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Careers in Humanities

Humanities education entails programs in history, English, business, the visual arts and languages. This field also includes areas of study such as music, dramatic theory, photography and sculpture. Earning a degree in humanities can open scores of job opportunities in different industries.

A career in humanities can be a suitable for those who have strong writing skills, talent in music or other arts. Careers in humanities include opportunities in the businesses sector as well. Humanities majors have an expertise in reading and writing, which help their way into several fields. They can also look for jobs in consulting firms. In addition, positions for humanities degree holders can also find sales and research jobs. Other fields where graduates of humanities can serve include publishing, journalism, TV, radio, film, theatre and publishing.
As the field of humanities opens up a career with a wide range of exciting opportunities, pursuing this line of work is certainly a smart choice. You can work as a copy writer, teacher, consultant, painter, research analyst, sales person or editor and earn well.

Humanities Programs
Humanities programs are offered from the associate to the master’s level. An associate degree program provides learners with the basics of a subject while a bachelor or a master’s degree helps students acquire in-depth knowledge in an area of their choice. A high school diploma or GED is essential to pursue a degree in humanities.
An associate degree can be suitable for the ones seeking entry-level jobs in teaching, music, publishing or a related field while the advanced degree programs are designed to help learners pursue senior-level jobs.

Coursework in Humanities Degrees
The curriculum in humanities programs depends on the type of program you enroll in and the area of specialty. Students who pursue a degree with a focus in history can enroll in courses relating to the industrial revolution, the World Wars, world civilization and the U.S. civil war. The ones who choose literature will cover topics such as argumentative essays, post-modern literature, plays and more. The coursework in other humanities programs may include instruction in foreign and classical languages, ethics, philosophy, theology, music, and editing. They may also learn about revolutionary events and anthropology.

Online Humanities Degrees
Students who want to earn degrees in humanities in a convenient manner can get into the online schools. Online humanities degrees can be earned from any location. Students do not have to attend these classes in person. They can study remotely from any location and communicate with the instructors and classmates online. Online databases, libraries and a variety of other learning technologies are used in these programs. The use of these tools and technologies allow learners to learn in an effective manner and obtain the knowledge and skills required to pursue a promising career in a field of their interest.

Salary of Humanities Graduates
The income of humanities professionals greatly varies depending on their area of specialty and the type of job. The location and experience are also some of the factors that determine their earnings. Teachers can make between $30,000 and $70,000 a year while a journalist can earn in the range of $28,000 to $75,000 on an annual basis.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:While I was looking for careers in humanities, I discovered humanities degrees; could you tell me about them?

A:Degrees in humanities start from the Bachelor's level up till Master's levels and are offered by almost every college or university across the country. The courses you have an option to pursue in this program are classical studies covering subjects like ancient Greek and Roman arts and culture; literature, classics and comparative literature and religion. Students also get to learn about performing arts such as theatre, music appreciation, dramatic theory and more.

Q:My search on career in Humanities led me to Introduction to Humanities: Ideas and Values course. Can you tell me more on it?

A:It is common to come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field while going through search such as career in Humanities. Introduction to Humanities: Ideas and Values course is included in almost all of the programs relevant to Humanities. In this course the students are familiarized with the art of values in a society and ideas.

Q:To initiate careers in the humanities, is there any kind of a degree I need?

A:Yes, you need to have a relevant degree at bachelor level if you wish to pursue a great career ahead. There are many universities that are offering associate, bachelor, and masters degrees in humanities. These programs will cover a vast range of topics that help prep you with in-depth knowledge and a diverse skill set.

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