Paxil Side Effects

What is Paxil?

Paroxetine (marketed as Paxil) is a commonly prescribed medicine for the treatment of depression. Since it is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) drug, it works by altering the balance of serotonin (neurotransmitter) in the brain, which the psychiatric community believes helps lift up mood. The use of Paxil is associated with a number of harmful side effects, including an increased risk of birth defects when used by expecting mothers. Paxil is one of those drugs that carry a stronger grade D warning, which was changed from an initial “C” one by late 2005. This implies that studies or the marketing of this drug to pregnant women have reported a risk to the fetus, yet it is still allowed to be sold to consumers despite the potential risks.

What is paxil used for?

Is paxil harmful during pregnancy?

Does paxil damage the heart?

Paxil birth defect lawsuit

How can the use of Paxil harm your baby?

The use of Paxil may result in the following birth defects.

Paxil Side Effects

Paroxetine or Paxil is a drug prescribed to treat depression, panic disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This drug can trigger the following, requiring immediate medical attention:

  • Skin rash
  • Muscle Pain or weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty with breathing
  • Confusion
  • Cold sweats
  • Chills
  • Chest pain or congestion


Paxil Heart Defects

Based on the results of various studies that were reported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005, it was found that women who took Paxil during the first three months, or trimester, of pregnancy were one and a half to twice as likely to give birth to a baby with heart defects. The comparison group comprised of women who took other anti-depressants. Atrial and ventricular septal heart defects were mainly reported in most of these studies. These are basically holes in the walls of the chambers of the heart. Although some of these defects are minor and require no treatment, others may need to be treated with surgical procedures.

FDA's warning suggested that Paxil should only be prescribed during pregnancy if the apparent benefits of the drug are given preference over the potential risks involved. Therefore, if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, you should discuss the risks and benefits of the drug in detail with your physician. You should also try to find out about the alternative treatment options that may be available.

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)

The use of SSRIs including Paxil has been linked with PPHN. It is a rare type of heart and lung condition in which the newborn baby is unable to adapt to breathing outside the womb. In severe cases, the child may be put on a ventilator. Extreme cases may result in multiple organ damage, such as brain damage, as well as death in some cases.

A study conducted by Chambers et al. in 2006 indicated that newborns whose mothers had started taking an SSRI such as Paxil after twenty weeks of becoming pregnant are six times more likely to develop PPHN than the general population. Another study by Källén et al. reported a significant relationship between the occurrence of PPHN and the use of antidepressant drugs such as Paxil during the first trimester of pregnancy. No association between the use of the SSRI drug during the third trimester of pregnancy and PPHN was found by the study conducted by Andrade et al. The FDA updated its safety warning in December 2011. As the review of more recent studies yielded additional findings that had to be taken into account, it was concluded that a final decision cannot yet be established about the relationship between the use of SSRIs and the development of PPHN.


This fatal birth defect that adversely impacts the functioning of the brain has also been linked with the use of Paxil. The June 2007 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that exposure to paroxetine significantly increased the risk of anencephaly, along with craniosynostosis and omphalocele. The latter two involve skull and abdominal wall abnormalities.

Do you have a Paxil birth defect lawsuit?

If you or a loved one had a child born with a birth defect and Paxil was used during pregnancy, particularly during the first three months, you or they will typically be eligible to file a lawsuit. This will be against the drug manufacturers and a claim can be made for compensation for the funds spent in treatment as well as for the pain and suffering before and after.

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Q:What are the bad side effects of paxil?

A:Paxil is an oral psychotropic drug that has been associated with a number of negative side effects. Most common side effects include hallucinations, welling and bruising, fever, shallow breathing, and skin pain. Some minor side effects also linked to this drug include constipation, mild nausea, dry mouth, decreased sex drive, sleep problems, and constipation.

Q:What is the most common Paxil side effect?

A:There is not one particular side effect that Paxil causes. Some of the most common side effects include nausea, sexual dysfunction, drowsiness, insomnia, anxiety and irritability, ringing in the ears, weakness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Such symptoms are usually mild but you should contact your doctor if they start worsening.

Q:Could you please tell me about some of the more serious Paxil side effects?

