Liberal Arts Degrees

A liberal arts education is defined as the general knowledge that develops the rational thought and intellectual capabilities of individuals, communities and societies. Primarily, the following subjects fall under the domain of liberal arts studies:

  • Literature
  • languages
  • Philosophy
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • General sciences

Liberal arts education is just one of the many parts of the overall college level curriculum that is taught at the university and college level. A Liberal arts education is essential and plays a very important part in developing philosophers, historians, educators and general thinkers. Many of the students that are pursuing other professional degrees prefer to have a minor in one of the liberal arts education subjects so that they have a broader understanding of cultures and values. Most colleges and universities across the nation also promote their liberal arts education program by allowing their students to visit different cultures. Liberal arts students get to travel and work with different cultures and groups to better comprehend the value of history, culture, and the general behavior of communities.

Education in Liberal Arts
The main reason behind pursuing a liberal arts education is to have a broader understanding of the cultures, literature, history and philosophy that have carved the paths of our society. Hundreds and thousands of great philosophers, historians, mathematicians, and thinkers throughout the US have contributed to the wealth of a liberal arts education. People have contributed their thoughts and writings to further enhance the understanding of cultures and communities. Information that is imparted during the liberal arts education is extremely important and plays a key role in generating individuals who have a deeper understanding of the differences between various cultures.

A student who is seriously interested in pursuing a liberal arts education can enroll in one of the following programs:

  • Associate's degree
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Master's degree
  • PhD in liberal arts

Many of the community colleges and junior colleges across America also provide short-term diplomas and certifications in liberal arts education. These are generally specific to an era or a topic. For example, many of the community colleges provide special classes to students to better understand American civilization or American history. After completion of the course the college provides the students with a certificate for that specific theme and topic.

Coursework of a Liberal Arts Program
During the course of a liberal arts program, students learn about subjects related to human culture and behavior. Courses in history, geography, sociology and anthropology are offered. Science subjects including biology, chemistry and physics are also learned by students of a liberal arts program. These students also develop skills related to language, writing and communication. With the wide range of subjects on offer during the course of a liberal arts degree, students build up a wide range of knowledge in a multitude of areas. Graduates of a liberal arts program can form careers in education, communication and business. Jobs in teaching, writing and administration can be potential roles for liberal arts experts.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What Liberal Arts Career choices can students make with a degree in liberal arts?

A:The career prospects for liberal arts are extremely diverse. Liberal arts degree holders can enter various sectors of the economy such as education, retail, services, etc. a few jobs that can be pursued with this degree are: students affairs administrator, campaign manager, journalist, grant proposal writer, fundraiser/event manager, mediator, real estate agent, sales executive, finance consultant, analyst, educator, and many more.

Q:What courses fall under arts education?

A:Liberal arts is a very vast field and there are literally hundreds of subjects that fall under the umbrella of arts education. Some of the most basic and popular courses in these include music, visual arts, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, languages, media studies, literature, mathematics and science. The degrees in these subjects range from certifications and diplomas to bachelor's and master's level degrees.

Q:What degrees fall under liberal arts education?

A:Liberal arts is a popularly pursued academic field that covers a wide range of study areas. Liberal arts education can be earned at associate, bachelor, and master's level. There are a number of liberal arts institutions that primarily focus on equipping students with academic skills and knowledge in this field.

Q:What subjects fall under liberal arts?

A:Liberal arts is one of the most diverse and expansive field of academics. It is because of this that people who opt to study liberal; arts develop extensive general knowledge, alone with skills needed for a rational thought process, and intellectual capabilities. Some of the most primarily subjects taught in liberal arts are: Literature, languages, Philosophy, History, Mathematics and General sciences.

Q:What are the different programs offered in a liberal arts degree?

A:There are several program options for students interested in a liberal arts degree. These degree options include associate's degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and PhD in liberal arts. Many of the community colleges and junior colleges also offer short-term diplomas and certifications related to liberal arts, which are usually specific to one particular area.

Q:Liberal arts degrees will cover all general subjects?

A:Liberal art degree programs are designed to cover a wide range of subject such as math, education, science, philosophy, arts, physics, biology, geography, social sciences, and more. The curriculum will however vary slightly from school to school. With a general understanding of numerous subjects, you can pursue different kinds of careers in the future.

Q:What falls under liberal arts?

A:Liberal arts degree programs are aimed to equipping students with a general understanding of vast subjects. These subjects cover all kinds of fields related to science, math, and arts. If you are planning to enroll in a liberal art degree, there are many majors you can choose from. For more information, take a look at our web page.

Q:What classes fall under liberal arts?

A:Liberal arts studies will cover numerous subjects such as math, science, philosophy, arts, and education. You can enroll in these classes online, or join a campus based institute. Liberal arts degree programs can be pursued at associate, bachelor, and masters level. Feel free to browse further for more information on our page.

Q:My search on liberal arts subjects explained a course in Philosophy and Pedagogy. Can you name some of the topics that are covered in this course?

A:This course will start with an introduction to philosophy. Students will briefly learn about different topics like symbolic knowledge, mind and world, ethics, rights and wrongs in euthanasia, torture, stem cell research and cloning, science and spirituality. Other contemporary focus areas include scientific realism. You will also get a chance to study the philosophy of ancient and modern world.

Q:Are colleges offering online Liberal Arts Degree that are affordable and according to my budget?

A:The cost of online liberal arts programs will basically depend upon which school you enroll in. You can individually check with prospective schools to learn more about their cost structure. Some schools are also offering financial assistance to those who have difficulty in covering tuition expenses. Take a look at our page for detail.

Q:I am looking for a university online, that is accredited with SACS and is low in tuition for a major in Sociology. Any recommendations?

A:The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) ensure the improvement of education in the South through its quality accreditation process. There is a variety of colleges that hold this accreditation and offer a major in sociology online. As far as the cost is concerned, it will vary according to the type of institution (public/private), the level of education you intend to go for and the reputation of the college.

Q:Are the humanities a nonacademic career major?

A:It is a common misconception that individuals with a degree in the humanities are only able to land jobs in the academic sector. There is a variety of career paths you can take after a degree in this major. For instance, you could go for research and public affairs, consulting, the business aspect of academic affairs, financial services and so on.

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