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LPN to RN Programs in Nj

“The Garden State” is the eleventh most populous U.S. state. Some of the key industries in the state include pharmaceutical, agriculture, tourism, printing and publishing. New Jersey offers a number of opportunities for higher education through its many colleges and universities. Students can pursue postsecondary programs in a range of fields including engineering, education, business, information technology and nursing. Those who wish to become a part of the healthcare workforce in the state can work towards the nursing programs. According to The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, from 1990 through 2012, the health care sector has added 180,600 new jobs, while all other private sector employment has had a net increase of 36,300 jobs only.

RN Programs in NJ

New Jersey offers a number of programs for aspiring registered nurses (RNs). RNs work in a variety of healthcare settings including clinics, hospitals and nursing homes where they look after the sick, operate medical equipment and also educate patients about health conditions.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), students who want to become RNs need to complete an associate degree, bachelor’s degree or a diploma in nursing. RNs must also hold a license to practice in New Jersey.

Associate in RN Degree

There are a number of colleges and schools in New Jersey that offer programs for aspiring registered nurses. The associate degree in nursing is an undergraduate program that generally takes 2 years to complete. Offering courses in anatomy, physiology, adult and family health, pharmacology and human development, students in the nursing programs cover a range of topics that provides them with the basic training in the field of nursing.

Diploma in Nursing

Nursing diplomas are also available and generally take 3 years of full-time study to complete. In addition to covering general courses in nursing care, students also gain hands on experience in clinical settings.

Bachelor in Nursing Degree

Students who seek to assume administrative positions in the field of nursing can pursue the bachelor’s degree in nursing. This program can also be suitable for RNs who want to upgrade their profile by gaining in depth knowledge in the field of nursing. Some of the courses in the bachelor’s degree are community health nursing research, and health assessment. Students also cover topics in leadership in nursing as well as healthcare management.

Employment Opportunities for RNs in New Jersey

According to the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the health care sector is projected to add almost 62,000 jobs, and account for over 19% of net job growth in New Jersey from 2010-2020.

The percentage of New Jersey residents aged 65 or over is projected to reach 20% by 2030 (New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development). As the Baby Boomers continue to age, their health care needs will increase the demand for more qualified health care professionals in the state.


The median annual wage for RNs, in New Jersey, in 2013, was $77,360 (BLS).

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