Telecommunications Degrees

The field of telecommunications deals with the process of broadcasting messages over long distances for communication purposes. In olden days, the practice of distributing messages over considerable distances involved the use of various visual signals. In today’s modern age, where the use of modern electronics and electricity have become increasingly common among both home and commercial users, telecommunication is widely considered to be one of the basic necessities of life. Telecommunication in today’s world is made possible by the use of cutting-edge electronic equipment such as wired & cordless telephones, fax machines, and through transmission mediums like radio and microwave signals, fiber optics, satellites, and internet.

Interactive Telecommunications Program
In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the users of telecommunication services. Be it private consumers or large scale businesses, no one can deny the importance of efficiently exchanging information over long distances. This growth in the industry means that there is constant demand for highly skilled professionals who can effectively manage the operations of telecommunication companies. Individuals with advanced degrees from accredited institutions have much better prospects of getting higher salaries and promotions. However students can also look for other options like bachelors or associate degrees and diplomas. Although diplomas can be completed in a relatively shorter period of time, they do not lead to senior management positions. Students who have other commitments can enroll in an online degree program. These online programs are designed in such a manner that allows students to study at a time that's convenient for them. In addition to this online programs are generally more economical as compared to the traditional ones.

Most Commonly Offered Degrees in Telecommunications
Over the last decade or so, due to the rapid increase in the use of modern electronic telecommunications equipment globally, the concept of communication over large distances has become really common across the globe. As a result of this, a large number of educational institutions in the U.S. have started offering accredited undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate degree qualifications in telecommunications and other related fields. Telecommunications degrees are usually offered at associate’s or bachelor’s levels; however, there are several specialist colleges or universities across the U.S. that offer various diploma and certification programs for individuals wishing to enter the job market right after graduation. Some of the most commonly offered degrees in telecommunications and related fields are:

  • Associate’s
  • Bachelor’s
  • Master’s
  • Diploma and Certificate Programs

Specializations Offered to Students Wishing to Acquire Education and Training in the Field of Telecommunications
Individuals looking to acquire accredited degree qualifications in telecommunications and one of its related fields have the option to enroll in traditional on-campus programs or opt to study for their chosen degree through online distance-learning degree awarding institutions in the U.S. Most of the courses offered by online educational institutions in the U.S. allow students to specialize in their area of choice, provided their chosen specialization stream is within the bounds of the subject. Some of the most commonly offered specializations offered to students enrolled in telecommunication degree courses in accredited U.S. educational institutions include training in areas such as:

  • Network Management
  • Data Communications
  • Telecommunications Systems
  • Global Networks
  • Telecommunications Management
  • Wireless Communications

How long does it take to complete a degree in Telecommunications?

There are a number of schools like The University of Florida, the University of Missouri and the University of Texas at Dallas that are offering a degree in Telecommunications. Students can enroll in a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication that takes up to 4 years to complete, a Master of Science in Network Defense/Telecommunications & Networking that takes around 2 years to complete or a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering that may take around 4-5 years to complete.

What are the requirements to complete a degree in Telecommunications?

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Telecommunication program have to complete approximately 124 credits and those enrolled in the Masters in Telecommunications & Networking program have to complete around 30 credit hours. Those enrolled in the PhD in Telecommunications Engineering have to complete approximately 75 semester credits. Students have to study modules like Digital Communication Systems, Systems Security, Information Theory, Wireless Information Systems and Mobile Computing.

How much can I make after completing a degree in Telecommunications?

After completing a degree in Telecommunication, students can find employment as Telecommunications Equipment Installers, Telecommunications Technicians and Telecommunications Systems Managers. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Telecommunication Equipment Installers & Repairers earned an annual median pay of $56,100 in 2018.

Other Useful Degrees and Certifications

Certificate in Computer Programming
Computer Science Certifications
Online Web Design Certificate
Computer Networking Certificate

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the main difference in the Master of Science in Telecom and Master of Engineering in Telecommunication degree programs?

A:A Master of Sciences in Telecom focuses on a single or cluster of scientific subjects. On the other hand, the Master of Engineering Telecommunication degree is not specialized and may also include courses of social sciences and even management.

Q:What are the hybrid Telecommunications degree programs?

A:The hybrid Telecommunications degree programs are those programs that include both, online and campus-based education to telecommunication students. It provides them best of both the worlds as well as also give them the ample virtual and physical training required to excel in the field.

