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Criminal Justice Administration

A degree in the field of Criminal Justice Administration provides an ideal opportunity for individuals wishing to build a career in law enforcement, public safety or other related areas within the criminal justice system. This specialized profession is suitable for those with a particular interest in crime and justice.

In recent years, the demand for skilled and well-trained individuals in the fields of criminal justice and public safety has risen dramatically. Taking this into consideration, there is an ever increasing need of highly qualified criminal justice administrators in the public and private sector organizations. Criminal Justice Administrator’s main job is to provide oversight and supervision in matters related to crime and justice.

Degrees Offered in Criminal Justice Administration

Several types of degrees are on offer in this subject at various educational institutions across the U.S. An entry-level associate degree in Criminal Justice Administration offers the most basic education in the subject. The degree is normally offered at various community colleges and specialist training schools, and may take two years of full-time education to complete, though it can be also be completed in an accelerated manner or in an extended manner. A higher degree in the subject is usually required for a senior-level post in criminal justice and management. To address this preference, there are several courses being offered at Bachelor’s level in the U.S. universities with an aim to prepare students for further education or provide them with the academic ability to pursue careers in Criminal Justice Administration. Students wishing to opt for further education in the subject may choose from several master’s level degrees on offer at universities in the U.S. More often than not, these higher level degrees give prospective students the option to specialize in one or more related subfields.

During the course of their degree in Criminal Justice Administration, the students are expected to become well-versed in many different aspects of criminal justice including law, ethics, diversity, policing, communications, finance, policy and above all administration.

For people who are not able to take out time for an on-campus qualification may also enroll in an online distance-learning course in the field. An increasing number of universities in the U.S. are now offering distance-learning education in Criminal Justice Administration, with the majority focusing on bachelor’s and master’s level education in the subject. 

What Can You Do With A Degree In Criminal Justice Administration?

For people considering majoring in a degree in Criminal Justice Administration, there are several professions to choose from after graduation. Some of these professions are listed below:

Police Officer
Security Officer
Social Worker
Special Agent
Parole Officer
Highway Patrolman

There are also various other careers that are suitable for a criminal justice major besides the few mentioned above. The primary skills required for a career in Criminal Justice Administration include the ability to understand, interpret and study laws in detail.

Almost all of the Criminal Justice Administration graduates find jobs in government agencies, correctional institutes or military services.

How Much Can You Earn?
According to O*NET, judges and magistrates get to earn a median salary of $115,760 per annum as of 2012.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Degree in Criminal Justice Administration?

Many schools in the United States, such as the Ferris State University, the Waldorf University, the West Virginia State University, and Alvernia University, are offering a program in Criminal Justice Administration. Students can enroll in a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Criminal Justice Administration or a 2-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Criminal Justice Administration. These degrees enable students to build a solid foundation of legal knowledge in order to launch a career in corrections and law enforcement.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a Degree in Criminal Justice Administration?

Students have to complete 120 credits in order to earn a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Criminal Justice Administration and 30-36 semester hours in order to obtain a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Criminal Justice Administration. They have to study modules like Crisis Management, Juvenile Justice System, Criminal Law, Criminology, Judicial Process, Diversity & Ethics in Criminal Justice and Criminal Investigation.

How Much Can I Make after Completing a Degree in Criminal Justice Administration?

After completing a degree in Criminal Justice Administration, individuals can pursue their careers as Probation Officers, Detectors, Parole Officers, or Police Officers. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Correctional Officers and Bailiffs earned an annual median pay of $44,400 in 2018. The number of jobs available in this field in 2018 was 453,900.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q: What is a criminal justice administration degree?

A:A criminal justice administration degree provides students with knowledge and training that is needed to work in the administrative department of a law firm. Students learn various administrative policies and skills that are support the work of lawyers. They handle legal documents and provide office support that enables to firm to run smoothly.

Q:What are the levels of Criminal Justice Administration degree programs offered to students?

A:Students can earn various degree types in the area of criminal justice administration. The most basic qualification that can be earned is a two year associate degree in criminal justice, this degree can be opted for after completion of high school studies and before bachelor studies. The next level of qualification that can be earned is the bachelor degree in criminal justice administration; this is a four year baccalaureate degree program. Moving ahead, students can attain master’s degree in criminal justice and also a doctorate degree. These are the highest level of education that can be earned in any particular field.

