Electrician Schools in Richmond
Richmond is located in California, United States. There are more than 103,701 people who live in this city. You can find several schools and colleges in Richmond that offer a wide variety of certificate, diploma and degree programs in various areas of specializations.
Electrician Schools in Richmond offers certificate and degree programs. Students who want to pursue a career as an electrician or electrical repairer can get into these institutes. Earning degree or certificate in this field enables you to find employment with power companies and construction firms. Students in Electrician Schools in Richmond VA learn to install, maintain and repair electrical systems like heating, air conditioning, lighting etc. They also learn to work with wiring and electrical equipment. Some of the courses you will study in Electrician Schools in Richmond Virginia include:
- Blueprint reading
- Electrical building code
- Fire safety
- Conduit installation
- Grounding
- Wiring
You can also choose an area of specialization to focus your studies. Once you complete training from
Electrician Colleges in Richmond VA you can earn about $16.04 to $25.07 per hour. Students with degree or certificate in this field can work as an electrician, maintenance electrician, electrical repairer or installer.