Q:What are the areas of study in the Telecommunications degrees?

A:The Telecommunications degrees cover areas such as Broadband, Computer Networking, Data Analysis, Fiber Optics, Network Designing & Optimization, Network Economics, Network Security Systems, Tele-Business, Policies of Telecom, Telecom & Telephone Systems, Voice over IP (VoIP) and Wireless Network Systems.

Q:What benefits will I get if I pursue the online telecommunications degree?

A:One of the unique features of online degrees is the level of flexibility attached with the degree programs. Meaning you can take classes whenever and however you see fit. You do not have to follow any schedule and there are no restrictions on the time taken to complete the degree program. Therefore, pursuing an online telecommunications degree can allow you to take up a job alongside or anything else you want to do. Also, the online telecommunications degree will be comparatively less costly and it will also save you the commuting cost.

Q:What different levels of degrees can students attain from schools that offer telecommunications programs?

A:Students can earn various degrees in the telecommunications field; these degrees can be attained online or from university campus sites. The different level of degrees that can be earned include the basic associates degree in telecommunications, a bachelors degree in telecommunications, a masters degree in telecommunications, and a doctorate degree in telecommunications. Apart from this, students can also earn diplomas and certificates in this field by enrolling in telecommunications programs offered by vocational schools and technical training schools.

Q:What are the job prospects for individuals who obtain the MS in telecommunication degree?

A:There are many different types of job opportunities that individuals can avail after attaining the MS in telecommunication degree. Some of the most common job positions that can be opted for include the following: line installers, communication software engineer, telecommunications system manager, communications manager, telecommunications specialist, public relations manager, and electronic media specialist.

Q:What kind of different telecommunication degrees are offered to students?

A:Students can attain different telecommunication degrees at graduate and post graduate levels.These degree programs are offered by many computer schools and technical institutions. The most common types of telecommunication degrees that are available to students are: 2 year associates degree in telecommunication, 4 years bachelor’s degree in telecommunication, 2 year master’s degree in telecommunication, and the doctorate degree in telecommunication.

Q:Is there any post degree in telecommunication?

A:Yes. A bunch of institutes offer the post grad degrees in telecommunications. These can be pursued online as well as in the campus-based schools. Here are the names of a few schools offering the post grad degrees in telecommunications: American InterContinental University Online, Keller Graduate School of Management, American Sentinel University, and Antonelli College.

Q:What all is involved in a telecommunication degree?

A:Typically, the curriculum of telecommunication degrees include courses such as: switching and cables, electrical circuits, wireless networks, digital microprocessors fundamentals and signal transmission. The main purpose of these courses is to prepare students to understand the maintenance processes and the technical aspects involved in the profession.

Q:How long does it take to complete degrees in Telecommunication?

A:Telecommunication programs include diplomas, associates, bachelors, and masters degrees. The duration of each of these telecommunication degrees is different. The certificate or the diploma in telecommunication is completed within a year. The associate's degree in telecommunication is a two-year program offering a comparatively wider knowledge base to the students. The Bachelors of Telecommunication is a 4-year degree program incorporating practical experience and a bunch of detailed projects. The Masters in Telecommunication can be completed within two years offering the degree holders best jobs in telecommunication industry upon graduation.

Q:What career opportunities can be availed after getting the Telecommunication AS degree?

A:The associate's degree in Telecommunication can open doors to various entry level positions in the field. Students with these degrees can easily troubleshoot problems, carry out maintenance jobs, and install new telecommunication systems. Job options for these professionals include: installation and maintenance executive, voice communication analyst, and telecom rates analyst.

Q:What skills do students develop in Online Telecommunications Degrees at bachelor level?

A:Bachelor degree programs in telecommunications is an undergraduate program offered by many schools online. The curriculum comprises of many courses and topics, and students not only develop theoretical knowledge but also develop certain skills. Students develop communication skills, writing skills, public contact skills, teamwork skills, problem solving skills, analysis skills, and many more.

Q:What are the top Telecommunication degrees that pay the most?

A:The top telecommunication degrees that are almost guaranteed to land you a lucrative career are master's and doctorate level degrees. A Masters in Telecommunication degree will take you 1-2 years after completing a bachelor's degree and will land you high-paying positions within the telecommunications sector. If you complete a doctorate, you will be able to find research-based positions that pay pretty well.

