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Master in Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism is an exciting field. Students who are interested in becoming travel agents or tour operators or those who would like to set up their own travel agency can enroll in a degree program in Travel and Tourism. Students can also become a part of the hospitality industry by earning a degree in this field.
Travel agents basically facilitate travelers by making arrangements for their travel and accommodation. They also do a number of other tasks such as arranging for tours, developing new tourism products and services and more. Regular schools as well as online colleges offer degrees in this field. Professionals already in this field may enroll in an online program to brush up their skills and qualify for more rewarding opportunities.

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Masters in Travel and Tourism
Although certain jobs within the field of travel and tourism do not require a formal degree beyond high school, the better paying jobs certainly require a college education. A master’s degree in Travel and Tourism can be a great option as it can lead you to highly rewarding opportunities within this field. This program spans over 1-2 years and allows students to qualify for a number of exciting jobs.
In this program, you will learn about crisis management, market research and effective conflict resolution. Sustainable tourism management is another course that is gaining much popularity in this program.
Online Programs
Other than regular schools, you can also opt to earn a master in Travel and Tourism degree online. These programs are highly flexible. As they are self paced, you will be able to earn a degree at your own convenience.
Eligibility Requirements 
To enroll in a master’s degree in Travel and Tourism, you must have a bachelor’s degree. Other requirements for admission may vary from one school or another and usually require some work experience in the field.
Career Prospects
There are scores of new job opportunities awaiting students who complete Travel and Tourism degrees. Once students earn a master’s degree in this field they will be able to find senior management level positions in the travel and tourism industry. Career choices are available in various sectors like food and beverage, transportation, adventure tourism as well as organizing events and conferences. 

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