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PhD in Organizational Management

Organizational management is concerned with organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources within a business organization in a way that effectively helps achieve the overall objectives. Organizational managers are responsible for making decisions and resolving a wide range of issues.
If you wish to undertake, understand, and contribute to research in organization and management in private, public, academic, and voluntary setup, you should consider pursuing a doctoral program.

After all, isn’t the decision to pursue a PhD usually guided by the desire for deeper understanding of a specific discipline and the motivation for intellectual pursuits?
Below you’ll find answers to various questions that you may come up with when you are considering enrolling in a PhD in organizational management.

What is the Program Structure of a PHD in Organizational Management?

The program structure may vary depending on the university that you enroll in. The program is divided into phases and you can only move on from one phase to another if you fulfill the criteria. You’ll typically be required to successfully complete the following:

  • A specific number of subjects to fulfill the credit hours requirement
  • Regular research assignments
  • Candidacy examination
  • A working paper based on empirical research
  • A doctoral dissertation thesis

Some universities may require students to take up some non degree courses in order to improve language and writing skills or enhance teaching-related skills.

The program generally takes around four to five years to complete.

What courses will you study?

Although the curriculum for PhD program is multidisciplinary, major emphasis is placed on individuals and groups of people in various work settings, the way human resources are utilized and the impact that economic and social environment, as well as technology has on organizations and people.

There tend to be variations in the names, types, and range of courses being offered at different universities. Example of some courses that you may come across include:

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Organization Theory
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Social Networks
  • Business Ethics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Social Science Research Methods
  • Management of Innovation and Technology
  • Applied Communications

What kind of research will you carry out?

The faculty of every university is involved in undertaking different type of research. You may find areas of specialties such as:

  • Organizational employment practices
  • Organizational Identity & Image; Organizational Learning & Knowledge
  • Institutional logics and change
  • Strategy Formulation and Implementation
  • Organizational and individual identity

What Factors should you consider when choosing a PhD in Organizational Management?

  • See if the research interests of the faculty match your  academic and professional  interests
  • Look into the quality of publications by instructors, as well as the students and alumni
  • Take into account the credentials of the instructors and researchers
  • Consider the facilities and the student support services that the school offers

What are the admission requirements?

The general admission requirements for a PhD in organizational management are as follows:

  • Official transcripts from accredited colleges or universities
  • Letters of Recommendations that help verify academic, research, and professional capabilities.
  • Official score reports of the standardized tests
  • A personal statement that helps demonstrate  your interest in the field of organizational management
  • A copy of writing samples or publications

What kind of financial assistance is available for PhD students?

PhD students are ably to apply for funding from the university as well as other state level and non-profit organizations. Scholarships often cover tuition fee as well as the cost of living of the students. For specific information regarding funding opportunities, you should visit the ‘funding page’ on your respective university’s website.  

What can you do with a PhD in Organizational Management?

After successfully completing a PhD in organizational management or a related discipline, students usually seek teaching and research positions at business schools around the world. They undertake cutting edge research and try to contribute towards the advancement of knowledge of organizations and management.  

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for postsecondary teachers in 2012 was $68,970, with a faster than average employment growth rate of 19%.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a PhD in Organizational Management?

Many schools, such as the Yale University, the Rutgers Business School and the University of California Berkeley, are offering a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Organizational Management/Organizational Leadership & Management. These programs can be usually completed within four years and offer preparation for teaching and research in strategic management, organization theory, organization behavior, and entrepreneurship. Students are trained to do research in several areas such as group dynamics, conflict resolution, organizational culture, and diversity.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a PhD in Organizational Management?

In order to obtain a PhD in Organizational Management, students are expected to complete around 51-72 credits. They have to study modules like Management of Innovation & Technology, Business Ethics, Culture & Organizations, Econometrics for Social Science, and Human Development and Motivation. Students are also required to take a comprehensive exam at the end of their second year. After passing the exam, they have to spend the last two academic years mainly working on their dissertation.

How Much Can I Make after Completing a PhD in Organizational Management?

After completing a PhD in Organizational Management, graduates can work as University Teachers, Researchers, and Consultants. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual median wage of Post Secondary teachers was $78,470 in May 2018. In 2018, the number of jobs in this field was 1,350,700. Moreover, it is expected that the employment opportunities in this field are expected to grow by 11% between 2018 and 2028.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What can you do with a Doctorate in Organizational Management?

A:The answer to the question what can you do with a doctorate in organizational management can be quite extensive. Professionals with this qualification can find themselves employed in a number of industries. These professionals can work in Human Resource, Marketing, and in the Educational field. Demand for professionals with this qualification is expected to increase significantly over the next few years. Prospective students interested in this qualification are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:As I went through the PhD Organizational Management salary surveys, there was mention of the course on American Constitutional Law. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on American Constitutional Law while going through the PhD Organizational Management salary surveys. This course is worth 2 credits in total and is structured to provide students with substantial understanding of the historical level developments as well as the constitutional level principles that American government works on.

Q:What kind of job opportunities can I get after a doctorate in organizational management?

A:Doctorate in organizational management is an advanced degree that takes six years to complete. Having it implies that you can get senior or top level job in good organizations. You can aim for business consultant jobs or look for jobs like human resource director, management consultant and such designations that offer lucrative salary packages.

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