A:Some of the more serious side effects caused by Paxil that need serious medical attention include allergic reactions, imbalance, seizures, confusion, irregular heart rate, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, fainting, bruising or swelling, unusual bleeding, fever or memory loss. Other side effects could include stiff muscles, headaches, trouble during breathing, tremors etc.

Q:While looking for paxil side effects in men I came across low sex drive. Can it happen?

A:Paxil is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) which like others in this category can cause anorgasmia. Even if a patient doesn't have anorgasmia he still can have difficulty in reaching an orgasm. You should consult your physician about the side effects that you are facing and can also discuss changing your medication.

Q:What are the types of Paxil side effects in women?

A:The most prominent side effects that Paxil specifically causes in women are complications during pregnancy. The risk significantly increases during the first three months of pregnancy. Examples of these side effects include miscarriage, pulmonary hypertension, spinia bifida, premature birth, hearth defects, cleft palate or lip, club feet, cranial defects and delayed development.

Q:For patients who try to discontinue, what are the most common Paxil side effects withdrawal?

A:Even though this happens with only a small percentage of patients, Paxil withdrawal side effects do occur. Usually, a person faces problems if he or she has taken Paxil for six weeks or more. The side effects start within half a month of stopping treatment and take a couple of weeks to settle. Examples include sleep effects such as insomnia or fatigue, gastrointestinal effects and CNS problems.

Q:How can I overcome Paxil withdrawal side effects?

A:Even though researchers and doctors haven't been able to pinpoint which patients would go through Paxil withdrawal side effects, it is better to adopt prevention techniques. These include finding natural medications such as herbal remedies and following a tapering off method instead of quitting in an abrupt manner. In case these methods don't work for you, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Q:I am suffering from a side effect of Paxil. What can a lawyer do for me?

A:A lawyer will be able to advise you, first on your rights and, second, on the remedies available. A lawyer will first consider the facts of your case, and then consider under which law(s) you can file a lawsuit. The most common law with either be product liability or negligence.

Q:Can you please tell me about the side effects from paxil?

A:Paroxetine is an active ingredient in Paxil and can lead to common allergic reactions such as skin rashes, difficulty in breathing and swelling of throat, lips, tongue or face. A person should seek emergency medical help in such a situation and any worsening symptoms like mood changes, anxiety and panic attacks, headache and insomnia should be reported to the doctor.

Q:Are there any dangerous side effects of Paxil that I should be aware of before starting a course of this antidepressant?

A:Paxil, like many other modern antidepressants such as Zoloft, Prozac and Lexapro has very stringent side effects when it comes to keeping the biological balance our bodies in a stable state. Though such drugs are given to teenagers and children like candy, the FDA has issued several warnings regarding the tendency of the users of this drug to develop suicidal thoughts as well as stiff muscles, an adverse skin reaction, bruising and inexplicable bone related pain.

Q:I want to know about the side effects of paxil withdrawal indications. Can you tell me about these?

A:Not everyone who uses Paxil experience its severe side effects at withdrawal. In fact, most of the people experience only mild symptoms. The most common indications of withdrawal include nausea, headache, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, hallucinations, loss of appetite and diarrhea or constipation. Generally, these symptoms last for a few days. However, the effects vary from individual to individual.

Q:I'm experiencing some serious allergic reactions, nausea and constipation. Might they be the side effects paxil?

A:Yes, these may be the common side effects of Paxil. You should call your doctor immediately so that he or she can suggest you something regarding usage of the drug. Paxil contains paroxetine and its usage can lead to some common side effects like nausea, insomnia, weakness and decreased libido. Allergic reactions, seizures, fainting and hyperactivity are some of the serious side effects. In all cases, it is suggested that the patient should seek medical help.

Q:How can I file a lawsuit for a bad reaction to paxil?

A:It is advisable that you contact and discuss your case with a Paxil lawyer. Those who have suffered the side effects of the drug seek to recover damages for pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical costs. If attorney feels that further investigation is needed, he or she will help you with the process and give you quality representation when needed.

Q:What are the side effects of taking Paxil during pregnancy?

A:There are number of side effects that can occur by taking Paxil during pregnancy. These side effects include birth defects in babies such as congenital heart defects. It may cause a baby to be born with holes in the heart chambers. Other birth defects include seizures, vomiting, tremors, breathing difficulty, and low blood sugar.

Q:Can you tell me about paroxetine side effects in pregnancy?