Q:What is the duration of different Telecomm degrees?

A:There are different Telecommunication degree programs being offered in online schools listed on our website. The basic degree to enter the Telecommunications industry is the Associate's degree, which takes about two years to complete. The other is the Bachelor's in Telecommunication which is a comprehensive four year undergraduate degree. The Masters in Telecommunications is a two year professional degree which can only be pursued upon completion of the bachelors program.

Q:While going through the what is a telecommunication degree portion on your website, I came across the mention of opportunity of a career in Customer Relations, how is this relevant?

A:In Telecommunication studies, you come to know all about the technology that is currently being used to run telecommunication companies. For being a customer support officer, one needs to have all the right information to solve the customer's queries, thus having a proper degree helps in becoming a better Customer Relations Officer in such a company.

Q:As I read on what type of degree is a Tele Communications degree, there was mention of the course on Web Site Design. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Web Site Design while going through the article on what type of degree is a Tele Communications degree. This course is worth 4 credits and is intended to teach the students how to effectively use the basic principles of web page designing. Get to know the basics of HTML coding and strategies of website building in this course.

Q:Which universities are offering world best Telecommunication degree programs?

A:Currently, many universities and colleges are offering Bachelor in Telecommunications and Networking across United States. Some of the top universities offering this program include, University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, Ohio State University, Northeastern University, Syracuse University, Boston University and North Carolina State University. There is a high scope in the field.

Q:What are the advantages of pursuing an online advanced degree in Telecommunications?

A:There are a number of advantages for students thinking about pursuing an online advanced degree in Telecommunications. Online educational programs are specifically designed to help students study at their own convenience. These courses are extensive with every aspect of the subject discussed in detail. Students save money with these programs as there are no travel and accommodation expenses involved. Prospective students interested in this program are advised to search our website an extensive list of institutions.

Q:If I decide to enroll in telecommunication degree programs with concentration in security, what core courses will I study?

A:A telecommunication degree program with specialization in security will encompass the following core courses: computer networks, information systems, advanced networking, network security, network performance and management, design and implementation, operating systems, and more. These courses will provide students with the knowledge and practical skills needed for careers in this field.

Q:Can you tell me about some of the highest paying jobs I can pursue with a degree in telecommunications?

A:A degree in telecommunications can open a range of job opportunities for you. With a bachelor degree in this area, you can apply for a number of entry level job positions. On the other hand, a masters or doctorate degree can lead to managerial level positions. A few popular telecommunications jobs include the following: communication manager, data communication analyst, technical manager, broadcast technician, network systems manager, and data architect.

Q:What major topics will I study in telecommunications degree programs at bachelor levels?

A:A bachelor degree in telecommunications comprises of a number of important topics. Students enrolled in this four year program will come across study areas such as the following: fundamentals of communication, programming and methodology, linear circuits, introduction to networks, network application, radiation and propagation, advanced digital communication, advanced calculus, microprocessors, and more.

Q:What will I learn in online telecommunications courses?

A:The answer to this question will depend on which school you are enrolled in and you particular degree program. Some of the most common telecommunication programs are: electrical circuits, digital microprocessors, signal transmission, network application, digital communication, advanced mathematics and linear circuits. Students will get to study other courses too.

Q:How many telecommunications classes would I be expected to undertake each week?

A:On the online programs available above, there is no minimum or maximum number of classes for you to undertake each week. If you wish you can do as many, or as little as you like- this is the real advantage of an online program- you study at a pace that is convenient to you.

Q:Do telecommunications courses actually help you find a job?

A:This is a rather vague question as no single rule applies to every employer in the industry. This depends on the position you wish to apply for. There are numerous jobs within the sector which are vocational, such as lower level engineering positions- for these an employer may prefer someone who has 'on the job' experience. Nonetheless an academic qualification is not a bad thing and will not hold you back in your career- quite the opposite.

Q:What is the importance of a telecommunications degree these days?

A:If you want to prosper in any field nowadays having a college degree is a necessary prerequisite. Telecommunications sector has seen significant growth in the past few years due to major advances in technology. So if you want to work in this lucrative sector having a degree will surely open up exciting career opportunities for you.

Q:As I was searching for online telecom courses degree I came across fundamentals of telecommunication, can u tell me about this course?

