Bachelor Degree in Human Resources

Earning a bachelor in economics can help students pursue challenging careers in various business settings. Students also learn the fundamentals of business in this training program. There are several regular as well as online institutes that offer bachelor of economics degree programs and prepare students for jobs in the field of economics.

Bachelors in Economics

A bachelor in economics is an undergraduate program that can be pursued after completing high school. Students who are seeking a career in this broad field can opt for this program that will prepare them for entry-level jobs. On the other hand, a bachelor degree in economics is also great for building a sound foundation of knowledge and preparing for advanced education at masters level ahead.

The coursework of economics entails a number of subjects that cover all aspects of the discipline. Students will gain an insight on various economic policies, theories, and practices used in today’s competitive and advanced world.

What you will learn:

Microeconomic Theory (2-3 credits)

This course is designed to cover areas such as demand, supply partial and general equilibrium, and cost theories. Students will acquire a thorough understanding of microeconomic models and will learn how to analyze relevant theories.

Macroeconomic Theory(2-3 credits)

This course covers in-detail the principles of macroeconomics. Students will cover topics such as income and employment, interest rates, inflation, closed and open economies. The course will help students learn about the determinants of national expenditure and factors that influence interest rates.

Tools of Economic Analysis(2-3 credits)

Students will learn about the mathematical techniques and various analysis models used in this field. Some of the topics covered in this course include: differential and integral calculus, matrix algebra, diminishing marginal utility, financial applications, and economic models.

Developmental Economics(2-3 credits)

This course will introduce students to the application of economic policies in under-developed countries. Students will acquire an understanding of contemporary issues faced by these economies and how to approach such issues under the perspective of economics.

Economics of Business Strategies(2-3 credits)

The course will cover the growth strategies of modern-day organizations. Students will learn about the economics of retailing, internet businesses, and management.

The Economics of Labor Markets(2-3 credits)

In this course, students will analyze labor markets and will learn about the issues of supply and demand. Some of the topics covered in this course include human capital development, wage determination, unemployment, and more.

Managerial Economics(2-3 credits)

This course will help students understand the application of economic principles in organizations. Students will learn how to use different economic tools for achieving business objectives. Some of the topics covered in this course include: market structure, decision-making, cost and production analysis, pricing policies, and capital budgeting.

Accounting for Decision Making(2-3 credits)

This course will introduce students to the accounting environment. The topics covered in this course include financial statements, business accounting, interpretation of financial statements, and recording financial data.

Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship(2-3 credits)

This course is designed to teach students about the economics of entrepreneurship. Students will gain insight on topics such as evolutionary economics, information economics, public policy making, and patterns of economic change.

Objectives of the program:

  • The program is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of economic policies
  • Students will gain an insight on the current economic and social issues
  • Students will acquire a brief understanding of the evolution of economics
  • The program will allow students to design organizational strategies according to economic regulations and patterns

Duration and Credit Hour Requirements
The typical duration of a Bachelor of Science in economics degree is four years. However, the duration may vary and depend upon the school you choose to enroll in. Students are required to earn the minimum number of credit hours. The average credit hour requirement of a bachelor degree ranges between 120 and 130. Each component of the course is equal to a number of credit hours.

How to Enroll:

  • Fill out and submit an admission form
  • Meet the minimum CGPA requirements
  • Submit letters of recommendation
  • Submit the official transcript of your high school diploma

The exact admission requirements will vary from college to college. It is recommended that you get in touch with the admissions office of the prospective school to learn about the admission process.

Bachelor of Economics Degree Programs Online

Students who are keen to earn a bachelor of economics while being employed can enroll in online programs. A number of online accredited schools and colleges offer these programs. Online bachelor of economics programs are typically very suitable for individuals who are busy with part time or full time jobs. By getting into these programs these professionals can manage their work and studies simultaneously.

Career Opportunities

A bachelor degree in economics can lead to a number of career opportunities. Individuals can seek work in all kinds of work settings and industries such as:

  • Federal agencies
  • Nonprofit institutes
  • Educational institutes
  • Healthcare institutes
  • Private manufacturing and retailing firms
  • Research and development firms
  • Finance and banking institutes

You can work as a consultant, researcher, educator, and even an analyst. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, economists earned a median annual income of $91,860 in 2012. The income potential may vary and will depend upon many other factors such as location, employer and organization.


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How long is the Bachelor Human Resources?

A:Bachelor Human Resources is a 4 years program.

Q:Are there any institutes offering the Bachelor of Human Development degree program?

A:The Bachelor of Human Development degree program is offered by some accredited well-known universities. These include Upper Iowa University, Kaplan University Online Walden University Online, Western Governors University, Columbia Southern University, and Baker College Online.

Q:Which courses are usually incorporated in the Bachelor in Human Resources degree program?

A:The core courses included in the undergraduate degrees in Human Resource management comprise of: foundations of human resource management, compensation, organizational development, strategic human resource management,applied training and development, job evaluation techniques, and recruitment.

Q:What does a bachelors in human resources entails?

A:A bachelor in human resources is a four year long degree. It includes comprehensive study of staff management, recruiting strategies, policy making, training of staff, interviewing methods and related subjects. The subjects can vary from school to school. After completing the bachelor's degree you can find lucrative job offers in different organizations.

Q:What will I learn in a bachelor in human resource degree?

A:A bachelor degree in human resource management will help you understand the various human resource strategies used in organizations nowadays. You will acquire a thorough understanding of human behavior, work settings, recruitment methods, and more. The program can be completed in four years and will qualify you for the job position of a HR manager.

Q:While reading an article about BS in human resources colleges, I found out that HR is a growing job field. Is this true?

A:Yes, human resource management is becoming an important part of modern day organizations. Now firms are focusing on human capital, and boosting productivity. Human resource managers are in high demand. It is crucially important to hire the right workforce, evaluate progress, devise training programs, and implement plans in order to survive in the tough market.

Q:Will a bachelor of art human resources qualify me for an assistant level job position in the HR department?

A:A bachelor degree in human resources will qualify you for a managerial position in any HR department. The program comprehensively covers all human resource related concepts and allows students to get an understanding of recruiting methods, analysis methods, assessment methods, and more. The degree is an undergraduate degree and is a great way to prepare for the professional field.

Q:As I was reading about careers in human resource bachelors, I came across the job description of a human resource manager. Can you tell me about this?

A:Human resource managers perform a variety of tasks and help recruit suitable labor for an organization. The main job tasks include: designing recruitment programs, evaluating and assessing human production, designing training programs, conducting selection tests, and preparing job descriptions. These managers play a key role in many organizations, making sure the right kind of labor is found for the right kind of job.

Q:What is the scope of bachelor of arts human resources degree?

A:A bachelor of arts in human resource is designed to equip students with skills needed to become effective HR managers. Human resource managerial jobs are among the most important jobs in organizations. This field deals with the selection, testing, recruitment, and analysis of employees. Having the right labor for the right job task is crucially important for the success of any organization.

Q:Can you tell me about the core courses offered in the human resources bachelors degree online?

A:The core courses offered in human resources bachelors' degree online can vary from one institute to another. Generally, the core human resource courses offered in the online bachelor's program include introduction to human resource management, talent management, organizational development, strategic human resource management, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation administration, and labor relations management.

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