Online LPN to RN

An accredited online LPN to RN degree provides trained nurses with an opportunity to further their careers and increase their earning potential. This nursing qualification can be acquired without having to go to a traditional university and enables students to study from the comfort of their home. Earning an LPN to RN degree through distance-learning allows prospective nursing students to save both time and money.

Benefits of Online LPN to RN Degrees
Online LPN to RN degree programs have become the preferred choice for individuals seeking a career in the field of nursing. An increasing number of employees expect nursing students to have higher level qualifications like an RN, BSN or MSN to acquire senior level positions.
Due to this, many LPN’s are considering returning to school with an aim to obtain higher degrees and certifications to improve their chances of getting an increased salary and job security. For such individuals, there are specialist distance-learning courses on offer at various accredited online educational institutions across the U.S. So, now anyone can acquire an accredited nursing qualification online, without having the need to go to traditional colleges to attend nursing classes.

Online LPN to RN Degree Options
The most common online LPN to RN degree programs available to prospective nursing students in the US include Associate’s Degrees in Nursing (ADN) and Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing (BSN). Both degrees provide nursing students with the quickest route to obtaining a higher level qualification in nursing. Associate degree in nursing provides an entry-level qualification to prospective students and allows them to practice this profession at the very basic level.
Online associate degrees in nursing takes over eighteen months to complete and allows successful candidates to sit for National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). This certified qualification allows nursing candidates to practice as RN’s upon successful completion of the exam.

Another common online LPN to RN education is a Bachelors Degree in Nursing (BSN). Bachelors in nursing provide advanced level education required to practice as a registered nurse. BSN courses traditionally take over four years of full-time education to complete but in case you wish to take this degree online, you can finish the degree in your time. BSN offers courses which are normally not available to AND students. Some of the courses which are taught at BSN level include disease management, community nursing, risk reduction, management and leadership among others. Registered nurses graduating with a BSN generally have better career opportunities as compared to the ones with just ADN degrees. They are also given the chance to work towards some special certifications and also allowed to directly enroll into further graduate programs in nursing or general health care sector.

Steps to Become a Registered Nurse in the US

If you want to become a registered nurse in the US, you will have to complete th following steps:

Complete a Registered Nursing Program – You will have to enroll in a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN), or get an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree.

Get the License – You will have to get a state issued license to work as a registered nurse in the US. Clearing the NCLEX-RN is a prerequisite to applying for the license.

Apply for a Job – Once you get the license to practice as a registered nurse, you can start applying for a job.

How Long Does It Take to Complete an Online LPN to RN Degree?

Making the jump from being an LPN to RN is easier than you might think. Although the thought of going back to school might be intimidating, but you don’t have to worry anymore as there are many accredited online LPN to RN degrees available to students. Students can enroll in an Associate degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science (BSN) in Nursing. The online ADN degree can be completed within 18 months and the online BSN degree may take 1 to 3 years to complete (depending upon the part-time/full-time status and credit transfer).

What Are the Requirements to Complete an Online LPN to RN Degree?

The Bachelor of Science (BSN) in Nursing requires students to complete around 120 credits. Program participants have to study a range of modules such as Cultural Care in Nursing Practice, Health and Nutrition, Gerontology Nursing, Informatics for Nursing and Healthcare, Nursing Leadership and Management, Collaborative Strategies for Nursing, and Pathopharmacology. After obtaining these degrees, students become eligible to appear for the NCLEX-RN licensing exam.

How Much Can I Make after Completing an Online LPN to RN Degree?

As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Registered Nurses earned a yearly median salary of $71,730 in 2018. As baby boomers are aging, there is a rise in demand in healthcare professionals including Registered Nurses. It is expected that the job opportunities for these individuals will increase by 12% from 2018 to 2028. This will create 371,500 more jobs in the economy.

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Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can you please brief me precisely about the LPN to RN programs?

