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Schools in Albuquerque

Albuquerque is located in the US state of New Mexico and is known as the 6th fastest growing city in America with an estimated population of 545,852 residents. The city’s economy is essentially driven by the high tech industries and education is a top priority of this city, where the residents can benefit immensely from large public and private universities and Schools in Albuquerque. The Albuquerque Public Schools provide education to more than 87000 children and is considered to be the largest school district in the United States. Typically, the higher education Programs in Albuquerque include nursing, animation, photography, and interior design degrees.

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Q:Schools in Albuquerque offer what programs?

A:Albuquerque is home to many renowned colleges and universities. You can choose a college according to your academic interest and career goals. There are many different majors being offered. These include business, engineering, nursing, arts and humanities, liberal arts, sciences, healthcare, information technology, and more. Most majors can be pursued at associate, bachelor, and masters level.

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