Q:What is a criminal justice administrator degree?

A:A Criminal Justice Administrator degree focuses on teaching students the required management skills in the field of Criminal Justice. These degrees do not involve directly in the criminal justice system. However, they concentrate towards management of the criminal justice systems such as policy making, law enforcement, etc. Criminal Justice Administration degrees can be opted in certificate, associate, bachelor, and master programs.

Q:What are the popular Criminal Justice Administration degrees?

A:Criminal Justice Administration degree programs can be pursued in certificate, associate, bachelor, master and doctoral levels. These are offered in various online schools. They can be opted with different specialization areas such as fraud investigation, crime scene investigation, law enforcement, corrections and case management, criminal law, and homeland security.

Q:What is the duration of the online Criminal Justice Administration degree program?

A:The Criminal Justice Administration degree program is for four years, typically. However, the duration can differ if the program is pursued online. Since online degree programs are self paced, students can take as long as they see fit to complete the degree. They can take more or less than four years depending on their individual schedules.

Q:What is an administrator in the criminal justice system?

A:An administrator in the criminal justice system is given duties regarding the day to day operations and administrative functions. Criminal justice administrators enforce policies and regulations in the work office to ensure smooth business. An individual can become a criminal justice administrator by pursuing a bachelor or master degree in criminal justice administration.

Q:What work can I do with a Bachelor in Justice Administration degree?

A:The Bachelor in Justice Administration is a sought after undergraduate degree offering students a diverse range of career opportunities. They can be hired in the police department, public security administration, social worker, special agent, highway patrol department, parole officer, and detectives. The undergraduate degree holders with specialization in Justice Administration are not only restricted to getting jobs in the public sector. They can also be employed in private sector security as well.

Q:What courses are studied in a bachelor degree of Administration Criminal Justice?

A:A bachelor of arts degree in criminal justice administration comprises of topics that give students knowledge regarding the administrating aspect of law agencies and firms. The areas covered include office ethic, cross cultural communication, criminology, administration study, case management practice, research methods, international policing, psychology, criminal intelligence, technology in crime, and human rights.

Q:What are the prerequisites for enrolling in a bachelor degree Administrative of Criminal Justice?

A:A Bachelor of Arts degree in Administrative of Criminal Justice students must fulfill the admission requirements for enrollment. Students must have completed high school, with a minimum CPA of 2.7. Students must have satisfactory SAT scores and entry test scores, a minimum grade of C in all English and math courses in high school, and at least 3 letters of recommendation.

Q:What is included in the Criminal Law and Procedure course of the Administration of Criminal Justice class?

A:The Administration of Criminal Justice Classes in the United States offer a thorough course on Criminal Law and Procedures. This course provides the complete survey and understanding of the distinctions, limitations as well as sources that relate to criminal law and how the criminal law has developed in the United States over the decades. It also highlights the criminal liability principles and the various elements of a crime.

Q:What are the areas of discussion in the Introduction to Paralegalism course of the CJ Administrative degree programs?

A:The CJ Administrative degree programs in the United States have an initial course worth 3 credits on Introduction to Paralegalism. This course acts as an introduction to field of paralegal profession, legal analysis as well as the entire legal system of the country. There is also exploration in this course of the various paralegal activities and criminal, business and procedural law, etc.

Q:While searching for investigation administrator criminal justice, I came across Minor in CSI. Could you please provide information about this qualification?

A:Yes. Searching for investigation administrator criminal justice frequently turns up Minor in CSI. It is a 24 credit hours qualification which enables students to investigate and process crime scenes. This includes photography, legal aspects, diagramming and collecting physical evidence. For more information students are encouraged to search our website for institutions offering this qualification.

Q:I was reading about the purpose of Criminal Justice Administration degrees and there was mention of the course on Criminal Investigations. Can you tell me more about this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the Criminal Investigation course while going through the purpose of Criminal Justice Administration degrees. It focuses on teaching the students how to perform apt investigation of a crime. There is ample emphasis on identification of an information, specific crime investigation as well as the various procedures to handle information carefully, etc. This course is worth 4 credits.

Q:Are there any jobs with administrative criminal justice private sector?