A:There are a number of side effects of paroxetine, which are associated with pregnancy. The drug can lead to various birth defects in baby such as congenital heart defects. It may also cause a baby to be born with holes in their heart. Other possible side effects include vomiting, seizures, breathing problems, irritability, and low blood sugar.

Q:Can you tell me about any side effects Paxil has on your heart?

A:If the drug Paxil is used by pregnant women, it can lead to adverse effects on the baby's heart. Atrial and ventricular heart defects were observed due to the drug. While some heart defects are minor and may not require treatment, other defects need to be treated with surgical procedures.

Q:What are the side effects of Paxil and how can one prevent them?

A:Paxil is usually prescribed to patients who are suffering from depression or any mood disorders. However, young adults or those under the age of 25 may have adverse side of the medicine, such as worsening depression. It may also cause several dangerous birth defects, so pregnant women should consult their doctor before using it. It is advisable that you learn about the side effects before using an anti-depressant.

Q:I was wondering if there are any side effects of stopping Paxil. Can you tell me about them?

A:Due to the lack of research, withdrawal symptoms of Paxil are unknown. However, when stopping the drug, it is recommended that you contact your doctor. Side effects can be lowered by slowly tapering the dose, and it is not advisable to discontinue the drug abruptly. Patients may go through symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, agitation, and mood swings.

Q:Can you tell me about the long term side effects of Paxil?

A:Paxil can have several side effects in the short as well as in the long run. The long term side effects could occur in the form of worsening depression and suicidal tendencies. Likelihood of these side effects is greater in young adults and teenagers. It is recommended that you consult your doctor about its immediate and long term side effects.

Q:I am experiencing some common side effects of Paxil. Should I stop using the drug?

A:If you are experiencing common side effects of Paxil and wish to stop the intake of drug, it is better to consult your doctor. Paxil may cause some adverse effects if you stop it abruptly. Usually, a gradual tapering of the drug is required and only a physician can advise you on how to minimize the withdrawal effects of the drug.

Q:While looking for side effects of paxil for women, I came across joint pain. Is it a common side effect?

A:Paxil can have various side effects on women but these effects can vary in their frequency. Joint pain is not among the frequent side effects experienced by women who have used Paxil. However, frequent side effects include dry mouth, dizziness, trouble sleeping, nervousness, involuntary quivering, and excessive sweating. Paxil may cause serious complications in pregnancy and can result in various birth defects as well.

Q:Can you give me information about Paxil side effects in children?

A:It is important that Food and Drug Administration has not recommended the use of Paxil in children and teenagers. Childhood depression differs greatly from adult depression, and therefore children may experience several side effects of the drug. Research also shows that the drug increases the thoughts of violence and suicide among teenagers and children.

Q:Can you tell me about Paxil drug interactions with various mental disorders?

A:Paxil can cause a number of side effects in patients suffering from mental disorders. The drug can have adverse effects on patients of depressive disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. It can affect various systems such as cardiovascular, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal systems.

Q:Can you tell me how I can avoid the side effects of quitting Paxil?

A:The drug may cause several side effects when you withdraw it. However, these side effects can be prevented or minimized. You may consult your doctor to find out how to prevent side effects. Usually, a slow tapering of dose is recommended. You should not stop Paxil abruptly, as it may result in a worse condition or other side effects.

Q:I have heard of several negative side effects of Paxil. Are there any alternate medicines to treat depression?

A:Paxil may cause various negative effects in depression patients. It may result in worsening a person's condition. If you have concerns regarding the intake of Paxil, best is to consult a psychiatrist. You may also look for alternate therapies that do not require medicines, such as meditation, yoga, and counseling.

Q:What can be the starting Paxil side effects?

A:Patients may experience varied side effects of the drug. Initial side effects may occur in the form of sweating, chest pain, confusion, breathing difficulty, muscular pain, and chills. Rare side effects include dilated pupils, dry mouth, fever, poor coordination, and red or purple patches on the skin. Patients may experience convulsions or difficulty in speaking as well.

Q:What are the Paxil permanent side effects?

A:Paxil may cause varied side effects in patients. While some side effects go away with the withdrawal of drug, others stay there permanently. Harmful mental and physical side effects by Paxil include insomnia, nausea, drowsiness, irritability, problems with balance and coordination, racing or abnormal heart rate, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts.