Degree Completion in Law Enforcement

About Law Enforcement, Policing & Investigation
If you are interested in law enforcement, policing and investigation, a degree in criminal justice may be just right for you. Criminal justice deals with various areas of law enforcement and policing such as preventing crimes, apprehending criminals and enforcing the law and order. It also includes various investigative duties such as detective work, forensics and crime scene investigation. Spurred by an overall increase for public safety and national security, law enforcement is rapidly expanding and offers a golden opportunity for people who like to work with others and want to improve society in order to create a better home for themselves and future generations.

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About the Degree
The fields of law enforcement, policing and investigation offer countless career options, and as such, educational requirements and qualifications widely vary. The standard degree accepted across the board is the Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. This four year degree includes generalized instruction in the areas of law, criminology, psychology and investigation. Graduates then receive job specific training when they join a law enforcement agency. A Master's degree in criminal justice is required for managerial jobs in law enforcement. A specialization in a field such as terrorism studies, internet crimes, financial fraud or behavioral analysis can land a prestigious job with a federal agency like the FBI.

Career Prospects
The project outlook for law enforcement, policing & investigation personnel is excellent, with employment opportunities expected to increase by more than 15% through the next decade. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates more than three million new jobs will be created in law enforcement. In addition to federal and state law enforcement agencies, graduates in this field can also find work with private businesses and banks.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 16600.111.2618.1337720
Florida 11300.141.6817.9737370
Illinois 9600.161.9217.937240
Texas 7600.070.7816.6234570
New York 6500.070.8520.1241840


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Are there any scholarships for the Law Enforcement degrees?

A:Yes you can get various financial aid for the Law Enforcement Degrees. These include scholarships, grants and exemptions. Some legal firms also offer financial aid for the worthy students.

Q:Can I study for the law enforcement investigation degree online?

A:Yes you can study for the Law Enforcement Investigation degree program online. It is a much more flexible option and is also cheaper.

Q:Which job positions can I get after getting a degree completion in law enforcement?

A:After a degree completion in law enforcement you will have a number of careers to choose from. The two most common careers are explained here. Criminal Justice and law Enforcement teachers teach post secondary classes in law enforcement, their median pay was $56,980 annually. Police and Detectives are charged with the responsibility to protect property and lives, their median pay were $56,980 annually (BLS 2012).

Q:Which job positions can I get after getting a degree in law enforcement, policing and investigation?

A:After a degree in law enforcement, policing and investigation you will have a number of careers to choose from. Police and Detectives are charged with the responsibility to protect property and lives, their median pay were $56,980 annually (BLS 2012). Criminal Justice and law Enforcement teachers teach post secondary classes in law enforcement, their median pay was also $56,980 annually.

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