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School Psychology Degree

A degree in school psychology is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to understand and serve the psychological and developmental needs of children and adolescents within contexts of family, school, and community. Combined with the professional practices in serving the needs of children, schools, and communities, degrees in school psychology provide students with a strong foundation in psychological science. Students learn about the assessment of children and adolescents as well as planning for interventions necessitate the broader conceptualization of childhood concerns.

  1. School Psychology Degree
  2. How to become a School Psychologist
  3. School Psychologist Requirements
  4. Course Focus Areas
  5. School Psychology Occupation Estimate

How to become a School Psychologist

To become a school psychologist you need to choose related degree options first. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), school psychology degree programs in most cases include the specialist degree, Ed.S. School psychology may further be studied at the master’s and doctoral levels.  The master’s degree program generally requires 1-3 years of full-time study and the doctoral degree typically takes 5-7 years to complete. 
As the work of school psychologists involves addressing education and mental health issues of students’ development, these programs include classroom based instruction in education as well as psychology. Both Ed.S. and PhD programs emphasize on striking a balance between psychological and educational theory and applied practice and also support a commitment to human welfare and service.

School psychologists help students learn and help teachers teach.
School Psychology Degree

While the underlying objectives of both master’s degree and PhD program in school psychology are the same, there are some distinct differences in these programs. The master’s program is designed for students who wish to apply for entry-level positions in school psychology and gives students a chance to acquire the skills and knowledge essential for practicing psychology in schools. In addition to classroom based instruction, these programs may also include an internship. The PhD program, on the other hand, provides students with more extensive research opportunities and experience. The degree’s main  objective remains to prepare future psychologists to assume leadership roles in educational and social systems serving children.

School Psychologist Requirements

While it is not essential to have an undergraduate major in psychology to enroll in a master’s program, students should have completed coursework in statistics, psychology and experimental psychology. According to the BLS, some doctoral degree programs require candidates to hold a master’s degree in psychology while others accept students with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

Remember that admission is based on a comprehensive review of all application materials. In addition, schools take into account an applicant’s statement of purpose, letters of recommendation as well as work experience. GPA and Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores also matter.

Course Focus Areas

School psychology degree programs instruct students in a range of topics that enables them to develop an understanding of the problems that children face and provide appropriate solutions. The programs recognize the importance of understanding and serving the needs of individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, ages and abilities.

Students in the Ed.S. as well as PhD programs complete courses in learning, development, social bases, research and statistics as well as assessment, consultation, counseling, legal and ethical issues. Besides, they are also instructed in special education, reading, and cultural foundations. While Ed.S.,  students complete a project in research study or contemporary literature in school psychology,  PhD students are required to complete an empirically based dissertation. In addition, they also take practicum.

Some of the topics of study include:

  • Child development
  • Developmental psychology
  • Language development
  • Mental health
  • Adult development
  • Adolescent development
  • Motor development

School Psychology Occupation Estimate

According to the information published by O*NET OnLine, there were about 145,000 school psychologists in the U.S. (2012). Demand for these professionals is expected to grow and there will be about 55,900 projected job openings for them between 2012 and 2022.

Employment for school psychologists is expected to increase at the rate of 11% from 2012 to 2022, which is about as fast as the average for all other occupations, according to the BLS. The BLS also noted that school psychologists will be required to work with students, particularly students with special needs and learning disabilities. Schools depend on these professionals to assess and counsel students. Besides, they will be required to examine factors that affect learning, as it can help teachers and administrators improve education.


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is included in the course on Sensation and Perception when studying online Psychology Degrees?

A:Course on Sensation and Perception is an important part of the Online Psychology Degrees. This course is usually worth 3 credit hours and deals with structure and function of senses. With the help of this course, students also learn about touch, temperature, pain, gestation and kinesthesia. The interaction and determination of behavior is an important part of this degree. Prospective students interested in this course are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:How long is the Bachelors in Sociology degree program?

A:The Bachelors in Sociology degree is usually around 4 years long program. It covers a comprehensive range of courses giving an overview to the entire field irrespective of the chosen specialization field.

Q:Is school psychology still good option?

A:The School Psychology Degrees are still a good option. There is instant career progression after completion of this course.

Q:What is the major difference in the Online School Psychology Degrees and the hybrid ones?

A:Primarily, the online School Psychology Degrees are offered through distance learning programs. On the other hand, the hybrid programs are a mix of online and traditional campus based education. Since Psychology is a more theoretical subject, it can be quite comprehensively studied online.

Q:Can you tell me about major schools of thought in psychology?

A:Psychology is a vast subject that covers study of human mind and human behavior. It deals with biological areas as well as psychological concepts. Many theories about it have evolved and the major schools of thought in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, Gestalt psychology and humanistic psychology etc.

Q:What type of courses are taught in the best psychology schools?

A:The best schools in Psychology offer courses from certificate to Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral level. After completing the Bachelor's degree, students normally pursue an internship or start preparing for a Master's degree in School Psychology. For this you don't necessarily need a Bachelor's degree in School Psychology. These days schools are also offering doctoral and post-doctoral studies in School Psychology, thus opening up the doors of research in the subject. Certificate-level education is idea for those already working in schools as counselors or teachers.

