Education Technology

Throughout the past century, there have been some rapid advances in the way education is provided. From the development of up-to-date curriculums to innovative teaching methods, the education sector has gone through many changes that have made the teaching and studying experiences much easier and more affective. With the advent of technology into every aspect of life, we are now accustomed to the use of technology in whatever we do. The education system is not blind to this and new innovations in Education Technology have added much value to the education system.

What is Education Technology?
Education Technology is basically the study of how technology can be used to facilitate the students in their learning experience. The study focuses on technical aspects of the learning procedure as well as the methodologies of teaching and how they can be improved by adding modern techniques to them. The two aspects of education technology are the theoretical study and the technological study.

Theoretical Study
This part of the study focuses on the psychology of the whole learning process. The main theories include: Behaviorism: This theory, also known as learning perspective, proposes that every action, thought or feeling is to be treated as a behavior. The theory maintains that all behaviors can be scientifically evaluated.

Cognitivism: Cognitive Science is the study of how the human brain works and processes information. The study focuses on many aspects including low level learning and high level logic and planning.

Constructivism: This theory suggests that the learners construct their own meaning and understanding of the given information or any new interactions.

Connectivism: This theory has been developed to study the effect of technology on everything we do and the way we live.

Types of Technology used in Education
The rapid influx of technology in the past few years has seen technology introduced in to every aspect of the educational process. Some of the technology being used in education today includes:

Websites: Most educational institutes now have websites where any existing or prospective student can log on and have access to information about the institute.

Blogs and Forums: These online tools can be used by students to discuss any education related subjects and share information. Web Conferencing: With the ability to be able to see and hear someone from anywhere in the world, this facility makes the prospect of a virtual classroom possible.

Learning Management Systems: These softwares help the learners and teachers alike in assignment of tasks, handing in of projects and overall planning of a course.

Computer Based Learning/Training: This is a whole new method of providing education where a whole course is run online by using the latest computer technologies. It is commonly used for distance learning and eLearning. A number of schools have adopted this method of education as the demand for it increases with time.

As technology advances, Education Technology will be bringing new advances to the education sector that will make the lives of both teachers and learners easy. This form of education makes it easy for you to stay up-to-date with the latest educational trends and innovations.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What courses are included in an education technology program?

A:Courses usually depend on the level of qualification. Some of the most common courses in an education technology program are Basic instructional Technology Skills, Instructional Design, Distance Education: Theory and Practice, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Development of Web Based Learning Environments, Authoring for Multimedia Development, Creating Models for Electronic Delivery. The mentioned courses are specifically in regards to Distance Learning Education.

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