Accelerated Bachelor Degrees

It usually takes four years to earn a bachelor’s degree from a university or college. This equals to about 120 credit hours of coursework including classes, assignments, and exams. Some students manage to meet the credit requirement in a much shorter time period and earn their bachelor’s degree in less than four years. Accelerated bachelor’s degrees enable students to save some time and complete their studies earlier than usual. However, schools that offer very short bachelor’s degree programs are likely to be diploma mills.

Why do people pursue accelerated bachelor degrees?

Learners may choose to join accelerated bachelor’s degrees for a number of reasons. Some people may just find the usual pace of university too slow and unchallenging. Others wish complete their degree faster because they aspire to enter the job market quickly. People who are already working may want to obtain a bachelor degree to improve their career.

How to accelerate bachelor degrees?

How you choose to accelerate your degree is usually a blend of your own genius and your university’s flexibility towards accelerating a degree. If your university supports accelerated programs, you may choose a number of ways to complete your degree much quicker than the rest of the crowd. Of course, that would mean studying more hours and that may not leave much time for you to enjoy your university experience or make friends, but if your main aim is completing the degree as soon as possible, then your major focus should be that alone. It is also advisable to discuss your plans with your university’s academic advisor first and give some time to plan out your course of action so that you can smoothly accelerate your program once you are into it.
Following are few of the methods by which you can obtain accelerated bachelor degrees:

Number of Courses per Semester

Universities usually have a limit of a minimum and a maximum number of courses that you can take each semester. When you are planning your degree, map out your schedule in a way that you take the maximum number of courses each semester.

Transfer Credits

Universities may give you credit for courses you may have previously taken at another university or at community college. Talk to the concerned people and try to get as much credits transferred towards earning your degree. Some  colleges also give credits for previous job experience.  

Independent Studies

Independent studies are a great way to amass credit. Find out the maximum number of independent studies you can take in a semester and over all in all the semesters. Then use this to your benefit. The great thing with independent studies is that you do not have to stick to a time frame in order to complete the assigned work. For instance, if you are supposed to submit your work in six weeks, you might as well submit it in one week and pick up another independent study in the same semester.

CLEP Testing

CLEP Testing tests how much knowledge you have regarding university courses. If you pass the exam, universities will usually give you credit for it.

How long does it take to complete an Accelerated Bachelors Degree?

A number of schools offer accelerated programs such as the University of Houston and Arizona State University. Students can complete a bachelor’s degree in 3 years or fewer. Accelerated pathway dual degree programs are also available that enable students to complete bachelor's along with master's in as little as 5 years. These accelerated track options are available for a number of disciplines like Hospitality Management, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Nursing and Liberal Studies.

What are the requirements to complete an Accelerated Bachelors Degree?

Fast track programs are designed to cover the same amount of syllabus as a traditional degree, but in a shorter time span. Students are expected to complete approximately 60 credit hours for accelerated bachelor’s degrees and up to 69 credit hours for fast track dual degrees. These programs incorporate classroom instructions, lab sessions (for science students), individual assignments, projects and examinations.

How much can I make after completing an Accelerated Bachelors Degree?

Obtaining a bachelor's degree is a stepping stone to a better career. Accelerated programs are valued by both professional bodies and employers. Thus, these fast track options can be rewarding and can set you apart in the job market. How much you make after completing a bachelor's degree depends upon your aptitude, choice of college, area of specialization, past experience etc. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for bachelor’s degree holders is expected to grow by 10% from 2016 to 2026.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can I pursue 12 month Bachelor degree program in Georgia online?

A:Yes. A 12 month Bachelor degree program in Georgia can be pursued online. Students can select from a wide variety of qualifications offered on our website. Online educational programs are specifically designed for students interested in studying at their own pace. The curriculum programs are comprehensive with every topic discussed in detail. Distance learning programs are relatively inexpensive where students save money on travel and accommodation.

Q:Searching for 12 months diploma courses in Georgia mentioned mass media and society. What is the premise of this course?

A:Course on mass media and society would be included in 12 months diploma courses in Georgia. This course is usually 3 credit hours and deals with the history of media and its impact on masses. Topics discussed in this course are economic structure and the effect of mass media in the current United States. Prospective students interested in this course are recommended to search our website for more information.

Q:What are the contents of the College Mathematics course of the Bachelor degree in Indianapolis?

A:The Bachelor degree in Indianapolis have dedicated courses on College Mathematics. These courses are usually worth 4 credits and are designed to make the students understand the complete college level skills of mathematical concepts as well as the more academic topics that relate to this subject. You also get to study how to use decimal notation and measurements and statistics.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Essentials of Sociology in the Bachelor degrees in Indianapolis IN?

A:The Bachelor degrees in Indianapolis IN have a contemporary course titled Essentials of Sociology. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is designed to offer the students with ample understanding of the various terminologies, questions as well as the theories that are studied by sociologists in finding out group behaviors and cultural influences, etc.

