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Master in History

The field of History encompasses an intellectual study of the past. Everything from human behavior and culture to religious texts and prehistoric law are included in this field. The importance of this field is rarely stressed despite its central role in bringing us to where we stand today. A study of history helps us better understand past events and their philosophical and sociological context. Master in History graduates develop an increased awareness of theoretical issues and acquire skills such as technical writing and analyzing and interpreting data and texts – skills which are highly sought after by employers.

What programs are offered and what will I learn?
Master of History
degrees are offered by a number of colleges through online or traditional, on-campus programs. The coursework for these degrees can be completed in as little as eighteen months. Admission requirements include a Bachelor's degree in History or the Liberal Arts and passing the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) exam. Applicants may be required to submit three recommendation letters as well as a research paper or a book review along with their application. The core courses for History Master Programs include Introduction to History, Understanding of World History, Study of Ancient Civilizations, and History of the United States. A large number of elective courses are offered, including African American History, Colonial and Revolutionary America, American Urban History, Foreign Relations, and Environmental and Agricultural History. Once these courses are complete, students must complete a dissertation based thesis project before they can graduate.

What are the future prospects?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for Liberal Arts graduates has increased steadily over time and is expected to rise through the next few years. A Master in History degree can be used to pursue a wide range of careers in virtually any industry. A large number of graduates start off as Management Trainees, Sales Executives, Teachers, Social Workers, Art Appraisers, Museum Curators, and Writers and Editors. All in all, Master in History degrees provide a general, broad-based education and equip students with excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, making them an ideal choice for employers around the country.

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Master in History

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are some of the core courses in art history master program?

A:The curriculum for master's program in art history is quite extensive covering every aspect of the subject. Some of the core courses included in this program are Art History, Aesthetics, Renaissance History, Art in America, Women in Art, Medieval Art and Nineteenth Century Art. Students interested in this program will be setting themselves on a lucrative career path.

Q:If you enroll in an Art History Masters Degree program, what subjects are studied throughput the program?

A:The program entails subjects such as gothic painting, Mesoamerican art, art criticism, minimalism, post modernism, photography, iconoclasm, histiography, research methodologies, historical architecture, East Asian art, African art, and many more. You can insight in historical art and how it evolved over the centuries. Focus is given on critical and analysis skills.

Q:How many credit hours do I have to earn in a Master In History degree program?

A:A masters degree in history is a graduate level degree program that is offered by a number of universities. To complete the program you must earn the required number of credit hours, this typically range between 30 to 40 hours, depending upon the university. The hour's can be attained by completing courses included in the curriculum and various project assignments.

Q:What kind of a career will I have after a history master?

A:Masters in history program will most probably lead you to a career in teaching. You can choose to teach at any level including the college level. If you want a senior teaching position you can work as a teaching assistant for a few years and then apply for it. However teaching is not the only profession, you can also work in historical records at various governmental organizations. Working in a museum is also another option that you can pursue.

Q:How long will it take me to get a history master degree?

A:If you are attending school full time, a Master's Degree in History will generally take two years to complete. However, online students will have a different time frame as they schedule their own classes. There are also some programs that offer a combined bachelors and masters' degree which takes five years to complete. Moreover some traditional schools offer fast track programs as well

Q:history masters degree online

A:Online degrees are an accepted source of education and more and more institutions are recruiting people who have online degrees. In fact contrary to what you think there are myriad advantages of getting an online Masters Degree in History. These degrees allow you to set your own pace of study and cut down on educational and travelling costs. Most importantly candidates who are working full time can study without comprising their work routine.

Q:What majors can I pursue in a history masters online degree?

A:There are plenty of options available for you to pick a major from and you should pick one in which you have a strong interest in. Moreover when picking a major it is advisable to check how reputable your educational institution is in that field and how experienced the faculty members are. Some of the options that you have for your masters in history program are Christian history, European history, U.S. history and World history.

Q:What is the capstone for history masters programs?

A:A capstone, generally, is a culminating course taken in the final year that demonstrates all that a student has learned over the duration of the program. A Master's program is History will normally require a capstone but the exact requirements will vary depending on the university. In some institutions students may research and prepare a thesis and then present it while some schools have a written test followed by an oral report.

Q:Can I get a job at a museum after a master art history?

A:Yes museums do provide some very good job opportunities to students who have a master's in art history. Internships can be an effective way of getting work in a museum. Once you are working as an intern you can show your peers and supervisors that you are a team player who is willing to share his/her knowledge with others. This will come in very handy when you apply for a job at that or any other museum.

Q:What are the prerequisites for a master degree history?

A:Different schools have their own requirements for admission in a Master's in History degree. However generally speaking you need a four year bachelor's degree in a relevant field and experience would also help. Moreover universities require letters of recommendation for your instructors in the previous institutions along with a personal statement. Good scores in standardized tests like GRE also looks good on your application.