A:Yes. Students with criminal justice degrees can find work opportunities in the private sector as well. They can be hired as private detectives or be hired by private investigating agencies for domestic reasons. However, administrative and managerial level positions can only be scored if you have completed a minimum of Master in Criminal Justice program.

Q:What are the different types of administrative criminal justice jobs?

A:There are different types of administrative criminal justice jobs available in the market, at different pay scales. Degree holders of the MBA in Criminal Justice Administration can score jobs like administrative officer, city manager, county manager, computer programmer, management analyst, recreation specialist, personnel management specialist, computer specialist, and security specialist.

Q:I was reading an article named what can you do with an Associate in Science in Criminal Justice Administration and it got me curious what is taught in this program?

A:In answer to what can you do with an Associate in Science in Criminal Justice Administration, there are a number of jobs you can opt for, such as a police officer or criminal investigator. It is a two year program and offers courses such as constitutional law, juvenile delinquency, criminology, criminal law and criminal justice.

Q:My search about administration to criminal justice mentioned a course in airport management and security. What is covered in this course?

A:Searching about administration to criminal Justice would mention a course in airport management and security. This course deals with the fundamental aspects of a typical airport. Students are familiarized with FAA regulations, organizational structure, inter-agency relationships, and security challenges and troubleshooting. This course has become an integral part of this qualification in recent years. Prospective students are recommended to search our website for a list of institutions offering this course.

Q:Can you please tell me of the contents in the Judicial Process course of Criminal Justice Administration?

A:The course on Judicial Process comes in the middle of the qualification of Criminal Justice Administration. It is worth 5 credits and is a comprehensive study of the dynamics that work in a courthouse justice, such as the legal basis for the criminal courts. It also highlights on the legal actors of a courtroom - prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges and also on the work that they perform.

Q:While searching for Criminal Justice Administration in the United States, I saw the mention of the course Police Organization and Management. What will be the contents of this course?

A:Many of the programs being offered in Criminal Justice Administration programs in the United States include the course on Police Organization and Management. In fact, it is one of the most important parts of the curriculum. The course like clear from the name, introduces the student's to the purpose and function of police department in the country, and its responsibilities. It also introduces the student's to the structure of the police organization.

Q:While searching on what to do with a criminal justice administration degree, I came across Forensic Psychology. What is it all about?

A:Forensic Psychology would be mentioned when searching for what to do with a criminal justice administration degree. Professionals in this field are required to analyze criminal behavior and report to appropriate authorities. Contrary to popular belief, a significant percentage of professionals are employed in private organizations. In this case these professionals provide expert opinion and also serve as an educator for colleges and universities.

Q:I am starting school for Administration of Justice. What classes are required to join this field?

A:Students interested in starting school for Administration of Justice will be required to have prior knowledge in criminal justice and administration subjects. It is recommended that students have knowledge of criminal justice, criminal investigation, security studies, computer crimes, correctional practices, criminal procedure and forensic science. Prospective students interested in this program are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:Is a criminal justice administration online course better than a regular one?

A:If you are wondering about the degree you will receive, then an online criminal justice administration degree holds equal or greater value than a regular degree as long as it is received from an accredited online school. As far as convenience and costs are concerned, online schools save you a lot of money on admissions, books and living expenses (if you were going to be living on-campus). The flexible class schedules also make it easier for you to study over the internet as you don't even have to leave your room to complete a degree.

Q:In an article on steps to become administration of Justice, I came across Private Security Law course. Can you tell me the contents?

A:I think by steps to become administration of Justice you meant steps to become a Justice Administrator. You often come across courses such as Private Security Law while searching on Justice Studies. In this course the students are introduced with the origin and history of private security with stress upon the public sector security justice.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Police & Community Relations course of the Administration of Criminal Law?

A:The Administration of Criminal Law degree programs have dedicated courses on Police & Community Relations. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is designed specifically to highlight on the relationships between policing department and the community it lies in. There is also heavy emphasis on the policing methods in a society that is culturally diverse.

Q:What is the degree in justice administration duration?

A:The duration of the Criminal Justice Administration degree program depends on the type of program pursued. The associate's degree can be completed within two years, the bachelor's degree in four years followed by the two years master's program. Students can also seek the doctoral program in criminal justice administration which can take from one to three years to complete.

