Protective Services Careers

Careers in security protective services
Careers in security & protective services are a suitable option for those individuals who are interested in maintaining law and order. Careers in security & protective services may require physical strength, technical ability and soft skills such as thinking under pressure and making decisions outside the box in certain supervisor roles. As reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median and 90th percentile salaries for those working in careers in security & protective services are $36,620 and $77,680 a year. But for those who have very specialized skills and are willing to work in more dangerous situations, the wages can possibly be much higher.

Major sectors for careers in security & protective services
Careers in security & protective services are available in almost every sector. Both the private and public sector place a premium on being able to offer security and thus seek trained professionals to manage safety programs. The most common sectors of employment for those in search of careers in security & protective services are:

  • Government agencies
  • The armed forces
  • Humanitarian organization and non-profits
  • Schools
  • Hospitals

Government agencies are often responsible for planning for public safety, particularly at events where important people may be present. They need trained professionals who understand how to come with contingency plans in anticipation of unforeseeable events. They also often arrange for bodyguards for foreign visitors. Professionals who are adept at using the most modern security technology are especially in demand.

Educational programs that help in careers in security & protective services

 If you are looking for careers in security & protective services, you will find a fair number of institutes that offer associated degrees. The most relevant degrees may be in programs such as protective services, security services and security planning. Those with training in law and security technology are often also a good fit for general jobs that require planning and implementing security techniques.

Top jobs for those interested in careers in security & protective services

While there are a large number of jobs at schools and in hospitals where protecting people from threats is part of the organization's vision, the best jobs are often in the public sector. Many government departments are involved in planning security both nationally and on an individual level. The government also takes responsibility for protecting citizens and training them so that they can take maximum responsibility for themselves. There are also much desired careers in security & protective services in cyberspace. Many threats are present online ranging from hacking to credit card number theft to identity theft to attacks on sensitive systems that manage national security. Those with specialized training in these technical fields can improve their prospects of building successful careers in security & protective services.

Specializations for careers in security & protective services

The common specializations for those interested in careers in security & protective services include data security, personal protection, counter terrorism planning, fire protection and health security services.  

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


How long does it take to start a career in Protective Services?

Starting a career in protective services may require a hefty time investment since law enforcement is a highly specialized and sensitive field. Along with fulfilling educational requirements, you will also be required to complete on-the-job training for nearly all occupations in this category. There are different fields in protective services, each with their own set of requirements. If you want to become a bailiff or a correctional officer, it will take a minimum of 1.5 years to become one.

What are the requirements to start a career in Protective Services?

There are many fields in protective services. You could become a firefighter, a bailiff or a detective. The requirements for each field are different from the others. Generally, you will need the following:

•    A high school diploma

•    Meet the minimum age requirement

•    Get work experience

•    Complete training

•    Clear a background check

How much can I make with a career in Protective Services?

There is an expected increase in employment for protective service occupations. Jobs in this sector are expected to rise by 158,200 from 2016 to 2026. The median annual wage for those with a career in protective services was $40,640 as of May 2018. This is a higher wage than the median wage in most other occupations, which averages at $38,640.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How do I get into Security and Protective Services careers?

A:The best way to pave a career in the security and protective services sector is by getting an education in criminal justice. You can start off with a diploma or certification that will give you basic understanding of the subject before going for higher level degrees like bachelor's or master's level degrees.

Q:what are the jobs for a protective services major?

A:A Protective Services major will be able to find a large number of jobs within the criminal justice and policing sectors. As a protective services degree gives learners the skills and knowledge required to become an efficient security individual, degree holders can find themselves working as security guards or people with higher level degrees can work for security companies, providing security solutions to large corporations, banks and other monetary organizations.

Q:What are the advantages and disadvantages of security & protective services?

A:As with any other career, working in the field of security and protective services has its own benefits and drawbacks. It is a good career choice for those who do not want to work a desk job and the compensation is good too. However the disadvantage is that there is more risk associated with this field as compared to others.

Q:How can I qualify for security protective services jobs?

A:You can apply for security protective services jobs by first completing formal education I this academic field. There are a number of schools that offer bachelor and master's degrees in this area. You can also opt for short courses and certificate programs. A bachelor degree will prepare you for entry level security protective services jobs, whereas a master's degree can lead to more high paying jobs.

Q:Can you give me some information about security and protective services job description?

A:Protective service workers are professionals who handle various social work cases. These individuals get to work with children, families, and individuals who are victims of violence and abuse. A protective service worker will aim at developing rehabilitation strategies for such individuals and work for their betterment. Most of these workers are hired by government and non-profit organizations.

Q:Security and protective services major can be pursued at what levels of education?

A:You can opt for security and protective services as your majors at all post-secondary levels of education. The different degree programs available in this field include the following: bachelor degree programs, associate degree programs, master's degree program, and certificate programs. The income level and job positions will depend upon the level of degree you have earned, along with work experience in the field.

Q:How can I prepare for careers in security?

A:To pursue a career in security, you need to earn a degree in protective services. This academic area covers a wide range of topics that teach individuals about security techniques, security protocols, ammunition handling, preparing safety programs, and more. Protective services degree programs are offered at associate, bachelor, and master's level.

Q:Is it necessary to have a bachelor degree for careers in security and protective services?

A:Most of the jobs in protective services requires individuals to have a bachelor degree at least. It is important that students have a sound understanding of the field and develop skills. With a bachelor degree, one can apply for various entry level job positions and assistant level job positions. A master's degree can lead to better career opportunities as compared to bachelor degree programs.

Q:I am hoping to pursue a career in protective service. What degree should I earn?

A:Protective services careers are on the rise due to the growing importance of security. If you want to pursue a job in this field, you will need to earn at least a bachelor degree. Most of the job positions in protective services require a bachelor degree. If you are looking forward more high paying jobs, a master's degree in protective services can help.

Q:I am currently enrolled in a criminal justice program and want to pursue careers in security services. Is a criminal justice degree appropriate for this field?

A:Yes, a criminal justice degree at bachelor or masters level will help you prepare for a job in protective services. In criminal justice degree programs, you can learn about various security issues, crime management techniques, and justice administration systems. However, it is recommended that you earn a certificate in protective services as well.

Q:Can you give me some examples of protective services careers?

A:There are many fields that will be open to graduates of protective services. The most common ones will be related to government agencies such as the secret service, FBI and Homeland Security. The armed forces is also a viable career for graduates, however there are also career option in non-profits and humanitarian organizations such as the United Nations and Red Cross.

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