How Non Techies Can Get A Master Degree in Computer Science

Computer science is a rapidly growing field and therefore job prospects for computer science majors have never been better. With such promising prospects, is it any surprise that there has been a huge surge in interest when it comes to pursuing computer science degrees?

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding the field of computer science is that you somehow have to be a huge ‘techie’ in order to get a degree. Is there any truth to this claim?

The reality is that you don’t necessarily need to be tech obsessed or a ‘techie’ to a get a master’s degree in computer science. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be interested in technology and computers. Some degree of interest in tech is required; the degree of your interest is of little consequence.

What Exactly is a ‘Techie’?

The term ‘techie’ has slowly creeped its way into many conversations but what exactly does the term mean? A techie is defined as someone who is a technical enthusiast or expert. These individuals are typically skilled with technical devices, such as computers, and software.

The word dates back to the mid 1980’s and was used to describe those people who were well-versed in all the latest technologies.

Are you a ‘techie’?

Chances are, if you’re a techie, you’re well aware of it. There won’t be any doubts in your mind about your degree of obsession with all things technical.

Now, what if you’re interested in technology but wouldn’t consider yourself to be obsessed? Do the definitions of techie not cover your interest in the field? If so, that’s perfectly alright!

You don’t need to be obsessed with technology and be up to date on all of the latest developments and trends in the field. You can have an interest in technology but perhaps to a lesser degree.

What is absolutely essential for pursuing a degree in computer science is an interest in technology and computers. The degree of your interest is not a matter of consequence.

Thinking of Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Computer Science?

Let’s get one thing straight, if you’re toying with the idea of pursuing a graduate level degree in the field of computer science, you must have at least a minimum of a passing interest in the field. Otherwise, why on earth would you dedicate the time, money, and resources to obtaining such a qualification?

If you want to pursue a master’s degree in computer science you don’t necessarily have to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science too.

Many top universities take in applicants who come from a diverse range of educational backgrounds. This includes engineering, natural science, and linguistics majors. Your success in getting into the program will depend on a number of different factors.

Not a Techie? Here’s How You Can Get a Computer Science Degree

If you don’t have a background in computer science and you don’t identify as a techie, here are some tips on how you can get yourself a master’s degree in computer science.

Know the Main Trends

The field of computer science is dynamic and constantly changing. There are new developments constantly in the works which have profound effects on the field. In order to enter this field, you need to keep up to date on the major trends.

Subscribe to a few newsletters or publications, and visit various tech websites on a regular basis to stay in the loop.

Enroll in Short Courses

If you have no understanding of computer science you’re going to have a tough time surviving a graduate program in this discipline. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to enroll in a few short courses which could help give you an understanding of the basics of computer science.

Showcase Your Skills

When you apply for a graduate program in computer science, universities want to see what skills you have to offer. Technical skills are obviously required, so you need to find a way to establish that you possess these skills.

That could mean getting some computer science work related experience. Alternatively, you may be able to highlight other skills such as critical thinking. It’s important to understand the skillset that you need and then seek to demonstrate that you possess it.

If you’re not a techie, you can still pursue a career in computer science and get a master’s degree in the field. You do however need to have some interest in technology because honestly, if you don’t, there’s no point in pursuing a career in this field.


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