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Masters in Child Psychology

What is developmental & child psychology?
Developmental psychology is concerned with how human beings psychologically develop and how their feelings, behaviors and emotions change during the course of their lives. Developmental psychologists study the various physiological and social changes that take place in human beings from their birth to the end of their lives. Developmental psychology includes the fields of educational psychology, which studies the learning process in human beings, and child psychology. Child psychology focuses on studying the mental and social development in children and adolescents.

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What is the Master of developmental & child psychology?
A Master of Developmental and Child Psychology is a two-year long research oriented degree which is designed to enable students to develop a better understanding of human development and facilitate research. During the first year students take generalized courses in psychopathology, cognitive development, social and communicative development, educational psychology, and psychological disorders. During the second year, students aiming to work in hospitals and other healthcare institutes take clinical courses such as diagnosis of disabilities, psychological testing and therapeutic techniques. Those who wish to carry out research work or make a career in academia learn various research and testing methods and quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

What are the future prospects?
With a Master of Developmental and Child Psychology, you can set up your own private practice or join a hospital or mental care institution. You can also conduct studies and researches or join the academic sector as a teacher.  According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for psychologists will increase by 12% through 2018. Average wages in this field currently stand at $97,000 for entry level positions with more experienced psychologists making close to $180,000 per year.

How long does it take to get a Masters in Child Psychology?

If you are interested in pursuing a master's degree in Psychology, you should be looking at different degree programs in the United States. You would soon realize that while the typical duration of a master's degree is 2 years, certain colleges offer accelerated programs that last for 1 year or 1.5 years. On the other hand, you could attend college as a part-time student and get a degree in 3 years as well.

What are the requirements to get a Masters in Child Psychology?

To get into a college which offers a master's degree in Child Psychology, the first requirement you will need to meet is to obtain a bachelor's degree. Your bachelor's degree should preferably be in Psychology or a related field like human biology. Entry requirements to get into a psychology school vary between schools. Generally, however, you are required to submit a personal statement, multiple letters of references and a good GRE score.

How much can I make with a Masters in Child Psychology?

The median annual wage for Psychologists in May 2018 was $79,010 as per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median hourly wage in the same year was $37.99. While some psychologists work independently, others will work in teams. Child Psychologists will generally work in a team with social workers.

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Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the prerequisite to a Masters in Child Psychology program?

A:The prerequisite to a Masters in Child Psychology is usually a Bachelors in the same or similar subject. Most of the renowned universities prefer a GPA closer to 4.0. It is also sometimes mandatory to show any prior hands on experience before enrolling in a Masters program.

Q:From where can I get a master in child psychology?

A:Master in child psychology can be obtained from Duquesne University, George Mason University, Capella University, Kingston University, and University of Calgary. These universities offer Master of Sciences in child psychology and development and Masters of Arts in child psychology.

Q:What is the duration of the Masters in Developmental Psychology?

A:The Masters in Developmental Psychology takes about 2 years for completion in a traditional campus based institution. However, it can differ with the type of Masters pursued such as online Masters in Developmental Psychology has no time restrictions and can be completed in a duration that the student wishes. The Executive Masters in Developmental Psychology will take about 3 years for completion since its classes are conducted in the evening or on the weekends only. And an accelerated Masters in Developmental Psychology takes 18 months to complete with no breaks/holidays in the course of the program.

Q:What is the duration of accelerated Masters in Developmental Psychology?

A:The Accelerated Masters in Developmental Psychology can take approximately 18 months to complete. There are no holidays/vacations allowed in the degree program. No semester breaks are given and classes are kept frequently to complete the degree program in a lesser duration.

Q:Can disabled students apply for any financial aid to pursue the Masters in Developmental Psychology programs?

A:There are many universities and schools in the United States that offer the Masters in Developmental Psychology Programs on financial aid for students with ailments. These programs, online and campus based, are offered on various financial aid plans. These include scholarships, grants, veteran plans, work-study and student loans. It is mandatory to submit the FAFSA status form whenever applying for financial aid.

Q:What are the courses taught in the online Masters in Child Developmental Psychology degree program?

