How to Raise Brilliant Children According to Science

In today’s competitive world, many people equate being smart as sure shot indicator of success. While the truth of that line of thinking is debatable, it holds true that intelligence is a trait which is coveted and the attainment of it should be encouraged.

This is especially true in the case of parents. You’ll frequently hear stories about expectant mothers making their child listen to Mozart while still in the womb, families enrolling their children in classical musical classes from a young age, seeking admissions to private schools, etc.

This rat race is taken part in by many parents to help groom their kids for success. After all, what parent doesn’t get a kick out of knowing that their child is exceptionally bright? But beyond needing to scratch the selfish personal egotistical itch, parents also have a vested interest in ensuring that their children secure the best opportunities for themselves in life. One of the ways to do that is by doing well in school and building their stores of knowledge. Those are the strokes of brilliance that value is placed on in our modern world.

Here are a few things parents can do in order to raise brilliant children according to science and leading research.

Encourage Reading

Research consistently shows how beneficial reading is for children, especially during their formative years. Encouraging your child to start reading at a young age stimulates their brains to build connections, expand their vocabulary, and increase their store of knowledge. Reading is also an excellent way for children to learn more about the world around them. It also encourages the sharpening of comprehension and grammar.

Instilling a love for reading in your children from a young age is a sure shot way to help them develop a love for learning early on. Reading is considered to be the foundation of all learning and with this habit developed; your child will start learning new things at a rapid pace. It’ll also be easy for them to absorb new information in the future.

You can encourage your child to read by providing them with a wide variety of books, reading alongside them, and showing them that you too enjoy reading.

Celebrate Curiosity

Curiosity is a trait which should be celebrated in children. Young children are brimming with curiosity; they’re so eager to find out what everything around them is, why it is the way it is, etc. This curiosity is not only exciting, it also leads them to learn and discover new things. It is an experience that they’re eager for. This enthusiasm for learning is oftentimes diminished in children as time passes. This can be attributed to the fact that they’ve been reprimanded for their curiosity or it just hasn’t been encouraged.

As parents, one of the best things you can do for your child is keeping that excitement alive. Find what interests them and encourage them to pursue it further. Entertain all of their questions and allow them to explore and discover the world around them.

Look for opportunities to Learn and Grow

Another way to instill a passion for knowledge in your children is to continuously look for opportunities for them to learn and grow. There is knowledge to be found everywhere. For instance, if you’re taking a drive, point to things you see along the way such as electricity polls, wind mills, etc. Identify them to your child and ask your child what he/she thinks that particular thing is used for. These types of activities encourage your child to develop their powers of observation. It also encourages critical thinking.

These activities can begin at an early age; start by pointing things out at home, helping them name fruits and vegetables, different appliances around the house, etc. Research shows that children who have been exposed to these sorts of activities at home with their families are more likely to be engaged in a classroom setting. These children are more eager and willing to participate in class discussions and contribute their opinions when asked by the teacher. 

Praise Progress and Results

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to make your child feel as if they’re making progress in their quest to gain knowledge. When you see that your child has accomplished something or done well in school, praise them profusely. Reinforce that this behavior is incredibly positive and that you’re proud of them for what they’ve achieved. When your child sees this, they’ll be encouraged to keep that work ethic strong and consistent.

Encourage Questioning

This cannot be stressed enough: teach your child to question everything. When you teach children to never accept anything at face value you are in effect encouraging an inquisitive nature. If your child grows up in the habit of questioning things, they’ll see in everything around them an opportunity to learn.

A child who questions things will grow up to be an individual who is hungry for knowledge; hungry to get to the bottom of things. The ‘Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why’ questions are very important. Try your best to answer all of their questions and if you ever get stumped yourself, take your kid on a trip to the local library or search for the information together online. These are great opportunities for both of you to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world.

Raising brilliant, intelligent children is a multi-faceted endeavor. As a parent, your principal aim should never be to churn out a genius; rather, you should encourage your child from a young age to develop a passion for learning and knowledge. Encouraging a set of skills that fosters these ends is far more likely to result in your child becoming a brilliant individual.


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