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Career in Psychology

Psychology is an attempt to understand the complexities of the human brain. Although it has been part of human history since the beginning, it wasn't until the later part of the twentieth century when it gained mainstream prominence.  Today a thriving industry in its own right, psychology has developed itself as an integral part of the health care system. The recent popularity can be attributed to a change in the general population's mindset which in turn has developed a keen interest in psychology careers amongst students all across the United States. Students interested in this profession can take comfort in the fact that there are a number of jobs with psychology degree available. However, in order to pursue a successful career in psychology, it is important extensively research the industry.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics acts as the fact finding unit for the Department of Labor. According to a recent statistics conducted by the agency, the demand for this profession is going to increase by 20% over the next few years. This demand will have a direct effect on compensations and psychologists are expected to draw well above the minimum wage bracket. Prospective students interested in pursuing a career in psychology will be required to have a master's or a doctoral qualification. These professionals will also be required to possess a license and certification in order to practice. Psychology is without a doubt one of the most fascinating fields of study and students willing to invest can be looking at a professionally satisfying and a lucrative future. 

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