Degree Completion in Criminal Justice

About Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice deals with preventing crimes, apprehending criminals and enforcing the law and order to keep society safe. Criminal justice professionals perform duties as police officers, corrections officers, crime scene investigators, court officers and customs & border protection officers. Criminal Justice professionals must be physically fit, and must be quick thinkers who can make decisions under pressure. A career in criminal justice is highly rewarding, and officers working in this field are proudly able to recall the moments where they saved a child’s life or apprehended a dangerous criminal.

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About the Degree
Since there are a variety of career options in criminal justice, degrees and training programs are offered in a variety of fields. Completion in Criminal Justice degree is currently the most popular in the country, and follows a four year course including subjects such as criminology, investigative techniques, crime scene processing and law. Graduates of a degree program in criminal justice must take additional state sponsored training before they can start work. A master’s degree in criminal justice is ideal for the people who wish to work in a managerial position within law enforcement.

Career Prospects
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of criminal justice is expected to grow by more than 15% over the next decade. Spurred by an overall increase in the demand for national security and public safety, the field of criminal justice is set to grow, allowing graduates to hold prestigious positions as FBI agents, US Marshalls, crime scene investigators, intelligence analysts and a variety of other highly rewarding positions that allow them to serve their communities.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What kinds of elective courses are studied in a degree completion in criminal justice?

A:A degree completion in criminal justice its curriculum divided up into foundation courses, required courses, and elective coursers. The different types of elective courses that students are expected to study in this program include international crime, security leadership, probation and parole, criminal evidence, criminal investigation, juvenile justice, and homeland security.

Q:What will I be studying in the criminal justice degree completion programs?

A:While the subjects will differ from institution to institution, some common subjects you will be given instruction in are; management and leadership in human resources, terrorism, crime prevention, fringe politics, criminal behaviors and enterprises, extremist violence, policing, security and risk management. Criminal justice students pay particular attention to the fields of law, criminology, violence and politics.

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