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Contract Management Degree

Contract management degrees train students to effectively write contracts, analyze them for future review and ensure their proper implementation. It also involves making contracts with customers, clients, vendors or partners, and handling existing portfolios. Effective contract management leads to proper operations and financial profit maximization. Good contract management also reduces bad operational risks. These programs also focus on intellectual property management and complex contracts for construction companies.

Is Contract Management the Right Career for You?

  • The formation and execution of business contracts
  • Contracts are mostly those concerning purchases of services or merchandise that are required for a business to create and trade their own merchandise
  • Contract specialists are needed to obtain goods and services for business operations or for resale to customers

What You Need

  • Education
  • Skills
  • Abilities


  • Bachelor’s degree in Procurement & Contracts Management
  • After completing the degree, people can also choose to complete their master’s degree in the same subject
  • For those who are not interested in completing a master’s degree, they can complete a certificate


  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Negotiation
  • Math
  • Management
  • Persuasion
  • Oration
  • Active listening


  • Oral comprehension and expression
  • Speech clarity and recognition
  • Fluency of ideas
  • Problem sensitivity 
  • Written expression
  • Information ordering

Job Expectations

  • If you have all the required skills, abilities and qualifications then you may want to ask what you expect from this career
  • The median annual pay, you would expect for a manager level position is $100,170

Career-related figures have been taken from BLS and O*NET OnLine

Career Outlook

  • There is steady growth in the field
  • Promotion in the organization is dependant on the level of education as well as hard work and dedication to the job


  • Thoroughly go through the list of skills and abilities required as well as the pay, growth and chances of promotion in the field
  • Acquire the proper qualifications for this career
  • If you have ticked all the boxes then Contract Management IS the right career for you


Types of Contract Management Degrees

  • Short Diploma
    • Diploma courses are offered to working professionals. They are normally conducted over the weekends at seminars and workshops. A regular diploma course is dividing into four to five modules. Students learn skills that improve their organization development, strategic management, human resource development and capacity building. A diploma course takes two months to complete the degree. Students should posses a high school diploma before applying for this course.
  • Certification
    • Certification programs are designed for under graduates. If undergraduates complete 80 credit hours of contract management, they can apply for a certification. Students can register for a certification program online. National Contract management Association offers a certification in contract management. Other certifications are Federal Contracts Manager certificate, Commercial Contracts Manager certificate and Professional Contracts Manager certificate. Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree from a reputed institute and a prior experience of one year.

Courses Offered
The entire course offered in contract management degrees are related to contract making, writing, execution and further analysis. Some of the courses offered in contract management are:
  • Construction Management
  • Authoring and negotiation
  • Service level agreement compliance
  • Baseline management
  • Growth
  • Procurement contracts
  • Commitment management
  • Contract visibility and awareness
  • Document management
  • Sales contracts
  • Communication management
  • Savings
  • Issue and change management
  • Transaction compliance
  • Relationship management
  • Critical success factors
  • Risk Management
  • Contingency Planning
  • Law of contract
  • Understanding American legal system
  • Requirements of a valid contract
  • Offer and acceptance
  • Reaching agreement
  • Formalizing the agreement
  • Capacity and authority
  • Warranties, guarantees and indemnities
  • Bidding Documents
  • Termination of the agreement
  • Cost and Price Analysis
  • Government Contract Law
  • Negotiation of Contracts and Modifications
  • Common danger areas
  • Service level agreements
  • Contract management
  • Management Principles for Procurement and Contracting
  • Contracting for Information Resources
  • International Business Transactions
  • Federal, State, and Local Grants
  • Business Negotiations
  • Managing the Project Team
  • Subcontract Management
  • Source Selection
  • Services Contracting
  • Standards for Actions and Decisions
  • Electronic Commerce in Federal Acquisition
  • Outsourcing
  • Contract management terminology
  • Pre-contractual planning and best practices
  • The process of organizing before awarding the contract
  • Contract award
  • Negotiation skills
  • Client Relationship
  • Service Delivery
  • Cultural differences

Career Opportunities 

Graduates in contract management are required to work out commercial operations like employment letters, sales invoices, purchase orders and utility contracts in business organizations and construction projects. Other organizations that employ contract managers are federal and state agencies.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


How long does it take to get a Contract Management Degree?

The duration of a Contract Management degree depends on the type of degree you want. While a diploma will only take a couple of months, a bachelor's degree in Contract Management can take up to four years. Consequently, a Masters Program in Contract Management lasts for 2 years. To become a certified Contract Manager, you will need at least a Bachelor's Degree in the field as well as some experience.

What are the requirements to get a Contract Management Degree?

The requirements needed to get a Contract Management degree are listed below. These requirements may vary but generally, all applicants that want a bachelor's degree in Contract Management must:

·         Clear an Admissions Interview

·         Hold a High School Diploma or equivalent Degree

·         Submit official transcripts and if applicable, military training documents

·         Submit grade and score reports from all relevant exams

To get a Master's Degree in Contract management, applicants should acquire a Bachelor's degree first and then meet the requirements listed on your chosen university’s official website.

