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Schools in Tennessee

The state of Tennessee is the 17th most populated state in the US. It is located in the southeastern region and is bordered by many states. Nashville is one of the most important cities in Tennessee; major industries include tourism, chemicals, agriculture and exports.

Programs in Tennessee are offered by many accredited colleges and universities; students can pick through a wide  range of specialized degrees, popular ones are mainly in the field of business, engineering, law, medicine, technology, and arts. Apart from this, schools in Tennessee also provide certificates and diplomas in various areas. The Tennessee higher education commission oversees all the standards of universities systems and ensures compliance with standards.
The state of Tennessee is riddled with a complex transportation system, with major airports, modern railroads, and many state highways.

South Dakota has 83,609 miles of railroads and highways. The rail system of South Dakota is a major source of transportation for passengers who wish to travel across the state or beyond.

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