Q:What are the different majors that I can pursue for my master degree in art history?

A:While there are plenty of options available for your master's program you should check with your institute about which majors it offers. You should also factor in the career options you want to follow and your personal likings before choosing a major. Master's Degree in Art History can be pursued in African Art and Architecture, Ancient Art, East Asian Art, History of Western Art and History of photography

Q:Are the admissions requirements for master degree in history online different for a traditional degree?

A:Most educational institutions have the same admissions policy for all the students. However if you are an online student applying to a Master's Degree in History you should mention that on your application and personal statement. In addition to that you should know that there are universities that do not have the thesis option for online students. Some universities may allow online students to substitute a written exam with a comprehensive oral one.

Q:Can a master in art history degree lead to a doctorate program?

A:Yes a Master's in Art History is an excellent foundation for a doctoral degree. There are many schools that offer graduate programs that will lead students to doctoral degrees in the field of their choice. So if you are looking for the highest degree in art history enrolling in a quality master's program will make your path much easier.

Q:Master Of Art History program covers history of which different countries and culture?

A:A masters degree in history is an advanced degree program that covers global history. A few important cultures and regional history studied in this program include East Asia history, European history, history of photography, pre Columbian art and archaeology, Aegean history, roman and Greek history, early Christian and byzantine history, American art, African art and architecture, and eastern Mediterranean history.

Q:How long will it take to complete a Master Of Arts History degree program?

A:A Master's degree in art and history normally takes 2 years to complete. These degree programs are offered at campus universities or can be opted for online. Some online institutions also offer masters in art and history programs that are shorter in duration, ranging from 12 to 16 months. These are known as fast track masters programs.

Q:What benefits will I get if I opt for a Master Of Arts History Online degree program instead of the regular one?

A:Opting for online education programs is beneficial for those who are working and cannot take out the time to attend campus based classes. With online education you can easily get the degree of your dream and begin a great career. Online education is less expensive, it requires no transportation, no fixed class schedules, no attendance issues, and allows you to study whenever you want to at times that fit your routine.

Q:Can you name some job positions I can apply for after earning a Master Of Arts In History degree?

A:A master's degree in history will allow you to apply for great job positions in the field. A few have been mentioned here: you can opt for the job of a historian, tour guide, archeologist, museum curator, lecturer, editor, writer, and more. The salary and job position will depend upon the work experience and certifications of the applicant.

Q:What skills will I develop if I enroll in a Master Of Arts In History Online degree program?

A:A masters degree in history covers arrange of topics about various historical cultures and countries. Students acquire in depth knowledge theory wise. On the other hand, students also develop professional and personal skills such as communication skills, critical analysis skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills, writing skills, analysis skills, and more.

Q:Can I get a job in the field of media and communications with a Masters Degree In History?

A:There are a number of jobs that you can get in the sector for communications and media with a history degree. You can become a writer or a editor, a journalist, documentary specialist for history, information manager, librarian, records manager, archivists, multimedia producer, and more. These jobs require a graduate applicant and are related to managing history information, presenting history information, and communicating history related information.

Q:What prior qualifications do I need to get admission in a Masters Degree Art History?

A:To apply for admission in a master's degree in history it is important that you have completed your bachelor degree and high school education. Masters degree programs are graduate level degree programs and require minimum bachelor level degree holders. Apart from this, it is recommended that your CGPA is not below 2.5 and that you have at least two letters of recommendations.

Q:Will I have to complete a thesis and a final project in a Masters Degree Art History Online?

A:The curriculum of master's degree comprises of a number of basic courses, advanced courses, and concentration courses. These hold a specific number of credit hours that must be earned. But on the curriculum also comprises of a final project and thesis submission. Students are required to pick a topic based on their interest for research. Students must demonstrate research skills, data presentation and analysis skills, and demonstrate findings. The projects holds a lot of importance and are a prerequisite for the degree program.

Q:Can I apply for financial assistance for enrolling in a Masters Degree History Online?

A:Yes you can apply for federal and private financial assistance if you cant seem to afford graduate study. Federal loans and grants are available for graduate students. All you have to do is simply fill and submit a fafsa application online, your financial need will be determined and you will be eligible for aid. On the other hand there is always the option of private loans; however the terms and conditions will vary from federal sources of funding.

Q:Are Masters Degree In History Online programs less expensive than regular masters programs?

A:Online education is less expensive than regular programs. The difference in cost may not be too significant, but is worth the option. There are plenty of other reasons why online degree programs seem less expensive, no transportation costs, no material costs, no book expense, etc. These costs cuts eventually lead to a big drop in the overall costs of the program.