A:Online LPN to RN programs are specialist qualifications specifically designed for individuals wishing to serve in the U.S. nursing and health care sector. In general, these qualifications can take between two and four years to complete depending on the type of program. However, in certain cases, these qualifications can be acquired in considerably less time provided the student has already obtained accredited nursing certifications like NCLEX-RN and others.

Q:Are there any online LPN to RN courses?

A:Yes. There are a bunch of nursing courses offered online. These include LPN, RN, BSN, MSN, and PhD in Nursing degree programs. Students can take these programs step by step. Interested candidates can become Registered Nurses from Licensed Practical Nurses in no time. After completing their LPN diplomas online, they can opt for the Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) program and sit for the NCLEX-RN and be Registered Nurses in a span of two years only.

Q:Can you name a few courses studied in Lpn Classes?

A:LPN Classes are basic nursing education classes. Student must complete an LPN degree program to initiate a nursing career. While studying in LPN classes, a few courses that are studied include the following: anatomy, physiology, health issues and nutrition, pharmacology, growth and development, psychiatric nursing, medical nursing, maternal health and child, and diagnostic procedures.

Q:What are the contents of the course on World Civilizations in the LPN online classes?

A:The LPN Online Classes have dedicated courses on World Civilizations. This course is worth 2 credits in total and is designed to provide students with ample levels of understanding of the broader surveys of history of the world and how mankind has evolved over the years. Students are also taught the contents of this course with hands on experience and practical museum visits.

Q:What are the contents of the course on College Mathematics in the LPN online programs?

A:The LPN Online Programs have dedicated course on College Mathematics. This course is worth 2 credits in total. It is structured to provide students with ample understanding of the skills of college level mathematics. Students are also highlighted on the applications of vocational level. Some of the concepts highlighted in this course include decimal notation and measurements and statistics.

Q:What is the next step to becoming a nurse after attaining a degree form LPN Online Schools?

A:After earning a nursing degree from online nursing schools students must take the nursing registration exam. Students who complete a LPN/RN exam must take the nursing licensing exam NCLEX-LPN/RN. Nursing licenses are only issued to those students who clear the exam. The exams are conducted by the state nursing board.

Q:Would LPN programs online be suitable for me?

A:It depends on the student's circumstance. Distance learning programs are particularly useful for students who are already employed or stay at home parents looking to continue their education. One of the biggest advantages of this type of education is that it allows students to study at their own pace and convenience. This allows students to retain and understand more of the course. Online educational programs are comparatively inexpensive as well with students saving money on travel and accommodation.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Social Impact of Technology in the LPN school online programs?

A:The LPN School Online programs in the United States have dedicated course on Social Impact of Technology. This course is worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with ample understanding of the economic, environmental, personal and political impacts that technology has had on humans. Students are also provided with ample hands on experience.

Q:What is the best lpn online classes?

A:Our website lists some of the best LPN online classes. Interested candidates can browse through our website to find a suitable institute offering the online course they require. Online LPN classes allow students to complete the course at a pace of their own. They get to schedule their own classes and take them from the ease of home.

Q:My search on LPN to RN programs led me to Clinical Practice course, what is it about?

A:It is common to come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field while going through search such as LPN to RN programs. Clinical Practice course is among the most common courses included in the program. In this course the students are introduced with practice in the application of humidity therapy and oxygen administration.

Q:What are the benefits of taking Online Lpn To Rn Bridge Programs instead of campus based programs?

A:Taking programs online can help you save on costs as well as travelling expenses. Online degree programs are offered by a number of online schools. You can study at timings that fit your routine, and most online programs are self-paced. These are the main benefits of opting for online degree programs.

Q:My search for online LPN to RN programs mentioned DETC. Why is this organization important?

A:DETC would be mentioned when searching for online LPN to RN programs. DETC stands for Distance Education and Training Council. This organization is responsible accrediting online institutions. It is recognized by the Department of Education and Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Furthermore, students are recommended to make sure their institute properly accredited before enrollment.

