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Career in Nursing

As the healthcare industry continues to grow, a career in Nursing is becoming one of the most lucrative career paths one can take. There is an increasing demand for nursing professionals and the versatility of job roles available within the field of nursing makes careers in nursing field an interesting opportunity. Some of the roles within nursing jobs include:

  • Administrative Nursing
  • Adult health/ geriatric nursing
  • Mental health nursing
  • Orthopedics
  • Intensive care nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Child health/ pediatric nursing
  • Oncology

While hospitals are the most obvious place to have a demand for professional nurses, opportunities for careers in nursing are also available at clinics, mental health institutions, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, research centers, health departments and old people's homes.

Nursing Programs
There are a good amount of educational programs available for individuals who are interested in a career in Nursing. A person can find entry-level positions within the healthcare industry by completing a certification such as the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN) certification, or an associate's degree in nursing (ADN). People who wish to get into administrative nursing or want to work at higher positions within the healthcare industry can go for bachelors and masters degrees. An MBA in Nursing is also a good degree for someone who is interested in administrative nursing.

Some of the subjects that one learns during a nursing education include pathology, anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology and physiology.

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