MBA Accounting

Overview of Field

The MBA of Accounting provides an opportunity for those who wish to enter the business world to work in positions where an accounting and finance background is required. While the MBA of Accounting does not make you a professional auditor, it prepares you to make decisions related to budgeting and accounting for plann ing purposes in all kinds of organizations.

Structure and duration of the degree program

The typical MBA of Accounting is a two-year program. However, some are able to complete it faster through special accelerated programs. But many people in online MBA of Accounting programs actually take longer since they prefer to take one or two courses at a time so they can continue with their professional jobs.

Highlights of the coursework

The MBA of Accounting requires students to take all courses in the standard MBA curriculum including operations, human resources and marketing. But the electives for those who complete the MBA of Accounting tend to be focused on accounting and finance courses. This includes electives like control systems, tax laws and managerial accounting.

Admission criteria and graduation requirements

You can apply for admission in the MBA of Accounting if you have completed an undergraduate degree in any discipline. But students with two years or more of coursework and a background in economics, mathematics, statistics and computer science tend to increase their chances of gaining admission.

Career prospects and average salary

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics states that professional auditors and accountants draw in a median salary of $63,550 annually. The individual wages of these professionals increase with more experience in the field.

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Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How long is the Online Accounting MBA program?

A:The Online Accounting MBA program usually takes 2 years to complete but can vary with each student's speed since the online Accounting MBA is designed to facilitate those with jobs so they can complete the degree program at their own pace.

Q:Can we study for the AMBA accredited MBA Accounting online course in the United States?

A:AMBA - Association of MBAs, is an european body. It practices services and accredits universities and schools in the europe. Therefore, it is unlikely to find MBA Accounting online degree programs that are AMBA accredited.

Q:Is Accounting MBA relating to Audit?

A:While auditing is a subject studied in the Accounting MBA program, it is not a specialization and an Accounting MBA program does not qualify you as a professional auditor.

Q:Which students are preferred in the MBA in Accounting online program?

A:Students with two years or more of coursework and a background in economics, mathematics, statistics and computer science tend to be preferred in the MBA in Accounting online program.

Q:What are the elective courses in the MBA Accounting program?

A:The electives for MBA Accounting program tend to be focused on accounting and finance courses. There is a comprehensive list of options to choose from and these electives are studied in the latter half of the complete MBA program.

Q:Is there a specific work experience that can increase my chances to get admission in the MBA in Accounting programs?

A:To get into the MBA in Accounting program it is not mandatory to provide experience in one specific field. Anything relating to accounts and accounts handling should work. However, most of the top schools look for what you have learned in the work experience and what your tasks were.

Q:What is the MBA in Accounting Program structure?

A:The MBA program is normally a 2 year degree course but can be completed earlier with accelerated programs. Another form is the Executive MBA which is for individuals already working hence the classes are held either in the evening, after office hours or they are held on the weekends.

Q:Can we transfer credits from the 2 year online Accounting MBA program into the campus based MBA programs?

A:Transferring credits from the Online Accounting MBA to campus-based MBA within the same school is much more convenient. However, if you have a similar course outline, you may also be eligible for transfers and exemptions into other MBA schools.

Q:What are the usual concentration courses in the Accounting MBA online program in the United States?

A:In the United States, the concentration courses for the Accounting MBA online programs include Financial Reporting, Decision Making, Managerial Accounting, Taxation of Entities, Accounting Information Systems and Financial Management.

Q:Is there any two years accounting MBA program?

A:Yes. The Masters of Business Administration in Accounting can easily be completed within two years in a regular program. The MBA Accounting is a two years program by default. The two year MBA in Accounting can be pursued on campus-based institutes as well as the online institutes.

Q:What job titles can be earned after completing the online MBA in Accounting?

A:Your career prospects are mainly dependent on the value/accreditation of your degree and the area of specialization pursued. The typical job titles that can be earned with this degree include: Internal Auditor, Senior Financial Analyst, Tax Manager, and Accounting Manager.

Q:Is there a 2 year MBA programs with accounting majors?

A:Yes. The MBA degree can be pursued with specialization in Accounting. The degree is most commonly known as the MBA in Accounting, which is a two year degree program. The MBA in Accounting, as suggested by the name, focuses on two areas such that for the first year business administration courses are taught and the later year accounting courses are taught.

Q:What type of Accounting MBA jobs are currently offered in the market?

A:The MBA in Accounting is a highly sought after degree program allowing degree holders to take up lucrative career opportunities. Students can work in various public, private, for-profit, and non-profit organizations. They can work as internal and external auditors, accountants, accounts managers, finance manager, finance analyst, finance coordinator, tax adviser, tax manager, and finance adviser.

Q:Can you please name some of the top Accounting M.B.A. schools?

A:Top Accounting M.B.A. schools are Wharton School of Business, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, McCombs School of Business, Columbia Business School, Ross School of Business, and Strayer University. Online schools include South University Online, Colorado Technical University Online, and Benedictine University Online. For more information prospective students are requested to search our website for a list of institutions.

Q:Which courses are taught in the online Accounting MBA programs fast?

A:I think by online Accounting MBA programs fast you meant MBA in Accounting Accelerated. There are a number of courses you will be taught in this program, online or campus-based. Some of the courses will be accounting systems, intermediate financial management, advanced accounting level one and level two and strategic management.

Q:Can you please tell me what is taught in the Strategic Management course of the Accounting MBA classes?

A:The Accounting MBA classes in United States have dedicated courses on Strategic Management. This course is worth 5 credits in total and is one of the initial level, but integral courses. This course is designed to teach the students how to plan increased productivity and also learn the ways to strategically manage an organization.

Q:What is the admission criterion and course structure of an online MBA accounting?

A:The admission criterion for an online MBA in accounting demands that the applicant must have successfully completed an undergraduate degree program. However, applicants with two years or more of coursework in the same or some related field and those with a background in economics, mathematics, statistics and computer science have a better chance of getting admission in this degree program. Successful completion of this program requires about two years, unless it is being pursued through an accelerated program.

Q:Tell me about the course structure and admission criterion of MBA accounting programs?

A:Students in an MBA of Accounting degree program get to study the basic principles of operations, human resources and marketing. However, electives are more focused on accounting and finance courses, like control systems, tax laws and managerial accounting. If you want to get admission in MBA of Accounting program, you need to have an undergraduate degree in any field or at least two years of coursework and background experience in economics, mathematics, statistics and computer science.

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