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Certificate in Secondary Education

A certificate in secondary education authorizes individuals to teach their subject of interest to grades six through twelve. Teachers first obtain state level certification and then they may apply for national certification though that is not compulsory. State level certificate in secondary education may be earned with a bachelors' degree or master's degree in education which includes courses in subjects of their interest. For students interested in teaching but who are from disciplines other than education, post graduate certification may be obtained by completing certain certification requisites and proving competency in the subject to be taught.

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Some certification may allow teachers to teach many subjects within one discipline. For instance, teachers with a secondary education certificate in science may teach all science subjects except in ‘honors' classes and Advanced Placement classes. Similarly, teachers who are certified in English language art can teach subjects such as journalism, speech and English.

General Requirements for a Secondary Education Certificate
Although exact requirements vary from state to state, some common requirements to obtain a certificate of secondary education are as follows: · The applicant should hold at least a bachelor's degree in the subject he/she wishes to teach. · The applicant should have a certain number of study hours in education and related subjects, as specified by each state. · Applicants should apply for and pass a certification exam to be eligible for a secondary school certificate.

National Certificate in Secondary Education
Although most educational institutes do not require a national secondary education certificate, the certification can definitely give a boost to your career and is recognized by all states. Some schools may pay teachers with national certification better and provide other benefits. National certification can be obtained from The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). This certification is voluntary and to be eligible for it, teachers need to have at least three years of teaching experience along with a bachelor's degree in their subject of interest and state licensure. They will also need to submit their portfolio to demonstrate their classroom competency and pass a written evaluation of their knowledge of teaching and their subject.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can I take secondary education certification online?

A:There are many options for secondary education certification online. You can easily search for the one that suits your career goals. With online certification you can complete the study program in a shorter duration of time and more conveniently. You can find majors in several areas. To find the detailed curriculum refer to the website of the institute.

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