Seven Degrees You Didn't Know You Could Earn Online

What careers come to your mind when you think of an online degree? You may end up recalling the most common online degrees, but to tell you the truth, online education is not that limited anymore. In fact, there are some degrees that you won’t find on-campus but are offered in online schools. If you haven’t yet found a degree of your choice in an on-campus program, have a look at these online degrees below.

Health Informatics

Can’t take out time for a campus based health informatics degree? Good news is that this degree is now offered by many accredited online schools.  You may become a manager, designer, or developer of health information systems after acquiring this online degree. You’ll study courses such as anatomy, healthcare statistics, computer systems, medical terminology, and physiology. You don’t need to put aside a fixed number of hours for your degree each day. You can study at any time and at any place.  You don’t need to buy too many books as most of the content is available online. Other than that, you will save on all the extra costs associated with campus based programs such as travelling, food, and accommodation. The degree will get you the much-needed skills and may open up many job options. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual wage of health information technicians was $34,160 in May 2012.  For the profession, you will need a postsecondary certificate or an associate degree.


Planning on capturing moments and preserving time with your camera? You don’t need to walk to a campus to get skilled in photography. All that you need to learn is now being offered by online photography programs. There’s just one pre-requisite to getting a photography degree online. Yes, that’s your will to make consistent effort. You will study about photography equipment, processes, and techniques. Besides, you’ll get training on photographic design and composition. You can watch your photography tutorials over and over again, you can ask questions from your instructors, and discuss your photography skills. The program will be like any on-campus program, but you’ll have the convenience to learn everything from home. Wondering what you can earn after honing your photography skills? According to BLS, the median hourly wage for photographers was $13.7 in May 2012. Although, not all photographers have photography degrees, but better knowledge and skills will definitely help you earn more money.

Real Estate

Always wanted to be a real estate agent? Here’s your chance to get a real estate degree without having to go to a campus.  Campus based education is not everybody’s choice. Some people simply skip a degree because they can’t afford traditional education. With an online program in real estate, you’ll learn the same things you would learn at a campus.  You can continue your job and have household responsibilities and still earn a degree. Some of the major topics covered in a real estate degree include real estate fundamentals, mortgage financing, and real estate law. You may also study courses such as economics, finance, business administration and law.  Real estate agents do not always need a college degree, but increasing competition now demands more skilled real estate agents and getting a degree will give you better skills and a competitive edge over other applicants. According to BLS, real estate brokers and sales agents earned a median hourly wage of $28.05 in May 2012.

Project Management

Some people are already in the field of project management but not having a project management degree holds them back. They cannot grow in their career and earn salaries that their counterparts with project management degrees earn. If you also feel that you are not using your full potential and making the most out of your job, just because you don’t have a college degree, you can now enroll in an online project management degree. Some major courses that you’ll study in your online project management degree will include cost management, total quality management, contracts and procurement, business systems analysis, and human resources in projects. After earning the degree you’ll acquire many valuable skills such as working with managers to design project parameters, selecting and managing teams, monitoring project performance, and developing solutions. An online degree in the field will give you a dual advantage. Your credentials will become more enhanced and you will also stay current with the new trends in project management. The BLS states that construction project managers earned an annual median salary of $82,790 in May 2012, while the IT project managers earned an annual median salary of $120,950 in May 2012.


Do you often find yourself reading books and articles on food and nutrition? Have you impressed your friends with your knowledge?  If you have often thought about becoming a nutritionist but the thought of campus based education holds you back, it’s about time you had a look at online nutrition degrees. Online degrees will help you become a nutritionist without the hassle of fixed schedules and travelling to campus. A nutrition degree will include courses such as principles of food science, human anatomy and physiology, community nutrition, life cycle nutrition, and advanced nutrition. In order to become a nutritionist, you will at least need a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and some supervised training. The BLS states that nutritionists earned an annual wage of $55,240 in May 2012. You will gain skills to assess the health and nutritional needs of your clients.  Besides, you will be able to counsel patients, develop nutritional plans, and keep up with the latest nutritional science research. An online degree in nutrition can be your first step to a meaningful career as a nutritionist.


Have you always dreamed of using your hands to come up with impressive structures and wood works? If you don’t have time to complete a college degree in carpentry and learn advanced skills to stand out in the field, you may consider enrolling in an online carpentry program. An online carpentry program will cover the basics of carpentry, as well as advanced techniques that may not be known by many carpenters out there. If you are already in the profession, an online degree will give you a chance to update your skills without having to comprise on your job.  You can take online classes in carpentry at any suitable time. Some of the key courses offered in carpentry programs include blue print reading and site preparation, building codes and layouts, framing for floors and walls, lumber, building materials, fasteners, and hand tools and power tools.  Your online carpentry program will often be self paced. After completing the online course and some months of hands-on work, you can look for a job as a carpenter. According to BLS, carpenters earned an annual salary of $39,940 in May 2012.


Did you know that you could become a nurse midwife by getting an online degree in the field? It is true that midwifery is a very hands-on profession but luckily many online nurse midwife programs are available for students who cannot afford to get a campus based degree. However, not all programs are fully online. Most programs have a certain clinical portion that you will need to complete at a nearby facility. There are many degree levels for nurse midwives and almost all of them are available online. Some major courses offered in the nurse midwife programs include advanced physiology, gynecology, research methods, bioethics, and general chemistry. You can complete most of these courses in your free time and without having to go to a medical facility.  According to BLS, the median annual wage of nurse midwives was $96,970 in May 2014.

Many working professionals and people with household responsibilities wonder if they can ever get a college degree. Now, that online education is expanding and offering many different degrees, getting a college degree has become easier than ever. All you need to do is look for accredited programs and select the ones that meet your career needs. There’s no reason to miss out on your college degree when you can complete it online.  Don’t give up on your dream and thrive in your career by enrolling in an online degree of your choice.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840
