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Master in Health Science

The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing in the United States today. The rapidly increasing number of the elderly population has resulted in an increased demand for health services professionals and millions of new jobs are expected to be created in this field. A Master in Health Science is a great way to take advantage of this growth and obtain an administrative position at a hospital, clinic or other healthcare facility. Health Science Master Programs are specially designed to help students develop the practical skills and knowledge required to carry out research on the prevailing issues in healthcare, and devise plans and policies in order to address these issues and improve the quality of healthcare and the overall efficiency of the healthcare system.

What programs are offered and what will I learn? 

Master of Health Science degrees can be earned online or through traditional, on-campus programs at a number of colleges around the country. These programs can be completed in as little as eighteen months, and depending on their future goals, students can choose between specializations in Healthcare Planning and Development, Medical Research, Healthcare Finance, Health Law, and Healthcare Education. The admission requirements for a Master in Health Science include a Bachelor's Degree in a healthcare concentration as well as some experience in medical care or healthcare management. Health Science Master Programs include courses in Principles of Management, Social and Cultural Issues in Healthcare, Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Biostatistics, and Research Methods. The electives offered include Advanced Health Statistics, Health Education Program Planning and Development, Curriculum Development in Health Education, and Health Promotion and Risk Reduction. Once the coursework is complete, students must submit a dissertation based thesis before they are awarded the Master in Health Science degree.

What are the future prospects?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for Master of Health Science graduates are expected to increase by 12 percent through 2018. Health Science professional can expect to find work with various Government departments and private businesses as research specialists, policy planners, and health development professionals. They can also join the healthcare education system and work to educate the next generation of medical professionals.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Master in Health Sciences?

Many schools, such as the University of St. Augustine, the Nova Southeastern University and the Florida Gulf Coast University, are offering Master of Health Sciences program, which can be completed within 1.5 to 2 years. This program also offers the following concentrations: Sports Medicine, Higher Education, Healthcare Administrations, Healthcare Risk Management and Health Law. Both on-campus and online classes are being offered to students.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a Master in Health Sciences?

In order to obtain a Master of Science in Health Sciences, students are expected to complete a total of 36 credits. They have to study modules like Ethical Issues in Healthcare, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Healthcare and Regulatory Compliance, US Health Policy, and Pharmaceutical Law. After graduating, individuals can choose to work in clinical research firms, hospitals, educational institutions and athletic associations. 

How Much Can I Make after Completing a Master in Health Sciences?

As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Medical and Health Services Managers earned an annual median pay of $99,730. In 2016, the number of jobs available in this field was 352,200. Also, the field of  Medical and Health Services Managers is expected to experience a growth of around 20% between 2016 and 2026. This is a lot faster than the average growth rate for all other occupations.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Going through Master of Science in Health Sciences, I came across Community Health course. What is taught in it?

A:There are number of courses that you will come across in the two year Master of Science in Health Sciences program. In Community Health course, the special emphasis are laid on issues regarding community health. Students get to study various problems faced in the field and also about the possible solutions.

Q:Can I pursue a health science masters degree over the internet?

A:Yes, students from all around the world can pursue a health science master's degree online. These programs are specifically designed for students who are already employed or homemakers looking to learn something new. There are a number of online institutions listed on our website that allow students to complete their education from the comfort of their homes. Students also find these online courses relatively inexpensive as there is no travelling and accommodation expenses involved.

Q:Can you name a few specialization areas offered in a master degree in health science?

A:A master degree in health science is a graduate level program that focuses on health related topics. Students can opt for a single health area for specialization in this degree program. Following are a few options available: public health, infectious diseases and health, kinesiology, nutrition, international public health, prevention and cure, and many more.

Q:While searching for master in health science, I came across a course on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. What is included in this course?

A:Course on Pharmacology and Therapeutics would be mentioned when searching for master in health science. This course is usually worth 3 credit hours and deals with the Principals of Pharmacodynamics, Clinical Therapeutics, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacology. With the health care industry expanding all over the United States, there is huge potential for students interested in this qualification.

Q:What is taught in the master health degree program?

A:The Master Health Science degree program is a professional two year degree which can only be opted if the student has completed their undergraduate degree in a related field. Students are taught two types of courses in the degree which include core and elective courses. Core courses focus on introductory content of the program whereas electives are for the chosen area of specialization.

Q:Why should I take the master of health science degree online?

A:The Master Of Health Science degree program offers a number of benefits to those students who take the program online. Students get to make their own class schedule and complete the program at a pace of their own. They do not have to rush through the course to match the speed of the course mates. Online programs also allow students to take the class from anywhere in the world with a single internet connection.

Q:How can I take the master of health science online?

A:The Master Of Health Science Online degree is offered by a number of renowned institutes listed on our website. To get enrolled in an online master in health sciences, students need to select their online institute and apply for admission directly. They will only be required to have completed the bachelor's degree in a related discipline.

Q:How long is the master of health sciences?

A:The Master Of Health Sciences can be completed ideally within 2 years when opted in a traditional campus based institute. However, students looking to complete the degree in much less time duration can get enrolled in the online program and take as much as they see fit. Online programs have no specified time durations for completing the degree.

Q:What is the duration of the executive masters degree health science?

A:The Masters Degree Health Science is typically for 2 years. However, students who are already working somewhere and are taking up master's degree to increase their career prospects without giving up on their employment can get enrolled in the executive masters program and complete the degree at a much lighter pace. Generally, executive degrees are completed in 3 years or more since their classes only take place after office hours.

Q:My search on Masters degree in Health Science led me to Clinical Classification Systems course, can you tell me more about it?

A:It is common to come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field while going through search such as Masters degree in Health Science. Clinical Classification Systems course is included in various programs related to Health Sciences. In this course the students get to study nomenclature and classification of coding and systems.

Q:My search related to masters degree in Health Sciences took me to Biomedical Terminology course, what is it about?

A:It is common to come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field while going through search such as Masters degree in Health Sciences. Biomedical Terminology course is included in a number of programs related to Health Sciences. In this course the students get to study about the terminology used in medicines.

Q:Is a Masters in Health Science degree focused on research?

A:Almost all masters' degrees have a core course component of qualitative and qualitative research methods. In addition to this you will have to submit a research paper applying scientific methods towards the end of your masters program in order to get your degree. You can also opt for a specialization in research administration.

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