Q:As I read on the course administration to Criminal Justice, there was mention of the course on Social Problems. What is taught in this course?

A:It is common to find the mention of the course on Social Problems while going through the articles on course administration to Criminal Justice. These courses provide a robust overview to the major social problems that lie in the modern age. It also focuses on issues like alcohol, drugs, sexual variance, delinquency and crime.

Q:As I read on what is Administration of Criminal Law, it mentioned a course on Criminal Procedures. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Criminal Procedures while going through the article on what is Administration of Criminal Law. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is designed to teach the students the overview of various procedures needed to lawfully investigate, prosecute and also apprehend those individuals that are suspected or accused of any criminal law violation.

Q:While searching for Criminal Justice Administration online degree I came across Finance and Budgeting in Justice and Security course. Can you tell me about it?

A:Criminal Justice Administration online degree offer many courses, Finance and Budgeting in Justice and Security is one of them. In this course the students come across fundamentals of financial tools required for making decisions regarding security and criminal justice. This includes the planning of budget required to carry out various operations.

Q:While looking for best school for Justice Administration, I came across the course called Models of Effective Helping. What are the contents of this course?

A:There are a number of institutes out there to choose the best school for Justice Administration from. Models of Effective Helping is a course that is included in the curriculum for Justice Administration. In this course the students get to explore the theoretical areas of systems, cognitive and humanistic .

Q:Searching on how to become justice administration, I came across court administrator. What is the job description for this professional?

A:Court administrator would be mentioned when searching on how to become justice administration. These professionals are essentially responsible for the management of pre trial services and coordination of budgets. Court administrators also assist in jury services, overseeing cases and providing lawyers with administrative support. Prospective students interested in this profession are advised to search our website for an extensive list of online institutions offering this qualification.

Q:My search on types of Criminal Justice administration jobs, I came across Contemporary Issues And Futures In Criminal Justice course, can you brief me on it?

A:Types of Criminal Justice administration jobs often leads you to Contemporary Issues And Futures In Criminal Justice course, because it mostly deals with the future in the field of criminal justice and law administration. The course introduces the students to contemporary issues related to criminal justice and the possible future in the field.

Q:My search on how to become a criminal justice administrator mentioned a course in emergency management. What is included in this course?

A:Course on emergency management would be mentioned when searching for how to become a criminal justice administrator. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with principals and theories of emergency management. Students also learn about preparedness, response and recovery with respect to both government and private sectors. Prospective students can search our website for a comprehensive list of online institutions offering this course.

Q:Reading about what is criminal law mentioned the Nuremberg Trials. What is the importance of these trials?

A:Nuremberg Trials would be mentioned when searching for what is criminal law. These trials are a prime example of international criminal law. These trials were conducted in Nuremberg Bavaria after the Second World War. Leaders of the Nazi Party were prosecuted and convicted of genocide and atrocities throughout Europe. These trials are responsible for laws being passed that held individuals accountable when acting on behalf of a Government.

Q:what is criminal justice administration about?

A:Criminal Justice Administration is a specialization allowing students to gain knowledge about public safety, law enforcement, and other related areas of criminal jusitce administration. The purpose of education in this specialty is to train professionals to work towards preventing crime and maintain law and order through justice and fair trial for the accused or the criminals.

Q:Are there any specific justice administrator skills required for a sucessful career?

A:Indeed. All degree programs require aptiude towards the program since the course curriculum is quite rigorous and require students to have a genuine interest in the specialization to be able to do justice to their education as well as themselves. Students wishing to be criminal justice administrators need to be inquisitive, informative, broad knowledge pool, quick decision making, good communication skills, and analytical problem solving skills.

Q:How quickly will the online certificate programs in justice administration help me get a job?

A:Online certificate programs in criminal justice administration are typcially for one year or less. Online programs are self-paced, thereby allowing students to take as much time as they see fit to complete the degree. Students can complete the program in the shortest time possible and work as certified professionals in the job market. Once you have completed the certificate and started working, you can get enrolled in other specialized professional degrees and study online alongside.

Q:Are there any associate degrees offered by schools offering justice administration in US?

A:Indeed. Our website lists a number of online schools offering Justice Administration degrees in the United States. The specialization is also offered in associate's programs. Browse through our website to find relevant schools offering the associate in criminal justice administration. The program is generally for two years howeever it can be completed in less than two year's time as well if it is opted online.

