongside with an M.Sc Accounting or a M.A in Law. You are qualified for a joint degree if you have completed an undergraduate degree. However, exact requirements will be outlined by the school.

Q:When searching on MBA Finance Rankings I came across accreditation, what is that? And how will I know when my MBA is accredited?

A:When applying to an MBA Finance, ranking play an important part. All ranked programs are accredited but you must check the institution's website to make sure that the right accreditation agencies have given the program their stamp of approval. Most online accredited MBA programs are either accredited by the Higher Learning Commission or by the state's own accreditation committee or board.

Q:Should I go for an online mba finance course or not?

A:MBA degrees are ranked as the most demanded business degrees all across the globe. This degree will open the doors to a number of career opportunities in the finance industry. If you pursue this degree online, you can create your own study schedule without having to worry about attending classes. Online programs are also cost-friendly and flexible.

Q:Will I have to stop working to pursue my finance mba courses?

A:The purpose of an online degree program is that students are able to pursue full time work while studying for their chosen degree. You can take the finance MBA courses at an online college which will allow you more comfort and flexibility regarding the timings and the course content. This way you'll be able to set a pace that will not disturb your job.

Q:How long are mba finance course degrees?

A:When taking the MBA in finance course degrees, students will be allowed to study online which will help lengthen or shorten their degree based on their lifestyle and availability. A master's degree typically can take three to five years if taken on campus with the average length of the program being four years.

Q:I am planning to enroll in a finance mba program. How long does it take to complete?

A:MBA programs vary in duration depending on the course requirements, enrollment status of the student and whether it is an on-line program or a regular on-campus program. The program can also be in the form of a combination of both on-line and in class learning in many universities. Typically, MBA Finance programs take two years to complete.

Q:Can you tell me about MBA in Finance?

A:An MBA in Finance in a 2 year program that provides knowledge of business and management with an emphasis on finance. You will be given the opportunity to choose your specialization out of finance, marketing, OM, HR etc. To get admission into an MBA program, you should ideally have a bachelor's degree in any discipline with a satisfactory CGPA. Admission requirements might also include GMAT/CMAT. Some universities also conduct their own admission tests as well.

Q:Whats is MBA Finance degree?

A:An MBA degree with specialization in finance is a graduate program. MBA degrees are among the leading business qualifications preferred by employers around the globe. The program will help students develop sound business skills and acquire knowledge about management. Further in the program, more emphasis will be laid upon financial strategies of firms, accounting techniques, and financial management. Students can qualify for various finance-related job positions in banks, manufacturing firms, insurance companies, etc.

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