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Clinical Psychology Bachelors Degree

Clinical psychology is a medical specialization which incorporates theoretical concepts and clinical knowledge to help understand psychological behaviors of human beings. It has different names all over the globe, and is a diverse field engaging individuals in research, consultation, administration, and development.

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Bachelor in Clinical Psychology Degree

An undergraduate program in clinical psychology is a four year degree; allowing students to gain comprehensive knowledge about the program. The degree provides theoretical background and encourages students to gain first hands experience by getting involved in different projects and internships. A bachelor in clinical psychology degree program prepares students to become experts in analyzing, diagnosing, and prescribing required clinical treatment for behavioral pathologies and psychological disorders. Students are taught to utilize their creative and analytical abilities to understanding human thinking patterns and behaviors.

Students choosing to pursue an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology will have to complete two sets of courses. These include core courses and electives. Core courses are program specific courses which teach students the fundamentals of human mind, human body, and human behavior. Electives, on the other hand, are specialized programs focusing on the chosen area of specialization. These are some common course titles offered in many of these programs:

  • Personality
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Life Span Development
  • Psychological Testing
  • Learning and Cognition
  • Social Psychology

Students may also choose to earn an undergraduate degree online, and be able to complete it at their own pace. They have the opportunity to schedule classes that fit within their current schedule, and take as much time as they want to complete the degree program. Online bachelor’s degree in clinical psychology allows students to become professionals with the ease of studying from home.

Career Outlook

A clinical psychology bachelor’s degree helps graduates find career opportunities. They could work as rehabilitation specialists, probation officers, case managers, psychiatric technician, human service assistants, social abuse social workers, and mental health social workers. However, undergrad degree holders may only be able to start in beginner level positions. They will need to get enrolled in clinical psychology graduate programs in order to secure upper management level positions.


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the clinical psychology job outlook with bachelors?

A:Although becoming a clinical psychologist requires a doctoral degree, bachelors graduates in this major might have some good options available to them as well. They can work as a case manager, psychiatric technician, group home coordinator, probation officer or a rehabilitation specialist. In addition to these careers, they can also pursue support positions, working in the offices of psychologists and counselors.

Q:Can you tell me what kinds of courses will students cover in accredited clinical psychology programs?

A:The curriculum of accredited clinical psychology programs will basically depend on the degree-level being pursued, and the university offering the program. General areas covered in the program may include: social basis of behavior, multicultural psychology, psychopathology, history and systems of psychology, cognitive assessment, legal and ethical practice, clinical interviewing, and more.

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