Q:My nursing career is at a standstill, do you think LPN to RN programs online can help me in this regard?

A:LPN to RN programs online is a valuable option if you are looking to enhance your career as these programs are aimed to provide the necessary training to help you grow professionally. Online programs will give you the flexibility of studying at your convenience and also help you advance in the nursing field. Your experience and added credentials will make the desired difference that you want and help you qualify for the next step in the nursing career.

Q:Accredited Online LPN To RN Nursing Programs will help me save on travelling costs, is this true?

A:Yes, this is one of the major benefits of online nursing programs. You will not be required to travel to campus based classes. This means you do not have to face travelling and fuel expenses that can take a toll on your budget. Other benefits on online education include self-paced study schedules, flexibility in timings, and low program costs.

Q:After successful completion of Accredited Online LPN To RN Programs, I can apply for nursing licenses?

A:After completing an LPN to RN accredited online program, you can apply for a nursing license. Without a license, you cannot join the nursing field as a professional. Even a LPN degree is enough to make you eligible for a license. You must first clear the licensing examination NCLEX-LPN before applying for licenses.

Q:How can I become LPN to RN online?

A:Becoming a registered nurse when you are already a licensed practitioner nurse is not difficult. There are many courses that will allow you to convert your qualification. Once you have undertaken the same, you will need to speak to your state licensing board to see if they are happy to give you a license.

Q:What are students taught in online LPN to RN transition programs?

A:In terms of knowledge, there is not much a RN knows that a LPN does not. After all, the roles are very similar. However, the licensing requirements are distinctly different. Therefore you will be taught those essential items to allow you to obtain a Registered Nurse license, such as the differences in the rules and regulations and how to deal with patients.

Q:Can you give me an overview of LPN to RN associate degree program online?

A:Licensed practitioner nurses in search of attaining professional advancement and polishing their skills can enroll themselves in LPN to RN programs online, saving the time and cost involved. The accredited programs prepare students for taking the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurse Licensure (NCLEX-RN). Candidates who successfully pass this examination are awarded license to practice as RNs in their relevant state.

Q:Is an LPN to RN online degree program easy to complete?

A:If you put in the required effort and complete all the program requirements, you will find this program easy to pursue. Without any hard work and dedication, no nursing program is easy to complete. The program entails a number of courses and subjects that focus on individual aspects of the nursing field.

Q:Can you give me information on online LPN to RN bridge programs?

A:Online LPN to RN Bridge programs are aimed to prepare the prospective nurses for the nursing profession. Online programs give the advantage of flexibility. RNs generally have better packages as their qualification offers more in depth study of medical processes. However, when selecting online colleges, the accreditation of the institute must be verified.

Q:Can one pursue an online LPN to RN program?

A:People are popularly opting for online LPN to RN programs as these programs prove to be more convenient and flexible and are usually self paced. It is specially suited for those who want to give their nursing career a boost by increasing their education and credentials. For online nursing programs it is important to check if the institute is accredited.

Q:After completing an lpn to rn associate degree online, will I have to retake the licensing examinations?

A:Yes, you will have to take the NCLEX licensing examinations again. LPN's and RN'S are evaluated on different criteria's; therefore once you have acquired advanced qualifications, you will have to appear in the NCLEX-RN exam. These exams are conducted by the nursing board in each state and are mandatory to clear to become a professional nurse.

Q:What degree I need to get into online LPN to RN?

A:The admission requirements of LPN to RN degrees may vary from college to college. The general admission requirements include the following: completion of science courses and nursing prerequisites such as anatomy and physiology, a satisfactory CGPA and scores, and a few letters of recommendation. For more information, browse through our page.

Q:After completing an LPN to RN program do I have to retake state boards?

A:The LPN to RN program is not enough to enter the nursing profession; you will need to pass the certification exam, in order to start practicing nursing. After acquiring LPN to RN program, you will need to sit for NCLEX- RN exam, which is required to become a registered nurse.

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