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Graduate Business Certificate in Health Science Management

Healthcare management is a fast growing field. The need for better managerial principles is crucial to sustaining effective service delivery. Healthcare is a major institution of our society that is aimed towards promoting wellness and health. The need for doctors and nurses is constant in today's ever growing society. However, much emphasis is being laid upon effective management. With the industry expanding and numerous healthcare occupations growing, we need expert management personnel to effectively coordinate and oversee the healthcare system.

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Individuals who are interested in management positions in healthcare institutions can acquire healthcare management degrees. These are specifically designed to integrate management and business principles in healthcare, and prepare students for jobs in this area. Healthcare management can also be studied at non-degree level through certifications and diplomas. It has been seen that many working healthcare professionals are acquiring extra credentials and certification in management to excel in their careers.

Certificate in Health Science Management

Students or working professionals seeking a short course in this field can opt for a certificate in health science management. This is a non-degree program that focuses on industry knowledge and career skills. The program covers a wide range of career-oriented subjects. The main objective of this program is to help students develop an administrative capacity and acquire a firm grasp over management principles applied to modern-day healthcare organizations. Complex business issues and case studies help students understand what to expect at managerial levels. The program sheds light upon community health issues and how to maximize effectiveness through coordination and planning. Since the program is designed for management careers in healthcare, a certain number of practical courses may also be covered. These may help develop practical skills related to communication, management, decision-making, leadership, and problem-solving. Listed below are a few areas studied in the program:

  • Healthcare terminology
  • Business ethics
  • Operations management
  • Management principles and planning strategies
  • Organizational behavior
  • Administration

The duration of the course is shorter as compared to degree programs. Some certificate programs may be completed in less than 8 months while other may take approximately 12 months. A certificate in health science management may be available online.

Career Opportunities

The demand for health care managers is high and is further expected to grow in the coming years. A certificate program may help health science managers boost their skills, knowledge, and overall career opportunities. On the other hand, students with this certification can seek a number of managerial working positions is all kinds of healthcare organizations such as hospitals, clinics, and medical research centers. There are certain areas that one can specifically prepare for in healthcare such as health service administration, financial management, human resource, policy development, and project management.

Medical and health service managers made a yearly median income of $88,580 per year in 2012 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). So if you are looking for a management related career that helps promote healthcare services, healthcare management may be a suitable choice.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Why should I do the graduate business certificate in health science management online?

A:Choosing to do the graduate business certificate in health science management online will allow you to pursue or maintain a full time job along with your certificate. You will also be able to save on the costs associated with relocating on campus in order to take classes. All your relevant coursework will be available online and you can study from the comfort of your own home.

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