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Post Grad Certificates in Finance

Overview of the field
A Post-Grad Certificate of Finance program is an introduction to the basics of financing strategy, accounting, banking and financing of corporations.

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Structure and duration of the degree program
The Post-Grad Certificate of Finance can be a one-year program. Although students may also choose to complete the degree in a less than a year or it may take more time, such as around two years, if they study one course at a time. The credits can then be transferred to a Master’s program.

Highlights of the coursework
The coursework for the program include introduction to finance, risk and evaluation, accounting, banking, business law and financing strategy among others. The coursework is designed to prepare individuals for entry-level jobs in the financing sector.

Admission criteria and graduation requirements
Admission into a Post-Grad Certificate in Finance program shouldn’t be a problem if you have a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field. Some colleges may even not require that, including online colleges and programs. A prior knowledge of the field is beneficial so if you have studied accounting, business or finance during your Bachelor’s degree, this could be a good option for you.

Career prospects and average salary
A Post-Grad Certificate of Finance is a good program for you if you are working in the finance sector and want to improve your knowledge of the field or plan to pursue a Master’s degree in the future. The salary prospects can be gauged from the median annual wages of financial analyst and managers, which according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics are $76,950 and $109,740 respectively as of May 2012. A post-grad certificate can increase your prospects of getting an entry-level position with:

  • Insurance companies
  • Investment banking sector
  • Commercial banking
  • Real estate
  • Corporate financing

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How many credits are there in the Post Grad Certificate programs in Finance?

A:The Post Grad Certificate programs in Finance have a total of 30 credits.

Q:As I was searching for Post Finance degree certifications, I came across Advanced Corporate Finance course. Can you tell me a little about it?

A:Post Finance degree certifications offer a number of courses. Advanced Corporate Finance is among the most essential courses in the program. In this course the students get to study how to make analysis of financial decisions and critical corporate. The students are also familiarized with various theoretical concepts of corporate finance.

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