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Supply Chain Management Bachelor Degree Online

Supply Chain management Outlook:

CNN Money included the position of supply chain analysts in the ‘Best jobs in America’ list in 2012.

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Supply chain analysts are responsible for overseeing how a product gets from one place to another. They come up with strategies that’ll help reduce costs and enhance efficiency. 

Median Pay: $67,800
Job Growth: 25.5%

Bureau of Labor Statistics also portrays a favorable job outlook for logisticians. These professionals coordinate all activities related to the organizations supply chain. Logisticians look at how a product is acquired, allocated, and delivered to the end user. They make sure that costs are reduced and supply chain efficiency is improved. Logisticians are also responsible for forming smooth working relationships with businesses and clients.

Median Pay: $72,780
Job Growth: 22%

Some other related positions that supply chain management professionals may go on to pursue include:

  • Materials Planner
  • Warehouse Operations Manager
  • Production Planner
  • Inventory Planning Analyst
  • Purchasing Manager

According to BLS, most employers prefer to hire candidates with a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management or a related discipline.

What will you learn in a Supply Chain Management Bachelor Online?

Formal education is an important prerequisite for a career in supply chain management. Most of the degrees are designed in such a way that students are able to:

  • Apply supply chain management techniques to different business situations
  • Select the most appropriate supply chain strategy for business
  • Evaluate how external factors influence the supply chain of the business
  • Analyze how supply chain management influences overall organizational efficiency
  • Assess the performance of supply chain performance over time
  • Make sure that the supply chain fits in with the general strategic goals of the company

What courses will you study?

You’ll be required to take up a certain number of courses in order to fulfill the credit hours requirements. You’ll usually be able to tailor your program in accordance with your interests. Some of the courses that you may study include:
  • Management for Organizations
  • Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques
  • Introduction to Transportation Management
  • Total Quality Management
  • Strategic Warehouse Management
  • International Supply Chain Management
  • Principles of Logistics Management
  • Statistics for Managers

This list of courses is intended to serve as a general guide only. There are usually variations in the names and types of courses being offered at different universities.

With the purpose of providing students with hands-on training, many institutes encourage them to pursue internship opportunities while they are studying. Some schools may also help in placing students at appropriate organizations.

What factors to consider before enrolling in Online Supply Chain Management Bachelor?

  • Make sure that the program is accredited by an organization that is recognized by the Department of Education. Accredited degrees are widely recognized in the job market
  • Take into account the details of the courses offered and whether they fit your academic and professional goals
  • Look at the credentials of the faculty and the alumni network
  • Look at the student support services and facilities that are offered

Do supply chain professionals need to be certified?

Although it is not compulsory, supply chain managers and logisticians should consider getting certified. It indicates to prospective employers that the candidate possesses the required level of knowledge and understanding of the field. Certification may be obtained through International Society of Logisticians or American Society of Transportation and Logistics.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How many credits are there in the Bachelor s program in Supply Chain Management?

A:The Bachelors program in Supply Chain Management has a total of 120 credits. This program is typically 4 years long and can be completed through online schools as well.

Q:What are the key components of the Bachelor Supply Chain Management Degree Program?

A:The Bachelor in Supply Chain Management Degree offers a wide variety of courses in its curriculum which includes subject matter on computers, economics, maths, statistics and operations management.

Q:Mention a few courses studied in bachelors in supply chain management?

A:The course curriculum of bachelors in supply chain management comprises of a number of topics, mainly: introduction to logistics and supply chain management, organizational behavior, transport management, strategic management, service management, marketing theory and practice, information technology, geography in distribution systems, transport economics, tourism logistics, and e supply chain management.

Q:Looking at BA supply chain management salary on your website mentioned online programs. What are the advantages of opting of an online education?

A:Online education would be mentioned when searching for BA supply chain management salary. Distance learning programs are specifically designed for students who are already employed and looking to improve their resume. These programs are accredited and have comprehensive curriculums. These are not only convenient but are inexpensive as well with students saving money on travel and accommodation expenses. Prospective students are advised to search our website for a list of institutions offering these programs.

Q:Looking at average salary for bachelors in supply chain management mentioned CSCMP. What is the purpose of this organization?

A:CSCMP would be mentioned when searching for average salary for bachelors in supply chain management. CSCMP stands for Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and the purpose of this organization is to provide a resource for professionals all over the world. CSCMP offers certification, resources and serves as an information portal for students interested in this profession. It is recommended that students interested in this profession take advantage of the information provided by this organization.

Q:My search on Supply Chain Bachelors average starting salary led me to Transport and Freight Logistics course. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to come across the mention of courses such as Transport and Freight Logistics while going through Supply Chain Bachelors average starting salary search. In this three credit hours course, the students get to study about the major role of transport in the field of supply chain management.

Q:If I opt for a Bachelor In Supply Chain Management Online, will it cost me less?

A:Yes, an online degree program is relatively cheaper. Other factors that make lower the cost of the program include no transportation costs, and no material/books cost. The program can also be attained in a less time; these are known as fast track degree options. Fast track degree programs are also offered at a number of online colleges.

Q:As I read about the supply chain management degree program, there was mention of the course on Social Impact of Technology. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Social Impact of Technology while going through the Supply Chain Management degree program. This 2 credits worth course stresses on the social impacts and the repercussions of the advancements in technology and how businesses deal with them. Hands on experience is also given to students in this course.

Q:I am looking to enroll in online bachelors in supply chain management program? Is it a good option?

A:Yes pursuing a supply chain management degree online is a very good option. Enrolling in an online institute definitely has many advantages. You can study according to your own schedule without having to show up for classes. Studying at home also allows you to save up on travelling and boarding expenditures which makes an online degree more economical.

Q:What will I learn in a bachelor in supply chain management degree?

A:A supply chain management degree at bachelor level is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills relevant to this business field. This specialization area covers all major aspects of the supply chain in a business. This is basically the network through which different suppliers, businesses, and clients manage transportation of goods and materials. Supply chains are integral to any business to ensure smooth flow of operations.

Q:I wish to enroll in an online bachelor supply chain. Can you give me tips to perform well?

A:Online programs have a different structure than the on-campus programs, so students require a lot more self management and consistency. If you wish to perform well in an online bachelor supply chain, it is advisable that you regularly attend lectures, ask questions, take part in class discussions, and create a practical schedule that you can follow with ease.

Q:What are the main courses and components studied in a bachelor degree supply chain management in university system?

A:A Bachelor degree in supply chain management includes courses in computing, statistics, economics, operations and project management. While the specific curriculum varies from school to school, generally, many institutions encourage their students to do projects involving various software packages used to estimate supply, demand and inventory. Moreover, many institutions would also require their candidates to complete one relevant internship pertaining to their field at least.

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