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Bachelors in Entrepreneurship

If you think that you’re too creative to have a regular 9 to 5 and you want to “think different” then a degree in entrepreneurship may help you reach your entrepreneurial potential.

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Earning a bachelor of entrepreneurship degree enables students to set up their own business or pursue careers in various organizations.Entrepreneurs play the most important role in the growth of a country’s economy. There were over 500,000 businesses set up by entrepreneurs in the US in 2010. Small businesses also provide about 75% of all employment opportunities in the US, therefore pursuing a bachelor of entrepreneurship degree may be an ideal career move for students with an inclination towards being self-employed in any field.

Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

Be a leader—if you think that you can motivate, lead and manage people to share your vision then you’re on the right track as an entrepreneur. A true leader values the end goal more than the unpleasantness he may have to overcome in order to achieve that goal.
Have a willingness to fail—all entrepreneurial success stories have one thing in common, a period of failure. The adage, “nothing ventured, nothing learned” is probably the most important rule to live by as an entrepreneur.
Self-motivate yourself—if you think you can make it as an entrepreneur than no one will be able to stop you. If you’ve ever heard any successful entrepreneur talk, you know they are confident. The advantage of being confident is that along with it comes an unfailing belief in one’s abilities.
Strong ethics and integrity—when setting up a long term business which is successful as well as sustainable, the foundation of the business must be made on unfailing ethics and morals.
Keep innovating—some of the world’s most famous and successful entrepreneurs are actually innovators who have created products that we cannot live without. Take for example Bill Gates’ Microsoft programs, or Zuckerburg’s Facebook or even Jobs’ Apple products.
Value a strong peer network—for every Bill Gates, there will be a Melinda Gates and for every Mark Zuckerburg, there will always be a Sheryl Sandberg, entrepreneurs will find it harder to be successful if they don’t have a set of peers they can trust and rely on.
Know what you don’t know—while most successful entrepreneurs are experts in their own field, that doesn’t mean they have nothing to learn. In order to be a successful entrepreneur you must always be willing to learn and improve.

Scope of Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Degree Programs

The degree in entrepreneurship will give youa unique outlook towards the world of business and enterprises. Students will also learn a number of important skills, such as:

  • Developing client base
  • Making purchases
  • Product development
  • Writing and evaluating business plans
  • Managing businesses
  • Planning and implementing HRM strategies
  • Understanding the use of technology in a business model
  • Designing and implementing the financial cost accounting systems
  • Managing e-commerce
  • Analyzing market and economic trends

To apply for a bachelor’s degree, students will be required to have a minimum of a high school diploma or an equivalent GED qualification. Most colleges and schools may also have minimum cumulative GPA requirements that you’ll be required to meet.

Curriculum of Bachelor’s in Entrepreneurship

Bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship requires a number of course requirements. Students are typically allowed to take a number of electives to complete their degree as well. The most commonly taken courses are:
Core Courses

  • Introduction to Financial accounting
  • Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Finance
  • Management Information Systems
  • Statistics
  • Operations Management
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship: New Venture Planning
  • Entrepreneurship: New Venture Formation
  • Small Business Finance

Elective Courses:

  • Business Law
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Marketing Research
  • Advertising
  • Product Management
  • Human Resource Management

In most bachelor programs, you will be taughtvarious concepts of business studies through team projects, case studies and other learning methods. You will be able to learn problem solving as well as business communication skills in the training programs that are part of most entrepreneurship degrees.

Online Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Degree Programs

Other than the regular schools, students can also choose to earn bachelor of entrepreneurship degrees online. Enrolling in the online degree programs is particularly very suitable for individuals who are involved in part time or full time work. The flexibility of online studies allows working professionals to pursue higher education without disturbing their work routine.

Career Outlook

Students can establish their own businesses by earning bachelor of entrepreneurship degrees. However, they can alsofind several rewarding jobs in various fields. These include:

  • Hospitality
  • Career counseling
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management

Administrative Service Managers—are responsible for supervising an organization’s support services. Their annual median pay in 2012 was $81,080 while their expected job growth from 2012 to 2022 was 12%.

Human Resource Managers—supervise the administrative functions of an organization, especially the ones directly related to the employees. Their annual median pay in 2012 was $99,720 while their expected job growth from 2012 to 2022 was 13%.

*Salary figures and future job projections taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

If you’ve graduated with a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship, that means you have a rounded education of handling all the facets attached to planning, operating and managing a small or medium enterprise. Therefore, even if you do not wish to be self-employed right away, many small firms look for innovative employees with entrepreneurial capabilities to handle operations.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the common subjects in Bachelor of Entrepreneurship?

A:The common subjects in Bachelor of Entrepreneurship include finance, economics, marketing and business studies along with many corporate level courses. Students are encouraged to partake in different projects to learn the skills needed to become a professional in this field.

Q:I want start my own catering business. Will getting a bachelor of entrepreneurship be of any benefit to me?

A:Yes, a bachelor in entrepreneurship is of immense use to anyone who is thinking of starting their own business. This degree imparts the skills and the necessary knowledge to start a business from the ground up and capitalize on golden opportunities. The courses included will also teach you how to prepare a business plan as well as seek out financing options.

Q:What kinds of topics or areas are covered in a bachelor of entrepreneurship development?

A:Starting a business of your own involves many aspects that have to be addressed. Fortunately for you, a wide-variety of them are included in the courses that are part of a bachelor of entrepreneurship development. Some of them are hospitality, career counseling, advertising, marketing, financial management, record keeping, logistics and stock organization.

Q:I wish to start my own business. How can bachelors in entrepreneurship help me?

A:A bachelor's degree in entrepreneurship will help you in acquiring the essential knowledge and skills needed by people who wish to start their own business. You will acquire financial management skills, IT skills, organizational skills, and will also learn better communication. Courses will be customized so that entrepreneurs can make the most out of the degree.

Q:Is a Ba in Entrepreneurship possible to pursue online?

A:Yes, the program is offered online by many institutes. You can search online to find out what schools are currently offering BA degrees in this field. The trend of online learning is increasing as this mode of education has proved to be convenient, flexible, and cost-friendly. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to study online. Take a look at our page for more detail.

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