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Master in Design

It is common knowledge that words sink in later but the first thing to impact the human mind are colors, shape, positioning, etc. which in other words mean the design. Design is now instrumental in the selling of not only tangible goods like clothes, furniture, etc. but also intangible products like ideas, strategies, software programs, and theories. Most of the organizations have realized the significance of a quality designer in their scheme of things and hire the best in this area such as people with a Master in Design degree.

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Scope of Design Master Programs
Design is a broad idea; it means that a systematic process is followed to reach a pleasing-to-the-eye result. Students from broad educational backgrounds can opt for a Master in Design degree and specialize in a field such as fashion, product development, human computer-interaction, information, and communication, to name a few. The program structure, duration, and curriculum depend on the chosen area of specialization. For example, a program leading to a Master of Design in communication planning usually takes two years for completion, and students are taught about the interplay of words and images to achieve the greatest impact.

The actual courses taught in design master programs depend on the student's chosen area of specialization. A student specializing in communication planning and information design will normally study the following courses:

  • Topics in Communication Design
  • Design & Human Experience
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Visualizing Complex Information
  • History of Design

Apart from the above-mentioned courses, students are encouraged to think artistically, and the proof of their creative thinking is required in the form of a thesis project.

Admission Requirements
The admission process for a Master of Design program depends on the university to which the student is applying. Usually, students are required to have a bachelor degree in a design-related subject, engineering, or computer science. Moreover, universities look for confident, dynamic individuals who are clear in their minds and want to learn the art of sophisticated thinking.

Career Prospects
People graduating with a Master in Design degree can find employment as user experience designers in information technology companies. They can also work as communication designers in the print and multimedia sectors.

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Master in Design

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the contents of the course on Social Impacts of Technology in the Master in Design?

A:The Master in Design degree programs have dedicated course on Social Impacts of Technology. This course is worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with ample understanding of the political, personal, environmental and economic impacts that technology has on us and our lives. Students are also taught the different ethical issues and how to take care of them.

Q:Can you give some information about a Design Master degree program?

A:A masters degree in design is an advanced degree program. It is a two year program and is also known as a graduate degree program. The program entails design and art courses that equip students with designing skills used in different areas. Skills such as creativity skills, innovation skills, and assessment skills are the core development areas in the program.

Q:Are there any management topics studied in a Design Master Degree?

A:Yes, there a management subjects in this program. You not only develop creativity skills but also get a thorough understanding of design and management. Topics such as strategic design management, business model designs, leadership roles, project management, integrative studio, design technology management, industrial trends, and ethical contexts are a few of the management courses studied in a design degree.

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