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Post Grad Certificates in Environmental Sciences

Environmental scientists use their knowledge of the natural sciences to protect the environment. Some of them monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution and contamination. Employment of environmental science and protection technicians is expected to increase by 24% from 2010 to 2020 while jobs for environmental scientists and specialists are anticipated to witness 19% growth during the same decade. Forbes has ranked environmental science ad protection technicians among the Best Jobs for Young People.

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If you have interest in the environment and wish to make valuable contributions to control possible environmental hazards and health risks, a career in environment science is for you. It can help you earn above average income and allow you to do work that is satisfying.

Most environmental scientists start their career as environmental science technicians. As they gain more experience, they can move on to advanced positions. As an environmental scientist, you may determine data collection methods for research projects, investigations, and surveys, gather environmental data, analyze samples, and develop plans to prevent, control, or fix environmental issues.

Environmental Science Programs

A number of colleges and universities offer programs in environmental science. Students can break into the industry with a bachelor’s degree and qualify for entry-level jobs. The ones who want to find senior level jobs should earn a master’s degree in environmental science or related fields such as geosciences, biology or chemistry. Doctoral programs are also available and are useful for the ones who want to pursue a career in research or teaching.

The coursework in the environmental science programs provide students with a wide approach to the natural sciences. Some of the courses of study students can pursue are chemistry, physics, environmental policy and regulation and geology. They can also take specialized courses in fluid mechanics and waste management.

Post Grad Certificates in Environmental Sciences

The post grad certificates in environmental sciences are designed for the ones who already hold a bachelor’s degree in environmental science or a related field and want to perk up their knowledge to qualify for advanced positions. Working professionals who are already working can pursue this programs and gain valuable credentials to improve their career prospects. The program is also well-suited to graduates wishing to change career pathway.

Students in this program will get a chance to improve their understanding of the scientific knowledge that underpins environmental science and natural resource management. They will also be able to develop skills in written and oral scientific communication.

Career Prospects

The growing interest in the hazards facing the environment is projected to increase the demand for environmental scientists. They can find jobs in management, scientific and technical consulting services, architectural, engineering, and related services or testing laboratories.

Environmental science and protection technicians can make between $26,000 and $67,000 while environmental scientists and specialists can earn between $37,000 and $107,000 a year.

These professionals work in offices and laboratories. They may have to spend much time in the field which can be physically demanding. Long or irregular hours are common.


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