Q:Name at least two benefits of pursuing a school psychology degree online?

A:In an online degree, you can save up on costs. There will be no requirement of you having to travel to a campus based institute, allowing you to save costs. Side by side, you will not have to buy textbooks. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection. This mode of learning is easier to manage as compared to campus based education.

Q:What is a school psychologist?

A:A school psychologist is a professional who works with educational institutions to help children with behavioral, academic, and emotional difficulties. The typical duties of school psychologists are: provide consultation to teachers and parents of students, diagnosing and evaluating any psychological issue among students, developing support strategies, working with school administrators in policy-development.

Q:What do school psychologists do?

A:School psychologists are skilled and trained professionals who play an important role in the education sector. Their occupation is geared towards improving educational polices and helping students suffering from emotional, psychological, and academic difficulties. The job duties may include counseling, developing plans for intervention, diagnosing mental issues among students, policy-making, and more.

Q:Can you tell me a little about the income level of a licensed school psychologist?

A:School psychologists can be found working in different educational institutions. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, psychologists made a median annual income of $69,280 in 2012. The exact income will vary from state to state. Factors such as specialization, certification, skill, and degree will affect the income level of a psychologist.

Q:Can you give me some information on school psychologist vs school counselor?

A:The role of a school psychologist and school counselor may overlap in a few areas. School psychologists are trained professionals who help students deal with social and academic issues. On the other hand, school counselors are trained to provide effective counseling services and also recommend therapeutic interventions for children in need.

Q:What degree do you need to be a school psychologist?

A:Most states require school psychologists to hold a post-doctoral degree in the field. Individuals who have complete their bachelor and masters degree can pursue a doctoral degree in school psychology. The program may entail research work, theoretical studies, and practical training. It is also important to remember that each state's educational and licensing requirements may vary.

Q:How much schooling to be a psychologist?

A:To become a psychologist, you must have a doctoral degree. This is a post-graduate degree that can take 4-7 years to complete. Typically, individuals are required to complete 8-12 years of schooling. Once the educational steps are complete, individuals must get a license or certification, depending upon their area of specialization and state.

Q:Can you tell me about the educational requirements for school psychologist careers?

A:In most states, school psychologists are required to have a doctor of psychology degree or a specialist degree (EdS). Individuals must earn a bachelor and a masters degree in the field, and then successfully complete a doctoral degree. This program will provide students with an in-depth understanding of psychological issues and developmental issues faced by students today.

Q:Where do school psychologists work?

A:School psychologists are professionals who work with children to help them deal with academic and social issues. These certified professionals can be found working in all kinds of educational institutions ranging from schools to colleges. There scope of work is geared towards promoting healthy learning and academic development of children.

Q:Can a school psychologist diagnose adhd?

A:A school psychologist will not be able to diagnose ADHD without clinical training. ADHD is a median condition and is often diagnosed by practicing physicians or clinical psychologists. However, in some cases, with extra training and private practice, a school psychologist may be able to diagnose such issues, but are not authorized to prescribe or treat ADHD.

Q:Do the requirements to become a school psychologist vary from state to state?

A:The requirements for becoming a school psychologist will be the same in most states. However, they vary a little when it comes to certification and training. Individuals planning to join this field must have at least a masters or doctoral degree in school psychology. The American Board of Professional Psychology is a leading organization that offers certification in various branches of psychology.

Q:Where can I find school psychologist career information?

A:You can browse through our page to learn about the career of a school psychologist. We offer detailed information about the educational requirements, licensing and certification, and job duties of these professionals. A school psychologist is basically a trained individual who works with teachers and parents to help promote the academic and psychological well-being of young students.

Q:Can you tell me about the benefits of school psychologist degree programs online?

A:Enrolling in an online school psychology degree can be more convenient as compared to campus-based programs. This mode of learning is suitable for individuals who work full-time. You can easily study from any location without having to physically be present in classes. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to enroll in an online program.

Q:Are the school psychologist educational requirements easy to complete?

A:You must have a masters and a doctoral degree in school psychology. Once you have completed your bachelor degree, you can enroll in a 2 year masters degree. After this step is complete, you can further pursue a doctoral degree which can be completed in 4-7 years. The coursework will include theoretical work and practical courses.

Q:Do you have reliable school psychologist information?

A:Yes, we offered information about the field of school psychology. You can browse through our page to find out more about the education requirements and career. Before you enroll in any program, it is important that you research o your chosen field. School psychology is a major branch of psychology and offers a diverse range of career opportunities to interested individuals.

Q:How to become school psychologist after successfully completing high school?

A:After completing a high school diploma, you can pursue higher education in the field of school psychology. The first step is to complete a 4 year bachelor program. Once your undergraduate study is complete, you can further acquire advanced education by completing a masters degree in school psychology. The last step includes completion of a doctoral degree and certification.

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