Q:Are there accredited schools that offer Masters Degree Online History?

A:There are a number of online schools and universities that offer online masters degree in history. These schools have been accredited by the distant education training council. Their key objective is to make higher education accessible for students who can't make it to campus classes due to various constraints and restrictions.

Q:Will I develop any skills in Masters Degrees in History that may benefit my career?

A:A master's degree in history will help you develop a number of skills that can benefit your future career. By the end of the program you will have developed a number of skills including the following: analysis skills, investigation skills, organizational skills, research skills, oral and written skills, and problem solving skills.

Q:A masters history degree will comprise of which major courses?

A:A master's degree in history comprises of various course. The curriculum entails important areas such as the following: European history, labor, American history, world history, public history, sociology, anthropology, archeology, political science, and English. These courses are just a few of the areas of study. There are also a number of concentration areas offered in this program.

Q:What will the classes be like in a Masters History Online degree program?

A:A master's online degree program is designed for students who can't take campus classes. The curriculum comprises of various curses and topics that students must cover. These are taught through online classes, presentations, online class conferences, online lectures, and more. Online education allows flexibility in study routines, costs, and is suitable for professionals wishing to acquire more qualifications.

Q:Masters in art history online has a duration of two years?

A:Yes, standard degree programs at master's level usually have a duration of two years. These are graduate degree programs and can only be opted for after completion of bachelor studies. Masters in art history online degree programs provide students with a compete understanding of this area and prepares them for high paying history careers.

Q:What eligibility requirements do I have to fulfill if I want to enroll in a Masters In History degree program?

A:A master's degree in history is a two year graduate level program. To enroll in this program you will have to fulfill the following admission requirements: completion of high school education and bachelor level education, minimum CGPA of 2.5, at least a grade C in all relevant high school courses, and one letter of recommendation.

Q:Are Masters in History Degree less costly if I enroll in an online program?

A:An online master's degree in history will be less expensive as compared to the traditional campus based classes. Overall expenses are reduced as there is no travelling costs, no costs of books and materials. On the other hand, the tuition costs of online programs are usually very low. There are a number of online schools that are offering graduate programs in history.

Q:I am currently employed and wish to pursue graduate studies in history, should I opt for masters in history online degree programs?

A:Masters in history online degree programs are designed to foe students who don't have access to campus classes, or for professionals who are looking for part time classes or education. The main advantages of online history programs is that you can study at timings that best suit your need, making sure they don't interfere with your job timings. On the other hand, online education is relatively cheap.

Q:Is the curriculum of Masters In History Online Programs the same as campus programs?

A:Masters In History Online ProgramsYes, the curriculum of online master's degree in history is the same as campus based programs. Students enrolled in this program will study the same topic and course. These are self paced programs and allow students to study conveniently. There are a numerous other benefits of online degree programs such as low costs.

Q:Which are the best online universities to do my Masters in History from?

A:Almost every university of repute and standing in the academic world is now offering online degrees. Over the years the concept of "distant learning" has grown to such popularity that now every university caters to the students who can not be present physically on the campus and would like to earn their degree online while earning a living during the day. So to earn your degree in Masters Of History Online go through the options and links available on our page and choose the one which suits your schedule, need and budget perfectly.

Q:What are the learning prospects of doing a masters programs in history online, will the course be as interactive and engaging as it is in a real class?

A:A lot of students are under the misconception that studying online can be a very isolated experience, but this is not always the course. Even in Online courses there is a schedule to be followed and work to be done. In most courses you will be asked to submit assignments weekly. At times you may be requested to make yourself available for a live lecture and Q&A session, which will give you lots of student/ teacher interaction.

Q:Benefits of online history masters?

A:The benefits of doing an online history masters degree is that, online degrees are preferable for students who can not afford to give up their day jobs to pursue their education full time. These degrees allow the student a flexible study schedule and the option of taking courses in their own time and space. So the biggest benefit of earning degrees online is that they are convenient to pursue and you can choose to study in any university you want, no matter how far off without ever being physically present for even a single lecture.

Q:After doing my online history masters degree programs, apart from teaching or any other capacity in an academic environment, what other career can i pursue?

A:Doing your Masters in History can open up a lot of very lucrative job options for you. if you are not interested in pursuing a teaching career, some of the more exciting job options for you might be Sales Executives, Social Workers, Art Appraisers, Museum Curators, Writers or even editors. So dont let stereotypes stop you from pursuing a very exciting and interesting field of education.

Q:Can i still pursue an online history masters program if i have not done my bachelors in history?

A:Yes you can pursue a master's degree in history even if you haven't pursued it as a major subject in your bachelors program. The only condition being that you did your bachelors in the field of liberal arts. Apart from this, if you live up to the rest of the course requirements it is not difficult for you to pursue an online history masters program and move on to a very bright future and a lucrative career in this field.

