
What is Yasmin Birth Control ?
Yasmin birth control is a contraceptive pill which is to be taken orally. This drug is manufactured by Bayer Healthcare pharmaceuticals with ingredients like Oestradiol, progestin and drospirenone. The pill is to be taken orally in order to prevent yourself from getting pregnant.

Uses of Yasmin
Yasmin is a drug used to prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation and bringing changes to the cervical lining making it hard for the sperm to penetrate into the uterus. Yasmin birth control has been very effective in dealing with the acne among women and young girls provided that the minimum age be 14 years of age. Also yasmin treats Premenstrual dysphoric disorder most notably anxiety, depression, weigh gain, headache, irritability and others. Yasmin has been effective in dealing with painful and irregular period’s as well.The effectiveness of Yasmin in dealing with the above mentioned problems is what that has made Yasmin birth control popular among women.

Side Effects Associated with Yasmin Birth Control
Some side effects of Yasmin are nausea, irritability, irregular periods, weight gain, headache and anxiety. The side effects mentioned above might be very common but not too dangerous. These side effects are common with a number of contraceptive pills. Other side effects include strokes, blood clotting, heart attack, kidney problem, high blood pressure, liver cancer and hepatitis. These side effects are rare but can be fatal in case of excessive intake.

A number of cases have been reported and Yasmin is suspected to be the cause. The disease is known as disseminated intravascular coagulation whereby clots form among the vessels and can be fatal if they develop quickly. Chest pain, breath shortness, paralysis, pain, redness and internal or external bleeding are some of the symptoms in this case. Blood clots may hinder normal breathing, trigger a stroke or may even cause a heart attack.

Yasmin Reviews and Recall
Blood clotting in the vessels has lead to 23 deaths of Canadian women lately. Users are more conscious now. More than 12,000 lawsuits have been filed now against the company with people most notably parents of the deceased demanding to recall Yasmin birth control by either removing it or making changes to it. However, those who have been using the drug for a relatively longer period are planning to stand by it because of the benefits that Yasmin has brought to them in terms of the acne, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and in almost 99% of the cases it has prevented pregnancy too. These women claim that it’s not the drug that has caused these fatal accidents rather it’s something with their bodies that made them extra sensitive to the drug. Where some women demand the recall of the product, others plan to stand by it.

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Q:Can you give me some information about Yasmin Reviews?

A:There have been mixed reviews of Yasmin birth control pill. Users are cautious in buying the pill because of severe side effects and deaths. Lawsuits have also been filed by people who were affected by the drug. They are demanding to recall the drug or to make changes to it. However, there are also people who are using it for a long time and plan to stand by it.

Q:Why are people demanding for Yasmin recall?

A:Lately 23 women in Canada have lost their lives due to blood clotting, which is one of the side effects caused by the drug. Parents of the deceased and people who have suffered side effects of the pill are filing lawsuits, and demanding the drug to be recalled from the market.