Media and communications is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and flourishing fields in the world. Media professionals are known for their courageousness, creativity, and ability to bring change in society. This is a highly competitive and challenging field, and one requires exceptional skills to become a successful media professional. If you aspire to be a part of media as a journalist, producer, editor, PR practitioner or any other media person; then you should get proper training from a reputed media college.
Where can I find a good Media College?
You can find many well-known media colleges that offer degrees in print, electronic and cyber media. You can also take courses in video production and film studies from these colleges. Many online colleges also offer courses and diplomas in media studies where learners are equipped with up-to-date knowledge of media practices by the very best people in the field. An online media college allows you to choose your own study timings and learn through interactive sessions, online tools, and study packages. You can get hands-on training on production and editing techniques from these institutes. The modes of teaching are different from that of traditional media colleges, but the outcome is equally rewarding.
Which types of degrees and subjects are offered by media colleges?
A typical media college offers Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree programs in media. PHD level study and specialized training courses are also offered by these colleges. Prerequisites vary according to different institutions and degree levels, but these are not very difficult, and any person with reasonable past record can get admission in his preferred media college. Besides theoretical knowledge of this discipline, internship programs are also offered by these colleges because they enable you to acquaint yourself with the working environment of media organizations.
A lot of reputed media colleges also include training workshops and seminars in their curriculum so that students can learn through interactive means. If you are opting for an online media college, then these workshops and seminars will form a major part of your education. Some of the common subject areas that are taught in media colleges are mentioned below:
Print Media: Include courses in magazine journalism, news writing techniques, local print journalism, article writing etc.
Electronic Media: Include courses in television journalism, news reporting, screen writing, online journalism etc.
Public Relations: Include theories of public relations and propaganda, branding, marketing, media management, and organizational communication.
Advertising: Include courses in copy-writing, ad making, visual communication, marketing, print and digital advertising techniques.
Audio & Video Production: Include training courses in camera handling, filming, editing, animation, pre and post production skills.
Film Studies: Include courses and training related to commercial and documentary film making, cultural studies and film, screenplay writing, set designing etc.
How can I choose the best media college?
The field of media is quite vast and it is quickly expanding because of advancement in technology. A journalist of today needs to know proper usage of new technologies and he should be able to meet the changing demands of his field. At the same time, he needs deep understanding of theoretical concepts of media and communication, because they form the basis of good journalism. While choosing a media college, you should consider this very factor that the institute will offer you a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge about various facets of media. You should also confirm the accreditation of the college from the concerned state. Make a checklist of courses that you wish to study and find the college that offers all or most of them. You should also get information about the faculty of the college that should consist of an equal number of academicians and media professionals. Finally, you need to check the timings, course duration and fee structure that should match your current schedule. If it doesn’t, then you can opt for an online media college and learn without any hassle.
What will be the career options for me after graduating from Media College?
A degree earned from a suitable media college can easily land you a job of your choice. You can work in newspapers, magazines, television channels, broadcasting houses, press information departments, and advertising agencies. You can be a part of the movie industry or set your own production house. There is a great demand for newscasters and anchorpersons, news directors, reporters, and technical staff (like cameraman, director of photography, editor) in the market. You can also join media a writer and showcase your talent as screenplay or copywriter. The options are unlimited in this field; you just need a vision and expertise to gain competitive edge over others!