A:As online telecom courses or degrees focus on targeted knowledge they start from fundamentals of telecommunication to move on to advanced study. Fundamentals would touch on the subjects that build the foundation. It deals with familiarizing students with concepts like data transfer, ISDN, computer networking, telephony, wireless communication and such basic subjects.

Q:Could you tell me about schools that offer electronics and communication degrees?

A:The new age electronic telecommunication is evolving and being developed at the speed of light, which is why this is one of the fastest growing field of academic and careers in the world. Considering this boom, almost all colleges and universities across the U.S are offering accredited undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate degree in the field of telecommunications. These institutes offer these degrees on-campus as well as online. Some of the degrees offered are: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma and Certificate Programs.

Q:What is a telecommunications degree?

A:As computers and internet are on the fast track of conquering the world, this field is gaining immense popularity among all classes and more and more students are interested in pursuing degrees in telecommunications. In the U.S. degree courses available start from undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate. Some of the most commonly offered degrees in this fields are: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma and Certificate Programs.

Q:While reading about degrees in telecommunications, I came across an associate degree in this specialization field. Can you give me some information about it?

A:A degree in telecommunication at associate level is the most basic post-secondary qualification one can earn in this field. The program has a duration of two years and is designed to equip students with fundamental knowledge. Some of the subjects that students are most likely to study in this program include technology applications, industry principles, management training, telecommunication fundamentals, and project management.

Q:A telecommunications degree online is available at all levels of education or not?

A:Yes, you can pursue a telecommunications degree online at all levels of education. The most commonly pursued degree programs in this field include the following: associate degree in telecommunications, bachelor degree in telecommunications, and a master's degree in telecommunications. Many people are opting for this degree online due to benefits such as low costs, flexibility, and convenience.

Q:Will an online degree in telecommunication have the same curriculum as a campus based program?

A:Online degree in telecommunication is similar in curriculum to the campus based degrees. Only the method of instruction is different in online education is different. Online programs are flexible but they are equally challenging when it comes to course material. If you want to pursue an online program, make sure you select an accredited program for quality education and better career prospects.

Q:How to get telecommunications degree at bachelor level?

A:If you are planning to pursue a bachelor's degree in telecommunications, you first need to complete your high school education. A bachelor's degree in telecommunications has a four year duration. You will be required to complete the coursework and earn a certain number of credit hours. Upon completion of all the courses and assignments, you will be awarded this degree.

Q:What are the major benefits of enrolling in a telecommunication degree online?

A:Online education has become a popular mode of acquiring education due to a number of benefits. These programs are cost effective and help students save on travelling and book expenditure. On the other hand, students can study with ease and convenience, without having to worry about missing classes. Flexibility in course structure allows students to study at their own pace.

Q:How to get a telecommunications degree in a short period of time?

A:If you wish to earn a degree at bachelor or master's level in a short period of time, opting for an accelerated degree program is a great option. Accelerated programs are specifically designed for students who want to complete the program in less than the regular time allotted. An accelerated telecommunications degree can be completed in less than 3 years whereas an accelerated master's degree will take only a year to complete.

Q:Can you give me some information about telecom courses online university?

A:Telecom courses are offered by a number of online telecommunication colleges. These are non-degree programs that can be completed in a short duration of time. Students interested in this field can consider opting in certificate programs, diploma programs, and other short courses. The core aim of telecommunications courses is to provide students with knowledge about the professional field.

Q:With an accredited online telecommunication degree, what kind of jobs can I apply for?

A:A telecommunications degree will open the doors to a wide range of career opportunities in the telecommunications sector. You can apply for job positions such as the following: customer service representative, telecom specialist, telecom technician, communications analyst, marketing and sales manager, and more. The type of job you may be eligible for will depend upon the level of degree you have earned.

Q:What factor I should consider to before enrolling in telecommunications degree?

A:Telecommunications is a popularly growing field that opens doors to career opportunities in the media industry, tech industry, and communications industry. If you plan to enroll in a telecommunications degree, makes sure you check the curriculum and course offerings, faculty, student reviews, rankings and performance, and accreditation status of the institute.

Q:A degree telecommunications will cover what areas?

A:A telecommunications degree will cover a wide range of subjects such as analog communications, fundamentals of mechanics, engineering ethics, fiber-optic communications, communication and investigation, LAN and WAN, and more. The curriculum will also depend upon the school you enroll in, and the level of degree. Take a look at our page for more detail.

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