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Certificate in Theology

Theology programs work towards providing students with the knowledge of religion. Students in these programs get instruction about religious faith and learn about the role religion in society. A number of degree and certificate programs are offered in theology. Graduates can find work opportunities in the education sector. They may also find work in churches. Students who wish to serve others or the ones who are inclined spiritually can pursue a program in theology and get the skills and knowledge to become a teacher, pastor or minister.

Theology Programs

Both traditional and online schools offer degree and certificate programs in theology. You can pursue the undergraduate or graduate programs with focus in personal divinity, biblical studies, ministerial leadership or pastoral counseling. In these programs, you will learn about the methodological approaches to the study of religion. You will also find out about a particular religious tradition.

The coursework in the theology programs may include topics such as issues in American Catholicism, medieval religion and culture and modern religion and culture. You can also opt to focus your degree in a particular tradition.

Certificate in Theology

In addition to the degree programs, the certificate programs are also offered in theology. If you are already working and wish to improve your career prospects, you can work towards a certificate program and earn valuable credentials that can help you in your career. These programs can also be a good option for those who want to switch careers.

Online Programs in Theology

Some distance learning schools also offer programs in theology. Students who cannot attend regular classes can work toward online programs and study remotely. They do not need to attend classes in person and at fixed timings. Instead, online programs allow students to study from the comfort of their home and complete a program at their own pace.

Admissions Requirements

To enroll in a degree or certificate program in theology, you should hold a high school diploma or GED. You may also have to provide letters of recommendations and statement of intent. Other requirements for admissions may vary with type of program or school.

Career Prospects

A degree in theology can help you become a teacher, minister or researcher. If you choose a church-related coourse for your career, you can work as a priest, rabbi, or minister. Graduates with degrees in theology work may find jobs in foreign countries where they can provide education or health assistance to the underprivileged. Compensation is subject to location, experience, qualification and type of job among other factors. According to the Bureau of Labor Statsitics, the median annual wage of postsecondary teachers was $62,050 in 2010. 

Finding a School

Before enrolling in a theology program, it is important to find out the accreditation as well as the general reputation of a school. If you want to pursue a degree or certificate at a regular or an online school, you must work towards an accredited program as these academic programs have the coursework that the present-day employers may favor.

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