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Operations Management Degrees

An operations management program prepares students to take up leading roles within various industries. Operations managers are responsible for planning and directing the operations of organizations. Enrolling in an operations management program enables students to tackle all sorts of challenges faced at workplaces. Students learn various aspects of operations management including:

  • Planning
  • Coordinating activities related to production
  • Quality assurance of products
  • Formulating policies
  • Managing daily operations

They also learn as how to efficiently and effectively use the resources of organizations.

Why should I enroll in an Operations Management Program?
Enrolling in operations management programs can lead students to dynamic careers within various fields. They can become eligible for different positions in various manufacturing industries including computers, metals and transportation. According to official statistics, the demand for operations managers with college degrees is going to increase all the more in future. This is why going for operations management programs can be a wise decision for students who seek to build successful careers. Operations Management Program Choices There are a number of programs offered in operations management. The choice of a program depends on the individual career objective of students. Students can choose to enroll in operations management programs such as, Bachelors degree program in operations management, Master’s degree program in operations management (MBA), PhD program in operations management, Bachelor’s Degree Program in Operations Management. The Bachelor’s degree program in operations management provides students with the basic knowledge and skill in this field of specialization. A number of onsite as well as online institutes offer this program. Master’s Degree Program in Operations Management (MBA) MBA program in operations management is considered as one of the most esteemed trainings in this field. Earning this degree can help students to find the best jobs in various industries. Some of the courses in this program are:

The PhD in Operations Management is the highest academic qualification that can lead students to some of the most prestigious jobs within several varied sectors. In this program, students will learn about:

  • Production control
  • Industrial labor relations
  • Cost control
  • Materials planning
  • Plant management
  • Equipment maintenance management
  • Principles of general management
  • Manufacturing and production systems
  • Strategic manufacturing policy
  • Productivity analysis

Career Outlook
Completing an operations management program enables students to work in several industrial capacities. They can establish a career in production or inventory management. As surveyed and revealed by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of May 2012, more than 90% of all general and operations manager were earning $46,890 per year, with those in the top 25% having annual income levels above $145,210. However, the precise income of operations managers will depend on their degree level, experience as well as expertise.

Online Operations Management Programs
Other than the onsite trainings, a number of online institutes offer programs in operations management. Individuals who are involved in full-time or part-time jobs can go for these programs as they are based on a greater level of flexibility as compared to traditional campus-based ones. Candidates can thus go for higher degrees in operations management and give a boost to their career in a manageable way.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


How long does it take to complete an Operations Management Degree?

Three options are available for students who want to pursue a career in Operations Management. They can either enroll in a bachelor's program that takes around 4 years to complete, or they can enroll in an advanced master's degree that takes approximately 1-2 years to complete. Individuals who want to work in the education sector can also enroll in a rigorous PhD in Operations Management program, which usually takes an additional 3-5 years to complete.

What are the requirements to complete an Operations Management Degree?

Students enrolled in both the bachelor's and master's programs are expected to complete coursework, clear examinations and write a detailed dissertation/final year project in order to obtain their operations management degrees. The modules taught in these programs center around business courses such as Decision Support, Operations Research, Negotiation, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Logistics & Planning and Organizational Behavior. These courses develop analytical, problem solving and decision making skills in the students.

How much can I make after completing an Operations Management Degree?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean pay for General and Operations Managers was $123,880 in 2018. The annual mean pay of Business Operations Specialists was $76,960 in 2018. So if you want to pursue a career in this field, go ahead because it is a lucrative career option.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the contents of the Organizational Behavior course in the Bachelors Operations Management degree program?

A:The Bachelors in Operations Management degree program has a comprehensive course on Organizational Management. The primary focus of this course is to study the people in the organizational set up. Students have to study the varying behaviors and its effects on the workplace. It further studies the individual influences and dynamics of team work as well as the decision making procedures and management of conflicts in an organization, that may affect the operations.

Q:Can you please tell me about the contents of Ethics in Decision Making course in the Bachelors of Maintenance Management degrees?

A:The Bachelors of Maintenance Management degrees have a 2 credits worth course on Ethics in Decision - Making. This course is usually part of the final semesters and helps the students in creating stronger personal as well as corporate value systems. They are taught the principles, languages and theories of ethics and how all of this can be applied to the managerial decisions making.

Q:How quickly can the Operation Management Master degree program be completed?

A:Operation Management Master degree program takes about two years to complete, typically. However, the degree can be completed in less than two years time span as well. This can be done so in the accelerated Master in Operations Management program which takes 18 months to complete. If students wish to complete the program in less than 18 months, they can opt for the online program since online programs are self-paced and can be completed in as much time as the student sees fit irrespective of the traditional duration of the program.

Q:Which is the highest level degree program in operations management that I can pursue online?

A:PhD in Operations Management is the highest level degree available online. You can explore our website for accredited online universities offering this degree program.

Q:Can I pursue a Doctorate Degree in Operations Management online?

A:Yes. There are various accredited online institutions listed on our website that are offering doctorate degree in operations management.

Q:Why a degree in operation management different from Project Management?

A:A degree in operation management is different from project management since the operations management deals with the day to day evaluation and appraisal of a company, while the project management program trains how to plan and manage longer scale projects.

Q:What is a self paced Operation Management degree?

A:A self-paced Operation Management degree is a degree which can be completed at the pace of the student. Self paced degree programs are often known as online programs. Operation Management online degree offers students the opportunity to take as much time as they see fit to complete the program. They can complete the program from anywhere in the world at a time of their own choice.