A:Courses taught in the online Masters in Child Developmental Psychology include a set of basic courses and another set of electives. Basic courses include Research Methods, Ethics and Multicultural Issues in Psychology, Learning Theories in Psychology and Lifespan Development. Electives majorly focus on subjects like Child and Adolescent Development, Child Psychology, Child Development, and Human Prenatal Development.

Q:Can I set up my own clinic after completing my master in child development degree?

A:Master level graduates can find lucrative career opportunities in this field. Also, if you have the resources to set up your own clinic, it can prove to be a great idea. However, prior to taking such step, just ensure that you have the expertise required to administer the business and also you must have some prior work experience in the field as this is mandatory to implement your business successfully.

Q:How can I get enrolled in the executive Masters in Developmental and Child Psychology?

A:To opt for the executive Masters in Developmental and Child Psychology degree, you must be a working professional with, on average, a minimum experience of five years. You must also have completed your Bachelor's degree from an accredited institute in a related field and be above the minimum CGPA requirement mentioned by the institute you apply to.

Q:Can I pursue the Child Developmental Psychology Masters without giving up on my current job?

A:Definitely. You can easily pursue the Child Developmental Psychology Masters online. The online program will allow you to continue with your current employment and take further education, both at one time. You can take the classes from the ease of home after office. The online Masters in Child Developmental Psychology program offers students to schedule their own classes and take as much time as they need to grasp the concepts fully instead of rushing through them.

Q:How long is the Executive Masters in Child Psychology?

A:The Executive Masters in Developmental and Child Psychology degree program can take about three years and above to complete. Classes for the Executive Masters in Child Psychology are conducted after office timings or at the weekends to cater to the working class wishing to pursue further education. The exact duration of the degree depends on the time taken to complete the thesis at the end of the study program. However, the schedule states a minimum of three years.

Q:What is the basic course work of Children’s Psychology Masters degree student?

A:Individual enrolled in a master’s degree in child psychology under an extensive and through study of many topics throughput the degree program. Some important areas studied include adolescent study, family study, sports psychology, research method and design, personality assessment, lifespan development, professional evaluation, behavioral development, human services, sociology, conflict, anthropology, and child development theories.

Q:My search on master developmental psychology mentioned the attachment theory. What is included in this?

A:Searching about developmental psychology would mention the attachment theory. This theory deals with the dynamics of long term relationships between humans. In case of infants, this theory mentions that children develop a relationship with one of the parent to ensure normal social and emotional growth. This theory plays an important role in the study of developmental psychology.

Q:I was looking for schools with Masters in Child Psychology. Can you tell me what will be taught in this program?

A:There are a number of schools with Masters in Child Psychology programs. In this program you get to learn all about child psychology and mental development. Some of the things that will be a part of the curriculum for graduation in this program include child development theories, adolescent personality assessment, psychotherapy, lifespan development, and research method and design.

Q:What are the areas of study of the Human Growth course in the Master in Children Psychology program?

A:The Master in Children Psychology program has a 5 credits worth course on Human Growth and Development. The chief aim of this course is to provide the students with significant in depth into the cognitive, psychosocial as well as physical development. This development in humans is studied from birth to adulthood and finally up till death. Students also get to know more about people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

Q:While searching on careers with a Child Development Psychology masters degree, I came across the profession in special schools. What will be my job?

A:Among a number of careers with a Child Development Psychology masters degree in hand, one is working as a teacher in a school for special children. For this job you will need to have lots of patience, a good knowledge of child psychology, a spirit to understand the children and their needs and a desire to teach.

Q:As I went through the article on can you get your Masters in Developmental Psychology, there was mention of the course on Social Psychology. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to see the mention of course on Social Psychology while going through articles on can you get your Masters in Developmental Psychology. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is aimed at making the students understand the ways in which social psychologists try and devote themselves to the scientific studies of affects on society of the human mind and behaviors.

Q:While going through the curriculum of schools for Masters in Child Psychology, I came across Cognitive Development course, What is taught in it?