How much can I make with a Contract Management degree?

After obtaining a degree in Contract Management, candidates may apply to be a Contract Administrator, Mergers and Acquisitions Manager, Finance Manager or Director of Acquisitions. Employees with a higher degree e.g. a Masters will earn more than those with a bachelor's degree and face lower rates of unemployment. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, those in management positions earned a median annual wage of $104,240 in May 2018.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can you give a few popular areas of concentration for Contract Management Degrees?

A:Bidding Documents, Relationship Management, Risk Management, Communication Management, Document Management, Growth and Outsourcing are some of the few concentration areas in Contract Management Degrees.

Q:What courses are offered in the online Contract Management degrees?

A:The online Contract Management degrees are offered with various specialization areas and hence the courses offered in each specialization differ. However, there are a few core courses that remain the same for all contract management degrees. These include: Contract visibility and awareness, Baseline management, risk management, law of contract, subcontract management, and common danger areas.

Q:What is the purpose of a contract management degree?

A:A Contract Management degree trains individuals in creating and managing contracts. A contract manager works for businesses and contract management companies and is responsible for making sure that all contract terms and conditions are met and both parties are satisfied with the result.

Q:What is the purpose of a contracting degree?

A:A Contracting Degree will make you proficient in the field of contract management. A contract manager is responsible for drawing out contracts and then making sure that all parties to the contract follow the terms and conditions and are satisfied at the conclusion of the contract. You can find work with large businesses and contract management companies.

Q:What kinds of jobs can students get with contracting degrees?

A:Contract management degree programs are designed to prepare students to become skilled contract management professionals. The different types of jobs that can be pursued with contract management depend on the degree level. Students can become a contracting specialist, pricing analyst, contracts administrator, procurement agent, subcontract specialist, and network contract manager.

Q:How do I become a Contracts Manager?

A:To be a qualified Contract Manager, you will need to gain formal education in the subject. The easiest and the shortest way to become a contract manager is to take up online diploma or short course. These allow a quick entry into the workforce with relevant knowledge and skills for the beginning. Further, you can choose to pursue more advanced degree and continue with your daytime job. The higher the level for education acquired, the higher will be the pay prospects and career opportunities. You can get enrolled in a contract management program right away by applying to any of the above mentioned institutes on our website.

Q:What is the duration of online Contracting degrees?

A:There are a number of Contracting degrees listed on our website. These include the certificate, associate, bachelor, and master's degree programs. Each program offered has a different duration. However, if these programs are pursued online, they can be completed in as much time as the student sees fit. Online programs are self paced and do not have any mandatory duration restrictions. However, typically speaking, the certificate program can be completed in one year, associate's program in two years, bachelor's degree in four years and the master's program in two additional years.

Q:As I read about the contract adminstrator reputed certificates, there was mention of the course on College Mathematics. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on College Mathematics while going through the Contract Adminstrator Reputed Certificates. This course is usually worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with ample understanding of the reviews of the mathematical skills that are taught at college levels. Students are also highlighted on the concepts of algebra.

Q:What is taught in the course of Growth offered in online degree in contract management?

A:The course will provide a thorough understanding of business planning and management. You will be studying different perspectives of integrated management systems. You will be trained in theoretical as well as practical issues relating to areas like business technology, mentor support and employment solutions. The aim will be to develop business skills to enhance performance, profitability and market penetration.

Q:I wish to pursue an online contract management degree. Will it offer the same curriculum as a campus based program?

A:If you wish to pursue an online contract management degree, it is advisable that you look for accredited programs. Accredited programs meet the quality standards set by authentic accreditation agencies and enable students to acquire the same quality of education, as that of accredited campus-based programs. Accredited online programs only differ in method of instruction but have a curriculum similar to on-campus programs.

Q:What are the topics usually taught in a subcontracts management online degree?

A:There are various types of subcontracts management degrees offered such as diplomas and certifications. The courses taught may vary depending on the program but generally include topics related to contract writing, making, execution, and analysis. These may include construction management, service agreement, procurement contracts, contingency planning, service delivery, outsourcing, and sub contract management.

Q:Can I obtain an online degree and contract management education in that online degree?

A:Yes, a number of online institutes offer degrees in contract management. These may include various certification and diploma degrees. The syllabus content covered by online degrees may be the same as that covered by campus based degrees. However, the mode of instruction in online degrees involves video tutoring and online conferencing instead of class room lecturing.

Q:Can I reduce education cost by opting for a bachelor's contract management university online?

A:If you are opting for online bachelor's degree in contract management, it is likely that your education expense will be much lower, than the one you could incur in campus based program. Online programs charge lesser tuition fees due to their cost efficient setup. Besides, you will not need to pay for traveling, hostel accommodation, or textbooks.

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