Q:What are the contents of the course on World Geography in the Bachelor in Augusta degree program?

A:The Bachelor in Augusta degree programs usually have a dedicated course on World Geography. This course is worth 3 credits in total. It is designed to offer the students with ample understanding of the physical as well as human attributes of various regions, that fuel the diversity and uniqueness to these various global regions of the world.

Q:As I read on the bachelors degree in Atlanta, there was mention of the course on Business Communications. What are the contents of this course?

A:The Bachelors degree in Atlanta have dedicated course on Business Communications. This course is worth 4 credits and is designed to provide the students with ample understanding of the very basics of the business communication in writing. It also explores the various approaches to the different documents of business. Hands on experience is also provided in this course.

Q:What can a bachelors degree in business prepare me for?

A:A bachelor's degree in business is focused to familiarize students with business concepts, marketing strategies and operations, risk management, market analysis and evaluation of profit and loss along with management of accounts and finances. Before going for a bachelor's degree the curriculum must be checked. The bachelor's degree typically takes four years to be completed.

Q:Are accelerated online bachelor degree programs the same as normal degrees?

A:Accelerated online programs are identical to accelerated classroom-based programs. However, accelerated programs are not always identical to full term programs. This is because trying to fit 3 years of study into 1 year will inevitable prove difficult and unmanageable. Therefore such courses only really include the mandatory and essential items.

Q:I read with interest that there is now a bachelors degree in 12 months available. What do I need to attempt the same?

A:You will need to have excellent time management skills, as these accelerated degree programs will take up a considerable amount of your time. Therefore, it may be that you have to sacrifice some of your family/ work commitments. You should carefully consider whether or not you will have sufficient time to undertake such degrees.

Q:Is it difficult to pursue a 12 month bachelor degree?

A:A 12 month bachelor degree is an accelerated degree and can be quite a strain for students. With effective management of time and resources this degree can be managed and there are students who successfully complete it. After finishing the degree in a shorter duration of time one can enter the job market quickly.

Q:Can you give me some information about a bachelor degree in 12 months?

A:If you are looking for an academic path that will help you pursue a bachelor degree in a year, you can consider enrolling in an accelerated bachelor program. This program is geared towards helping students complete a program in less than the usual time needed. Many online and campus based schools are offering accelerated programs.

Q:Will I have a lot of free time in accelerated bachelor degree?

A:The answer is actually the opposite of the statement that you are making. The purpose of an accelerated degree is to complete your degree requirements in a shorter time period. This will mean that you will have to put in considerable time and effort towards your studies not leaving a lot of space for much else.

Q:Can an accelerated bachelors degree be taken along with a job?

A:The standard bachelor's degree takes four years and with an accelerated degree you can speed up the process. Taking an accelerated degree may mean extra credit hours to complete it faster. This can also become hectic, as it would demand more attention. Managing a job with it depends entirely on your own capacity.

Q:I have heard about degree in twelve months for bachelors. Can this be done?

A:Bachelor's programs are four year programs typically. However, some institutes offer accelerated programs that enable you to complete the degree in twelve months also. To complete it such a short span of time, there is more work load and not many students can manage this pressure. You should check how the accelerated course is managed before enrolling in one.

Q:Can I get accelerated bachelors degree online?

A:There are many accelerated bachelors degree available online that are offered by different institutes. People go for them as they allow you to enter the field faster so instead of waiting for four years, they opt for accelerated programs that can be completed in a shorter span of time. Plus, with online classes there is more flexibility in terms of time management.

Q:Can you give me information on accelerated bachelor's degree credit for work?

A:Accelerated bachelors degree is one that does not have four years time period. The curriculum is designed in such a manner that the course can be completed in half the time. At times schools may consider prior work experience or give you credit for work and waive off particular courses. They may also conduct exams to check your knowledge or to grant you credit.

Q:Can I find accelerated bachelor degree in elementary education?

A:You can easily find accelerated bachelor degree in elementary education. It is best to search online for such institutes that offer the degree in a shorter span of time. You can check how they manage the accelerated course and how much time period is given for it. A comparison will help you find the degree that suits your needs.

Q:Tell me about accelerated online education bachelor degrees for early childhood studies?

A:The course for early childhood studies will cover subjects like cognitive, emotional, social development of children. For accelerated education, the course may have to be finished in half the time so there is extra burden which not everyone can manage. Online education gives you flexibility of time, making it more convenient to pursue the program in your own time.

Q:I am looking for accounting bachelors online in 12 months. Will it be the right choice for me?

A:If you are going for the accounting bachelors online in 12 months, you should consider if you can cope well with the additional pressure and the hectic schedule of the 12 month bachelor programs. If you feel that you are good at managing time and do well under pressure situations, this program can be great for you.

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