Q:What are the advantages of enrolling in an online operations manager program?

A:One of the biggest advantages of enrolling in an online operations manager program is that students can study at their own convenience. Online programs are specifically designed for students to understand and comprehend the course without rushing through to meet deadlines. Online education is relatively cheaper as students save money on travel and accommodation. For more information, prospective students are requested to search our website for a list of institutions offering this program.

Q:What is included in the course Quality Management at colleges that offer Operations Manager Masters?

A:Quality Management is one of the most important courses offered at colleges that offer Operations Manager Masters. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with (TQM) Total Quality Management. Students get an opportunity to understand implementation tools and various approaches of leaders in the industry. This course also covers Taguchi methods, process control and capability, ISO 9000 standards and quality improvement methods.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Introduction to Accounting in the Contract Management master degree programs?

A:The Contract Management master degree programs in United States have dedicated courses on Introduction to Accounting. This course usually is of 3 credits. It is structured to provide students with ample understanding of the basics of double entry bookkeeping as well as the apt methods of recording transactions. Students are also provide info on preparation of financial statements.

Q:What is operations management?

A:Operation management refers to design and management of products, processes, services and supply chains. It deals with the acquisition, production and utilization of the resources that a firm needs to deliver the goods and services that its clients demand. The scope of operations management ranges from strategic to tactical and operation levels.

Q:As I was searching for journal of operations management, I came across an associate's degree in this field. Can you tell me about this program?

A:An associate's degree in operations management is a pre-bachelor degree program that aims at providing students with fundamental knowledge of the area. The program covers important topics such as quality control, employee selection, purchase orders, inventory control, distribution, and management. This program can lead to a number of entry level jobs.

Q:What courses will I be studying if I enroll in a master's degree in production and operations management?

A:A masters degree in production and operations management is geared towards equipping students with knowledge related to this business function. Some of the important topics included in the curriculum include the following: management of service operations, project management, supply chain management, cost management, operations management, forecasting, process management, and more.

Q:What course will I be taking in my operations management degree program?

A:According to facts and figures provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics the demand for operations managers is on the rise and this trend is bound to continue in the future as well. Which is why enrolling in an operations management degree programs can work wonders for your career prospects in future. Here are some of the courses you will be asked to take during this program: Economics, Purchasing, Accounting, Negotiations, Hazardous materials, E-commerce, Transportation management and Business management.

Q:If I plan to enroll in a business operations management degree, what areas will I be studying?

A:A master's degree in business operations management is a graduate program that offers more advanced knowledge to students. Some of the important areas studied in this program include the following: resource planning, process management, service operations management, operations strategy, and purchase operations. This program is offered by a number of business schools in the United States.

Q:What is the definition of operations management?

A:Operations management can be defined as managing, coordinating, and administering business practices that enhance efficiency and effectiveness within an organization. This area has become a broad academic field that is pursued as a specialization area by many graduates and undergraduates. A number of schools and colleges offer this field through campus classes as well as through online degree programs.

Q:Can I opt for an operations management degree online?

A:You can opt for an operations management degree online but before that make sure that it is from an accredited institute as it would help you to get better job opportunities. The course work must be such that should prepare you with concepts of human resource management, marketing strategies, quality management and logistics of the business.

Q:A maintenance management degree will include what kind of major subjects?

A:If you enroll in a maintenance manager program, you are most likely to encounter the following subjects that shed light upon the various facets of this field: strategy development, cause analysis, reliability centered management, failure analysis, industrial organization basics, maintenance systems, financial analysis, and environment analysis. The program can be completed online or through campus based institutes.

Q:If I enroll in an operations management degrees online, what courses will I study?

A:The curriculum of an operations management degree will entail a number of theoretical courses. Each course covers a certain aspect of the field and will provide you some insight on operations management. A few of the subjects you will come across in this degree have been mentioned here: productive processes, inventory management, scheduling, project management, quality management, and supply chain management.

Q:Any there any advantages of operation management degree online?

A:An online operation management degree offers various benefits for prospective students. Working professionals can easily pursue online degree in operation management in order to enhance their skill set, without disrupting their work routines, at their own pace and time. Online degrees also tend to be more cost effective than full time on campus programs as students get to save on transportation and commuting costs.

Q:I want to enroll in PhD in operations management online degree and want to know which courses I will study?

A:While the specific curriculum for operations management online doctoral degree varies from institution to institution, generally, students get to study courses in production control, industrial labor relations, cost control manufacturing and production systems, strategic manufacturing policy, productivity analysis, plant management and so on. To know more about the specific curriculum, it is advisable to check the university's website you wish to enroll in.

Q:How can I perform well in a maintenance management degree online?

A:Online programs may have flexibility but they also require a lot of consistency and self management on part of students. If you wish to perform well in maintenance management degree online, you will have to regularly attend lectures, participate in class discussions, complete assignments within time, and follow a study schedule

Q:I am looking for best online masters in operations management. Can you tell me how it can help in my career?

A:If you want to enroll in online masters in operations management, make sure that you select an accredited program. If you enroll in a quality program you will acquire and hone various skills such as planning, coordinating activities related to productions, quality assurance, making decisions and policies, and taking care of daily operations. Better credentials can lead to more job opportunities, improved performance, and career advancement.

Q:What are the different courses offered in operations management degree online?

A:The different courses offered in the operations management degree online include fundamentals of operations management, financial performance in operations management, leadership and supervision in operations management, managing the supply chain, project procurement and contract management. These are some of the general courses offered in operations management programs. You will need to visit your preferred institute's website to receive exact information on the courses.

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