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Certificate in General Education

Certificate in General Education
All students study general subjects till their high school such as subjects related to mathematics, sciences, literature, history, etc. After high school, students usually decide what career they want to pursue in their lives and major in subjects related to that choice in their college. However, some people have difficulty deciding on a discipline that interests them so they can opt for general studies even in college. Many colleges have first-rate programs in general studies that are not only ideal for students still looking for a goal but also for adult students coming back to their education after a hiatus. These adult students can either be working professionals or people with families; all of them have extensive options in front of them while continuing education in general education. They can opt for science related subjects or liberal arts fields of study; moreover, programs for certificate in general education are especially tailored to offer convenience to people with busy schedules. With evening, weekend, distance-learning classes, programs for certificate of general education are extremely student friendly.

Scope of General Education Certificate Programs
Most of the programs leading to certificate of general education degrees require a high school diploma. However, allowance is given to veterans or people with family responsibilities in the form of the General Education Development (GED) tests. Many schools have excellent on-campus and online training programs that help adult students without a high school diploma in preparing for GED tests. Armed with a GED score or a high school diploma, students can pursue several types of programs in certificate in general education. They can either opt for associate or bachelor level programs in general studies or enroll in courses related to literature, history, mathematics, basic sciences, etc. and enhance their general education skills.

Career Prospects
People with certificate in general education degrees are definitely preferred in jobs over people with lesser education as general education broadens the thinking styles of people. Moreover, these people can work as teachers in schools and colleges after passing the relevant teacher licensing exams as with a wide range of skills in general education, they can teach diverse subjects to their students. 

How long does it take to get a certificate in general education?

A certificate program in general education is the best option for those who want  qualification without spending on a four year bachelor's program. Typically, a certificate program can take several months to one year to complete. The typical certificate program in general education will take up to a year or two semesters to complete, although the exact length varies from program to program.

What are the requirements to get a certificate in general education?

The program requirements to get a certificate in general education are listed below. These courses may not apply to every certificate program but generally, students will be expected to take the following courses to get a certificate in general education:

·         Quantitative reasoning

·         College success skills

·         Introduction to literature

·         A social science elective

·         A physical or life science elective

How much can I make with a certificate in general education?

A degree or certificate in general education will prepare you for different kinds of jobs. You could work as an account director, an editorial director, a sales manager, or a media relations manager etc. One of the most common job prospects available to those with a general education degree or certificate is that of a sales manager. The median wage of a sales manager as of May 2018 was $124,220 per year and $59.72 per hour according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:My search related to certificate in General Education landed on Oral Communication course. What is it about?

A:You often come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field when going through search such as Certificate in General Education. Oral Communication course is among the most important courses of General Education in which the students' oral communication skills are enhanced through various practices and theoretical examples.

Q:The curriculum of a general certificate of education comprises of which subjects and topics?

A:In a general education certificate program, you will be required to study a number of different topics and subjects. These are geared towards equipping you with teaching skills, theoretical knowledge, and a brief understanding of the field. The program is a non-degree program and can be completed in a short duration.

Q:When can I take certificate of general education?

A:You can take certificate of general education after high school. Many institutes online as well as on campus ones offer such programs to students who want to continue studying general subjects. The admission criterion varies for different institutes. You can either go for science related subjects or for arts subjects.

Q:Why should I do my General Education Certificate online?

A:Online general education certificate programs can be the ideal option for you to gain further knowledge of the education field. It can also be for professionals who are looking for a career change and need education before making the switch. If you fit the criteria for any of the above conditions or simply want to increase your knowledge without the hassle of commuting to classes everyday then online education certificate programs are for you.

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