Q:What courses am i expected to take while pursuing my online master degree in history?

A:The core courses you will be expected to pursue will include Introduction to History, Understanding of World History, Study of Ancient Civilizations, and History of the United States. Numerous sub courses are also recommended such as African American History, Colonial and Revolutionary America, American Urban History, Foreign Relations, and Environmental and Agricultural History-these courses are not just very interesting but an added advantage in your degree.

Q:How can anyone be sure of an online master of arts in history is the perfect choice for them?

A:If you are considering pursuing a degree of Arts in History, the things you need to consider which might determine if you have the aptitude for going far in History. A few basic things you might want to consider are a desire to understand how history works to predict the future and how history relates to present-day concerns; a memory for dates and numbers, love for reading and studying about history.

Q:If i choose to pursue an online masters degree history, what job opportunities are likely to open up for me?

A:By pursuing an Online Masters Degree in History you may get the opportunity of working in the Government sector as well as the private one. While post people tend to go into teaching after studying History, but there are a lot more exciting career options available for individuals who have a degree in History.Archives, Business, Historical parks keeper, Intelligence, Journalism, Communication, Diplomacy, Museums, Politics, Genealogy, Public relations to name just a few!

Q: What are the course requirements of some of online masters degree in art history?

A:If you are thinking of doing your Masters in History please remember that mostly 36 credit, a Thesis Option along with a Non-Thesis Option, or Public History Option is required for the completion of this course. Seminars covering Historical Research, American History, British History, European History, Louisiana History, Southern History, and Western Thought are arranged for students taking the Thesis and Non-Thesis Options, while those studying Public History are encouraged to take courses in Historical Research, American History, Public History, and the Public History Internship.

Q:What is the admission criterion for online masters degree in history?

A:Most universities have the same admission criteria for online and traditional students. To initiate the process you will have to fill the application form and attach all the relevant documents with it. Universities generally are looking for transcripts of academic records, letters of recommendation, Graduate record examination scores and writing samples. However you may be asked for additional information as well.

Q:What are some of the specializations for online master’s degree programs history?

A:There are plenty of specialization options available for an online master's degree in history. However you should check with your university of interest whether they offer a particular specialization or not. Some of the common fields of interest are American Civil Rights history, British history, African history and East Asian history.

Q:While searching for online master’s degree programs in history I came across a term ‘terminal degree’. Can you please tell me about it?

A:A terminal degree is the highest degree one can attain in a particular discipline. These usually are Doctoral and PhD programs which are completed under the supervision of experienced faculty members. Most terminal programs want students to complete a comprehensive thesis in their area of specialization and sometimes this thesis also has to be presented to a panel.

Q:Is age a factor in admissions to online masters degrees in history? Should middle age people enroll?

A:Educational institutions consider many things while deciding to grant admission in a particular program but age is not a factor in the decision making process. Universities will not discriminate among applicants bases on their age. As far as your second question goes, well there is never a bad time to get more education as it will only enhance your ability and job prospects.

Q:How can I finance my online masters history degree?

A:There are plenty of financial assistance options available to students. Universities offer numerous scholarships and grants that's students can apply for. There are also federal loans and work study arrangements for students who are looking to finance their education. Lastly private lenders also provide loans to applicants and these are accepted at almost all Online Master's History programs.

Q:Do I need to take IELTS or TOEFL exams for online masters history degree?

A:IELTS and TOEFL are standardized English language proficiency tests that are taken by non native speakers of English to prove their competence of the language. So, American students do not need to take these tests for admissions into Online Masters History programs. However there will be educational institutions that will require you to pass the graduate record examinations.

Q:How important a factor is CGPA in determining admission decisions in online masters in history program?

A:Cumulative grade point average is given varying importance by different schools. Although it is an important factor in determining admissions in Online Masters in History programs there are a host of other factors as well. Documents like letters of recommendations, writing samples and standardized test scores along with work experience are also of immense importance in admissions decisions.

Q:Who should write my reference letters for admission in online masters in history degree?

A:For admission in an online master's in history degree most universities will want that your reference letters are written by instructors who taught you at the bachelor's level. However if you been working for some time now you can ask your work supervisors to write a reference letter for you. These letters should talk about your ability to handle deadlines, work independently and manage your time load.

Q:If I apply for financial aid will that negatively influence the admission process for me in online masters programs in history?

A:There is a perception amongst students that applying for financial aid will diminish their chances of admission into a program. However you should must know that there are many Online Masters Programs in History whose admission decisions are completely independent of their financial assistance programs. Students who apply for aid can get admission into these programs but not all will get assistance so some students might miss out eventually.

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