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Post Grad Certificates in Public Safety and Security

Public safety and security programs prepare students for a variety of careers in criminal justice, homeland security and related fields. Protecting society and responding to threats are all part of public safety. Degrees in this field can help students become police officers, firefighters and public health workers to name a few options. If you want like to work in challenging situations or make valuable contributions to the society, you should earn public safety degrees. But before you get into this line of work you must know that the work of police, criminal detectives and firefighters can be physically demanding, stressful, and dangerous.

Featured Programs

Police officers protect lives and property from criminals. In the same way, the work of firefighters involves saving peoples’ lives and properties by extinguishing and controlling fires. Detectives and criminal investigators are also public safety and security professionals who collect facts and evidence of possible crimes. According to the BLS, the continued demand for public safety will lead to new openings for police officers and criminal investigators in local departments. Career outlook for firemen is also positive as employment of these public safety professionals are expected to grow 19% from 2010 to 2020.

Public Safety and Security Programs

A variety of programs are available in the field of public safety and security. Students can pursue undergraduate or graduate programs in criminal justice and homeland security. They can enroll in degrees in criminology, criminal justice, crime scene investigation, or cyber crime. Programs are also available in EMS management, emergency and disaster management and public safety administration. These degrees can prepare students for careers in emergency medical service.

Most police and criminal investigators are required to graduate from their agency’s training academy before getting on-the-job training. Aspiring firefighters can break into the field with a high school diploma or a GED. In addition, they need to pass a written, physical and medical exam.

Post Grad Certificates in Public Safety and Security

A number of regular and online schools offer the post grad certificates in public safety and security that help learner’s gain knowledge and skills in community protection, occupational health and safety and public safety. These programs can be suitable for those who are already in the field and seek to improve their employment opportunities by earning valuable credentials in a specialized area within the public safety and security. Students who cannot attend regular classes due to personal or professional commitments can pursue the online certificate programs and study from the comfort of their home.

Career Prospects

Police and criminal investigators salary ranges between $32,000 and $88,000 a year. Firefighter can make between $22,000 and $60,000 on an annual basis. These professionals may also get paid for overtime. Uniformed officers and agents generally work full-time. Junior officers may have to work weekends, holidays, and nights.

Important Qualities

Public safety and security professional should be in good physical shape as their jobs may be physically demanding. They should also strong communication and leaderships skills. Absolutely  essential to this line of work are stress management and multitasking skills as police and firemen’ work is challenging and tasks may vary from day to day.


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