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Schools in New York

Students who want to pursue a college degree in New York have a wealth of opportunities, ranging from career schools totechnical schools, and 4-year colleges to private schools. These institutes offers several programs of study, allowing students from all walks of life and having diverse career goals to pick a degree or certificate in the field of their interest.

Services and Facilities

Schools in New York offers a wide range of student services including health service, women's center, placement service, health insurance and more. Students are also provided with campus safety and security services such as late night transport service and 24-hour emergency telephones.

Events and Activities

The colleges in New York State not only provide students with academic learning opportunities but also offer events where students get a chance to enhance their understanding of the world. Students can take part in lectures where thought leaders present their viewpoints or be a part of performing arts events that hosts music dance, and theatre performances. There are other activities and recreational opportunities that students can indulge in such as films, opera or ballet. Schools in NY also provide art exhibitions. Besides, there are plenty of academic events from roundtable discussions on business ethics and healthcare to workshops on various important issues.

Programs of Study at NY Colleges

The schools in the state offer a range of programs to meet the diverse needs of students. Degree programs are available at the associate to PhD level. Besides, there are many schools that offer diplomas and certificate courses as well.

Some of the areas of study students can choose from include drama, film, acting, dramatic writing, business, management, marketing, and health professions. Programs are also available in English language and literature, foreign languages, and biological and biomedical sciences.

Career Schools in New York

In addition to traditional colleges and universities, the state of New York has a number of career and vocational schools as well. These schools offer job skill-specific training programs that prepare students for careers in pharmaceutical, manufacturing, animal care and management, accounting, physical science,3-D animation and musical composition. Programs are also available in game design, hospitality and travel management, network administration and computer security, massage therapy, medical office assistant, and paralegal studies.

Online Colleges in New York

Online learning programs are also offered by some of the schools in New York. These courses are offered through a number of learning technologies such as learning software, chat forums and video conferencing. To participate in these programs, students need to have a computer, an Internet connection and address additional hardware and software requirements. Learners in the online schools are provided with unique IDs which enable them to access coursework available at school websites, lectures, and other class information round the clock.

Students can enroll in online certificate programs or pursue online associate, bachelor’s or masters degrees. Professional and doctoral programs are also available in online format. Some of the programs of study offered in online format are restaurant management, culinary arts, business and forestry to name a few options.

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