A:Schools for Masters in Child Psychology offer a number of courses taught in a variety of certifications and degree programs. Cognitive Development is one of the common courses. In this course, the students get to study topics like, development of sensory perception, cognitive development, language development and acquisition and measured intelligence.

Q:As I read about the child development masters degree program, there was mention of the course on Social Impact of Technology. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Social Impact of Technology while going through the Child Development Masters degree program. It is a 2 credits worth course which is structured to provide students with strong understanding of the broader level implications of the innovation in technology. Students are further also given strong hands on experience.

Q:What kinds of careers can be initiated with a child psychology master degree?

A:A child psychology master's degree program can open the doors to a number of child psychologist careers. With this qualification, you can work in schools as a school psychologist or a developmental psychologist. Other options include child counselor, therapist, social worker, and more. These careers have one thing in common, interaction with children of all age groups.

Q:I am thinking of potential careers with once I have a masters in developmental psychology, and, in particular, the chances of progression. Is it possible?

A:Adding to your academic qualifications can only help you with progressing your career. It may be that you could obtain a promotion in your current role, or an increase in your wages. If not, then it may be that another employer would be willing to recognize the additional benefit you bring.

Q:Is a masters degree in child psychology enough to make me child psychologist?

A:A master's degree in child psychology can help prepare you for a career in this field. To become a child psychologist, you must attain a professional license and work experience. Most master's degree programs entail internships as a part of the curriculum. These help student acquire hands on experience and develop skills.

Q:What things can I expect to learn on a child psychology masters programs online?

A:Such a program is aimed at those students who either have bachelor psychology degrees, or those who are already working as psychologists. This masters program will teach students how to specialize their knowledge to helping children. So you will learn to tailor your knowledge to the specific requirements of children.

Q:After completing a masters degree in developmental psychology, what kind of job duties will be expected from me as a child psychologist?

A:With a master's degree in child psychology or developmental psychology, you can become a qualified child psychologist. These professionals work towards helping children and young adults who suffer from psychological and developmental problems. The basic job duties include diagnosis and analysis of conditions, assessment of children, and investigating developmental disabilities.

Q:What core areas will I cover in masters in child psychology programs?

A:Masters in child psychology programs are geared towards providing students with a strong understanding of child and adolescent development, behavior, and psychological issues. The curriculum will vary from program to program slightly. However, general areas usually covered in this program include: assessment, intervention, consultation, ethical and legal foundations, individual and cultural diversity, and more.

Q:A developmental psychology masters degree will prepare me for what kind of a career?

A:A master's degree in developmental psychology is designed to help prepare students for careers as child psychologists and counselors. This program is an undergraduate program and entails a number of courses that equip students with the required skills and knowledge. A child psychologist helps diagnose behavioral and psychological issues among young children, and devise appropriate treatment plans for them.

Q:What is the content of the coursework of a developmental psychology masters programs?

A:The program's coursework focuses on producing skilled practitioners and researchers in the field of child, adolescent and adult psychological development. It trains students to focus on the social and cultural aspects of psychological development of humans. You will get to learn about brain processes in learning, cognitive and language development. In addition to this you will be taught about research methods and data analysis techniques.

Q:In a child psychology masters degree, will i have to work on any project or major assignment?

A:The coursework of master's degree programs entails a variety of subjects and practical assignments. Students in a child psychology master's degree can choose an area for project work and submit a research report. This holds critical importance and is necessary for completing the program. Students can learn how to practically apply principles of psychology in their projects.

Q:What are the major courses in development and child psychology masters?

A:A masters degree in child psychology and development will focus on equipping students with skills needed to advocate and teach young children. The coursework comprises of a number of subjects that cover in detail various aspects of the field. Students can look forward to a career in counseling as well as teaching with a masters degree in development and child psychology.

Q:Can you tell me about the field of Developmental and Child Psychology?

A:Developmental and child psychology is a field that studies the cognitive, behavioral, and growth stages children go through. There are many theories and concepts that fall within its range. The main purpose of child psychologists is to identify any growth issues and psychological problems that are linked to abnormal development among children.

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