Q:What is included in the course on surveillance technology law in justice administration program?

A:Course on surveillance law is an important part of the justice administration program. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with the current surveillance technologies used by security agencies. Students also learn about the laws that govern surveillance activities on both federal and private level. Students interested in this informative course are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:Reading about what is Criminal Justice Administration mentioned a course on Death Penalty. What is the premise of this course?

A:Course on Death Penalty would be mentioned when searching for what is Criminal Justice Administration. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with the issue of capital punishment. Students learn about the issue, its viability, history and social impact on the general American public. Students interested in this course are advised to search our website for an extensive list of institutions.

Q:My search for skills needed to be an administrator in criminal justice mentioned a course in criminal behavior. What is included in this course?

A:Course on criminal behavior would be mentioned when searching for skills needed to be an administrator in criminal justice. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with the concept of normal and abnormal behavior. Students also get a chance to understand about the aspects and factors that promotes criminal behavior. There is an in depth look into social, psychological and cultural aspects that induces criminal behavior.

Q:My search on criminal justice administration and management mentioned adversarial system. What is it all about?

A:Searching for criminal justice administration and management would mention adversarial system. This legal system comprises of two individuals representing their respective client's positions in front of a group of impartial people. This is usually called a jury. This is different from the inquisitorial system where a judge presides over the proceedings. It is the unanimous decision of the group that decides the outcome.

Q:Are online criminal justice administration degrees worth anything?

A:Online Criminal Justice Administration degrees are worth a lot if you get them from the right schools. Before you apply for admission into an online school, always make sure and check that the school has been accredited by the relevant accreditation board or boards. If the school is accredited, you will receive an accredited degree that will hold great value in the job market.

Q:As I read on what is administration of criminal Justice, there was mention of the course on Statistical Analysis. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Statistical analysis while going through the article on what is Administration of Criminal Justice. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is specialized in providing the students with founding blocks of Statistical Analysis. Areas of discussion include measures of location, probability and distributions.

Q:My search on what can I do with a Masters in Criminal Justice Administration mentioned Victim Advocate. What is the job description for this profession?

A:Victim Advocate would be mentioned when searching for what I can do with a Masters in criminal justice administration. These professionals are required to assist rape and abuse victims and explain legal procedures and encourage victims throughout the process. These professionals usually work in the District Attorney's office and are sometimes sponsored by nonprofit humanitarian organizations.

Q:My search for what is criminal justice administration mentioned Masters in Science program. What are the admission requirements for an MS in Criminal Justice?

A:Masters in Science would be mentioned when searching for what is criminal justice administration. The admission criteria for institutes might differ however, students are required to hold a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. In addition to this, students should also submit the required documents such as transcripts. And they should also complete the graduate admission application. In order to find out more, students are advised to check out the university's official webpage.

Q:Will a qualification in criminal justice administration and management limit my career options?

A:This is far from the case- whilst a criminal justice administration and management may sound as if you are limited to a career in the criminal justice system, the program will equip with you with useful administration and management skills. Such skills are always in demand in most industries and therefore you should be able to transfer these skills.

Q:What is the criminal justice administration job description?

A:The job description for criminal justice administration will most importantly depend on where you are employed. Some of the possible careers are: Police office, detective, sheriff, correctional officer, parole officer, probation officer, FBI agent, DEA agent, ATF agent, Border Patrol agent. These are some of the career options that you can after a criminal justice degree and your job description will depend on what choice you make.

Q:Can you tell career News for Criminal Justice Administration?

A:After attaining a criminal justice administration degree, you have the option of pursuing a career from among a number of options. You can work as a police officer, security officer, social worker, special agent, Detective, Parole Officer or Highway Patrolman. There are also various other careers that are suitable for a criminal justice major besides the few mentioned above. The primary skills required for a career in Criminal Justice Administration include the ability to understand, interpret and study laws in detail.

Q:I want to learn about the aspect related to the administration of criminal justice organizations. Should I enroll in a criminal justice degree?

A:A degree in criminal justice degree will cover various aspects of the field. You will learn about the main functions of criminal justice organizations and their role in the society. The curriculum will however vary slightly from college to college and will also depend upon the level of degree being pursued.

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