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Schools in Las Vegas

Commonly known as “the entertainment capital of the world”, Las Vegas is located in Nevada. The main economic contributors of the Las Vegas include gambling, entertainment, restaurant and tourism industries. The citizens have access to wide ranging private and public schools in Las Vegas.  The public Schools in Las Vegas are monitored by the Clark County School District and the Nevada System of Higher Education regulates the higher learning Programs in Las Vegas. Various higher universities and colleges in Las Vegas offer on-campus and distance learning courses in areas of medical science, culinary arts, design and technology. 

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Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What areas of specialization are offered in the Masters degrees in Las Vegas?

A:There are a number of areas of specialization offered in the Master's degree programs offered in Las Vegas schools. These programs can be opted online or in the campus based institutes. Here are the names of the few popular ones: healthcare administration, nursing, business administration, criminal justice, law enforcement, political science, paralegal studies, marketing, accounting, and other social sciences and liberal arts specializations.

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