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Free Online Courses

Without education, pursuing a lucrative career isn’t a possibility in today’s highly competitive environment. Technological factors have boosted advancement in almost every occupation, ranging from nursing to administration and from teaching to engineering. However, acquiring education is not something everyone can afford. High costs and inflation have increased the costs of education to a great extent. To counteract these issues, distant learning schools have emerged in recent years, offering free online courses as an alternate to campus based education. Now students can study from the comfort of their home and fulfill their academic dreams conveniently. Online education helps lower costs to a great extent, eliminating extra expenses related to traveling and text books.

Almost every academic area can be pursued via distant education, including some of the most technical areas such as nursing. Thanks to online nursing schools, aspiring individuals can become nurses by enrolling in online nursing programs. Online lectures, one on one tutorials, classroom conferences, multimedia slideshows, e-notes, and video conferences are the key modes through which students acquire knowledge and develop nursing skills. Many schools specialize in free nursing courses, helping students from across the globe prepare for lucrative healthcare careers. Key topics covered in free nursing classes include nursing fundamentals, physiology, anatomy, ethics and healthcare, legal issues, case management in nursing, and clinical skill development. Nursing education is growing at a rapid pace, reflecting its popularity and demand among students. With an LPN degree, one can make over $30,000 per year ta entry level. Other nursing qualifications such as RN degrees and BSN degrees can lead to more advanced level nursing careers.

Another academic field that has become recession proof and extremely popular is business administration. We all know that administration is integral to the proper functioning of any business organization in any industry. From planning to implementation, all kinds of business activities need to be cohesively managed and executed. The intense business environment in today’s economy demands highly skilled managers and executives who know how to gear a business towards success. In the field of administration, MBA programs have acquired a top position worldwide. MBA degree holders are reputed all over the world and are preferred by employers. MBA programs rank among the leading graduate business degrees, offering specialization in areas such as human resource management, marketing, finance, and supply chain management.

Just like nursing education, business administration can also be pursued online through accredited online business schools. Students can access free online MBA programs and free online business courses by simply clicking away. This is a great way for professionals to increase their credentials without having to compromise their jobs and other work commitments. Students indulge in case study analysis, online presentations, video lectures, and research studies online. Individualized attention is one of the key benefits of online education. Other benefits of online education include low costs, flexibility of time, self-paced course structures, and convenience. Now education is no more a difficult or unaffordable pursuit for anyone. Online schools have promoted education to a great extent, making it accessible and affordable for everyone.

How long does it take to complete a free online course?

The lengths of online courses vary. Courses could take as little as five weeks to complete and students can make their own schedules because online courses are structured differently from traditional ones. Typically, an instructor will upload all the course lectures online and the time a student takes to complete a course depends entirely on them. The average online course lasts for around 2 months.

What are the requirements for a free online course?

The formal requirements to take a free online course depend on the university that is offering the course plus your major. Typically, the only requirements are the following:

•    Students must have a high school diploma or GED

•    Maintain a GPA of at least 2.0

•    Have a working laptop and internet connection

Some colleges may require you to be a student and have spent at least a semester on campus as well.

How much can I make after completing free online courses?

Your expected salary depends on the kind of course you took and whether you pursued higher education in the same field. For example, people in management occupations earned a median annual salary of $104,240 as of May 2018 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is higher than the average wage across all other major occupations. On the other hand, for a high school teacher, the annual median wage as of May 2018 was $60,320.

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