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Associate in Transcription

Transcription services, also known simply as, ‘Transcription’ is a business in which the speech is converted into electronic or written documents of text. This speech may be live or recorded. These services are provided for the legal, business as well as medical purposes. One of the major objectives of transcriptions is to convert the spoken language into a document that can be read, printed and stored.

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Program Details
The Associate in Transcription is a 2 years program, which is structured to provide substantial knowledge to an individual to be able to become a transcriptionist. This course offers expertise in a wide array of vocational areas. There is specific focus on Criminal Trial and Criminal Reporting of the proceedings of the court hearings. There are also dedicated courses in the Associate of Transcription on Medical Transcriptions, which focuses on the recorded voice notes of physicians. Students are highlighted on the methods to handle business proceedings such as seminars and speeches. Other than this there is also an advance level course on dialects and accents, making sure that the students are well prepared to comprehend them and convert them into texts.

Job Outlook
Transcription has one of the fastest growth rates in legitimate jobs in the United States. It is expected that by 2015, around 17 million transcribers will be employed in the US. Some of their hot service areas include law firms, state, local as well as federal government agencies, meeting planners, nonprofit businesses and trade associations.

Online Facility
Most of the Transcription Associate programs are affiliated and accredited by the prestigious American Transcription Association (ATA).  Now you can study the associate degree program over the internet. This provides you the comfort and ease to study the program at home and with your own pace. While you can also opt to sit in virtual classrooms; the best part is that you can download lectures or simply order the DVDs. These online Associate in Transcription degree programs also come with facilities like round the clock help-desk and online counseling sessions.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are transcription associate programs?

A:Transcription associate programs are normally two years long. They are structured to provide sufficient knowledge to students for becoming a transcriptionist. With this program, you will gain expertise in a wide variety of areas. These programs specifically focus on criminal trial and criminal reporting of the proceedings of court hearings.

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